Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 244: Considering how fat you are, you barely pass the test

Chapter 244: Considering how fat you are, you barely pass the test

"Miss Lin, how about it? Don't you like me too? How about... come together?"

Xiao Jingyao said while making a enchanting and sexy movement!
Biting her lip, she hooked her finger at Lin Yu'er!

"Cough cough..."

Seeing him like this, Xu Yan and Xiao Naituanzi almost choked to death!

Min Shenxing, who was standing next to Xiao Jingyao, covered his mouth and couldn't help but squirt!
"Uncle Xiao, don't go too far!"

Min Shenxing lowered his voice and gritted his teeth.

He swore that this was definitely the most shameful thing he had ever done in his life!

"Don't forget that you are Ran Ran's bodyguard, and you also receive a monthly salary of [-] Wen!"

Xiao Jingyao whispered back softly in his ear, his expression and movements were extremely ambiguous.

Those who didn’t know this would have thought that these two people were having sex in front of each other!
When Min Shenxing heard this, he was so angry that he gritted his teeth!
Isn’t it just five hundred pieces of silver per month?
Can he not want it?

His great reputation was ruined before he even got married!

If word spread, his father and his father would beat him to death and drive him out of the house!

I want to cry!
"Don't tell me, Min Shenxing looks like a little girl!" Xu Yan said in a low voice.

The little girl glanced at him and threw a peanut into her mouth.

"Brother Xu, Ran Ran will also complain~"

Xu Yan's expression froze as he was eating the melon, and he quickly made an expression to please and beg for mercy.


At this time, Xiao Jingyao was heard making a strange and delicate cry.

Everyone looked at him!
I saw him lowering his eyes, raising his orchid finger, and said coquettishly and charmingly: "Our little Shen Shen also likes Miss Lin very much! Miss Lin's body is so fleshy that she can sleep like a soft body even if she lies down. Woolen cloth!"

Everyone: "..."

Not to be so humiliating!

When Lin Yu'er opposite heard this, her big fat face turned completely black!
A pair of squinted eyes focused on Xiao Jingyao and Min Shenxing, their fingers squeezing loudly!
Xiao Jingyao seemed not to notice, caressing Min Shenxing's face with his fingers, and said in a feminine and charming tone, "I wonder...if Miss Lin would like to join us? Huh?"

"Young master, I've been in romantic places for a long time, but I've never experienced this before!" "Tsk tsk..."

As Xiao Jingyao spoke, those black eyes unique to the Xiao family swept over Lin Yuer's body as if they were infrared rays!
The expression is mean and vulgar.

"Well... considering how fat you are, you barely pass!"

"But we have to agree in advance. With your tonnage, Miss Lin, you can only stay below!"

"Otherwise, our little Shen Shen's body...can't bear it!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

Can you please leave him alone?It's really disgusting!

Xu Yan: "..."

What does it mean to be invincible if a person is the most humble?

This is!
Small breast dumpling: "???"


It seems that Uncle Fifth likes this big stupid bear very much!Do you want to help him?

"Brother Xu, what do you mean? Are you having fun? Ran Ran wants to play too!"


Xu Yan's expression as if he was watching a show suddenly froze on his face.

"That... Brother Xu doesn't quite understand. Why don't you go back and ask your fourth uncle? Or your grandmother?"

Xu Yansan replied nonchalantly, not forgetting to dig a hole for Xiao Jingyao!

"oh oh!"

The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little face, nodded casually, threw a peanut in the air, and then caught it with her mouth!

Seeing this, Xu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

so far so good!The little girl did not continue to ask!
(End of this chapter)

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