Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 245 If 1 gets off his butt, we 2 will all finish playing!

Chapter 245 If you go down with it, we will both finish it!

At this time, Lin Yu'er raised her foot and kicked a small stone casually, heading towards Xiao Jingyao!

"Depend on!"

Xiao Jingyao's figure flashed, he quickly dodged, and nodded to Lin Yu'er, his expression was mean and unbeatable.

"Ms. Lin, is this a warm-up beforehand? Well... it's fierce and intense, I like it!"

Everyone: "..."

Lin Yu'er gritted her teeth and stepped forward, the fat on her face trembling.

"If you, surnamed Xiao, dare to humiliate me, I will kill you!"

Lin Yu'er roared as she walked.

The roar of the Hedong lion fell, just like a strong wind blowing.

The shock made Min Shenxing's thin little body tremble!
"Miss Lin, be cold...calm down!"

Min Shenxing swallowed, his teeth were chattering, and he looked at her in horror.

"Me and him...he is not that kind..."

"It's not that kind of thing, little Shenshen... you said you would love me forever and never be separated. You can't abandon me!"

"Whoa, whoa..."

Before Min Shen finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xiao Jingyao!

As he spoke, he nimbly avoided Lin Yuer's attack.

Although Lin Yu'er was very strong, her bulky body seemed extremely clumsy.

He swung at Xiao Jingyao several times, but he easily dodged them.

"Come on, come on, hit me on my handsome face! The more aggressive I am, the more excited I will be!"

Xiao Jingyao leaned forward, brought his face close, and patted it with his hand!

Lin Yu'er was completely irritated by Xiao Jingyao's mean look. She took a deep breath and roared at Xiao Jingyao.


A lion's roar sounded, with powerful inner energy!
Xiao Jingyao and Min Shenxing, two little shrimps with no energy, fell to the ground with a thud.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Xu Yan: "..."

"Tsk... It's truly a roaring skill! This powerful power is unmatched by anyone!"

But the small-breasted dumpling had bright eyes, rubbing her little hands and looking at Lin Yu'er with envy.She also wants to learn this skill!

Xiao Jingyao also looked at Lin Yu'er in disbelief!
I didn’t expect that this fat woman’s lion roaring skills were really good!

Lin Yu'er put her hands on her hips, snorted coldly at Xiao Jingyao and Min Shenxing, and looked at them condescendingly.

"I'm with you?"

Lin Yu'er snorted coldly and said angrily: "If you really want to go up there, I'll be the one up there too!"

"Want to play?"

"Why don't I play a big game with you?"

"I just don't know if you can bear it?"

Min Shenxing: "..."

"Uncle Xiao Wu, you seem to have lost your temper?"

Xiao Jingyao was dumbfounded...

Damn it, there are people more shameless than him in this world!
And it's a woman!

Xu Yan almost laughed like crazy when he heard this!

Uncle Xiao Wu met someone who didn't act according to common sense!


He really laughed to death!

Although the little breasted dumpling doesn't quite understand, he is eating the melon seriously!
The little mouth is chattering, and the cheeks are moving, like a little squirrel!

Blinking his big eyes, he complained in disgust: "Uncle Five is so stupid! He deserves it!"

"What? Don't you dare?" Lin Yu'er stared at Xiao Jingyao coldly, her eyes full of contempt and ridicule.

"Uncle Xiao Wu? What should I do?"

Min Shenxing asked in a low voice, his teeth chattering, "She is so heavy, just sit down and let us both finish playing!"

"What else can we do? Run!" Xiao Jingyao said angrily.

When you meet such a shameless person who you can't beat, what else can you do if you don't run away?

With that said, Xiao Jingyao patted his butt and stood up, pretending to be calm and flipping his hair, smiling at Lin Yu'er relaxedly.

(End of this chapter)

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