Chapter 243 Xiao Jingyao is a seductress?

Xiao Jingyao grunted, curled his lips and looked at the little girl and said, "I'm the one kissing you, okay?"

The little milk dumplings didn't care about him, and the little mouth ate the dried fruits and made a sound.

Xu Yan and Min Shenxing snorted at him and followed Xiao Naituanzi, almost as if they would not recognize their relatives.

Xiao Jingyao twitched the corner of his mouth and followed them slowly.

A quarter of an hour later.

Several people arrived near Lin's house.

From a distance, he saw Lin Yu'er quarreling with a girl in a blue gauze floor-length skirt.

Lin Yu'er is full of momentum, but the woman opposite her seems to be no less generous!

"The woman opposite Lin Yu'er is the woman who is pestering me!"

Xiao Jingyao mumbled when he saw the two women not far away.

"I know that woman!" Xu Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "That's Lin Yu'er's cousin, Qu Qingqing!"

"Uncle Xiao Wu guessed right. This Qu Qingqing is not a serious woman. Her mother was once a famous prostitute in Jiangnan."

"I heard that her mother left a few years ago, and then here came Yonglin's aunt who defected to the Lin family."

"These two sisters, no one looks down on the other! There are not many people in Yonglin who don't know about this!"

When Min Shenxing heard this, he rolled his eyes and said in surprise: "Uncle Xiao, don't you have a crush on one of them?"

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, the pores on his body expressed his disgust.

"Master, am I that superficial person?"

"How can it be an ordinary woman who can attract my attention, Xiao Jingyao?"

"That's it?"

“Don’t even give it away for free!”

"Hey!" Xu Yan couldn't help but roll his eyes, "You've been a bachelor for ten thousand years, it's great if someone takes a fancy to you!"

Xiao Jingyao retorted, "Some people are so cooked that they can't even hold them! They still like to laugh at a hundred steps with fifty steps!"

Xu Yan: "..."


Hearing the conversation between the two, Min Shenxing couldn't help but laugh out loud!
Why eat melon elsewhere?

The melons of these two people are quite delicious!

It's pretty good if these two people work together!
"Put away your wretched eyes!"

Just as Min Shenxing was thinking about it, he heard Xiao Jingyao and Xu Yan glare at him in unison and yell in unison.


Min Shenxing couldn't help laughing when he saw this!

"Who's there?"

At this time, Lin Yuer, who was not far away, let out a Hedong lion roar!
Walk towards them slowly!
"Go away!"

Seeing that he was about to be discovered, Xiao Jingyao raised his foot and kicked Min Shenxing on the butt.


Min Shenxing stumbled and fell onto his back!
At the same time, Xiao Nai Tuanzi also took out two invisibility charms, gave one to Xu Yan, and then put one on his forehead.

In the blink of an eye, the little breast dumpling disappeared from sight.

Xiao Jingyao: "???"

Xu Yan bared his teeth at Xiao Jingyao, proudly raised the invisibility talisman in his hand, and then put the talisman on his forehead in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Yan's figure disappeared out of thin air!
Xiao Jingyao was dumbfounded for a moment, what is this?

What about him?

Leave him alone?

"Uncle Xiao Wu!"

Min Shenxing raised his head and looked at Xiao Jingyao with gritted teeth, with a mouthful of grass in his mouth!

If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

Min Shenxing thought bitterly!

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Okay! You're really good at it!"

Xiao Jingyao's lips twitched, and he reached out and gave Min Shenxing a thumbs up!

Immediately, he rolled his eyes and a smirk appeared on his lips!
"Hey, Xiao Shenshen, don't be so anxious? I'll be here soon!" A feminine, charming and charming voice came out of Xiao Jingyao's mouth, which immediately made Min Shenxing shiver and get goosebumps. land!
He opened his mouth and watched blankly as Xiao Shenxing cast a charming look at him, and then walked towards him in a charming and seductive way.

"Xiao Shenshen~"

Xiao Jingyao raised his orchid fingers, slowly squatted down in front of Min Shenxing, and gently touched his handsome face.

Min Shenxing: "..."

"You...what are you doing???" Min Shenxing swallowed subconsciously, his face flushed as red as if he could bleed.

"Do you want to be on top or on bottom?"

Xiao Jingyao blinked and deliberately said in a loud voice!


Xu Yan tightly covered his mouth and endured the shaking of his shoulders.

This fifth master worthy of being a person who has been in windy and snowy places all year round, tsk tsk...

Min Shenxing is no match for him at all!

Look at that foolishness!


The little girl with small breasts glanced at Xu Yan lightly, blinking her big eyes, full of confusion!

Brother Min is so stupid, he was crushed by his fifth uncle!


Suddenly, Qu Qingqing, who was not far away from the opposite side, screamed and pointed at Xiao Jingyao in disbelief, ""

Xiao Jingyao raised his head and frowned fiercely, as if he had just discovered Qu Qingqing. His handsome face was full of dissatisfaction at being disturbed.

"Why are you here?"

Xiao Jingyao stood up and patted his robe, full of displeasure.


Qu Qingqing stammered and couldn't say a word!
She was really shocked!
The man she tried her best to seduce turned out to be... a seductress!
Xiao Jingyao looked calm and pulled Min Shenxing up slowly.

She reached out and grabbed his waist, pressing it against her body!
Min Shenxing: "..."

"Now that you have seen it, I won't hide it anymore!"

"Master, I like men, not women!"

"If you have the ability to grow up a good brother, I won't be able to consider having you!"


Xu Yan covered his mouth tightly, it was really hard to hold it in!

Uncle Xiao Wu, what a shameless person to say!
The little breasted dumpling looked puzzled and lowered his voice and asked softly: "What is a little brother!"

"Can they grow out?"


Hearing this, the smile on Xu Yan's face froze instantly!

"Well... don't ask too many questions, children. Just ask and you will understand naturally when you grow up!" Xu Yan said.

Little milk dumpling: "..."


"If you don't say it, don't say it. I'll ask my mother when I get back!"

Xu Yan's lips twitched and he grinned again.

If he really asked this question, Uncle Xiao would probably be beaten to death!

"Ask, go back and ask your mother! If your mother doesn't tell you, just ask your father. Well... it's better to ask your fourth uncle and grandmother!" Xu Yan gave Xiao Naituanzi a bad smile and encouraged him.

The little girl with small breasts pouted her mouth and looked at Xu Yan faintly.

She thought Brother Xu's smile was a bit scary!

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

When Qu Qingqing heard this, she was so angry that she cried, covered her face and ran away!

Xiao Jingyao sneered, his face full of sarcasm, looking at Qu Qingqing's back, he raised his voice and said: "I can't stand it anymore? I still want to show off my majesty!"

"Didn't you say you like me? It's too cheap for you to like me!"

Everyone: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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