Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 246 Giving away someone’s head is the stupidest way!

Chapter 246 Giving away someone’s head is the stupidest way!
But the next second, he suddenly pulled Min Shenxing and turned around and ran away.

The speed is as fast as that of a rabbit.

Lin Yu'er: "..."

Xu Yan&Little Boobs Dumpling: "..."

The two of them patted their buttocks and stood up, looking dumbfounded at Xiao Jingyao and Min Shenxing who ran away in an instant.

I really responded to the sentence, "Whatever you can't do, run away No. 1!"

"Bastard, stop!"

Lin Yu'er raised her head to the sky and roared angrily, then she chased Xiao Jingyao and the others with her thick thighs.

"Cough cough!"

Wherever Lin Yu'er passed, dust was flying, which made Xu Yan cough heavily.

"I didn't expect Uncle Xiao Wu to run quite fast!" Xu Yan said.

As he said that, Zhang Qingjun couldn't help but have a hint of doubt on his face, and whispered: "That pace... looks very much like a person, as if he has seen it somewhere before!"

"Who?" Xiaonuituanzi raised his head and looked at him doubtfully.

Xu Yan thought about it carefully, then shook his head, "Forgot!"

The little girl puffed up her breasts and walked forward on her short legs, "Keep eating melon!"


Min Shenxing was almost dragged away by Xiao Jingyao. Before he could run far, he was exhausted.

"I can't, I can't! I can't run anymore!" Min Shenxing panted.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao looked at Min Shenxing with disgust, "How did you grow so big with such a small body?"

Min Shenxing: "..."

"There is an abandoned yard over there, go in and hide!" Xiao Jingyao glanced at the side with his black and white eyes and pointed to an abandoned house.

Without waiting for Min Shenxing to speak, he put him directly on his shoulder and strode towards the house.

As he walked, he kept mumbling: "If it weren't for the tacit understanding between us just now, I wouldn't care about you!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

Originally, he could just eat melon and watch the show quietly, okay?

I don’t know who tricked me into this!
He is still a pure, weak and beautiful boy!
If word of this spreads, which girl will dare to marry him in the future?Do they still want the incense from the old Min family?
Xiao Jingyao didn't care so much and carried him into the broken house.


As soon as he entered this broken house, Xiao Jingyao immediately noticed something was wrong. His face with a playful smile turned serious instantly, and his steps into the house were subconsciously lighter, with a tentative tone.

"What... what's wrong?"

Min Shenxing stood beside Xiao Jingyao, swallowing subconsciously, and his heart could not help but beat loudly.

"There are organs here!"

Xiao Jingyao had a serious face and said in a deep voice.

Min Shenxing's heart trembled.


His eyes moved around subconsciously.

No matter how he looked, he didn't see any mechanism here.

Not only that, there were a lot of weeds growing in the yard of this broken house, there were a lot of spider webs on the eaves, and even the ground was covered with a thick layer of dust.

Ghosts wouldn't come to a place like this, right?
Who would set up some mechanism here when they are full and have nothing to do?
"Uncle Xiao Wu? Are you mistaken?"

Min Shenxing asked cautiously.

Xiao Jingyao was silent for a while, but suddenly stood on the spot, his eyes constantly scanning the courtyard. After stopping in several places for a few moments, he suddenly turned his head and grinned at Min Shenxing, pointing to a bush not far away. Weed said: "Can you stand over and try?"


Min Shenxing shrank his neck, with some hesitation on his face.

"What? Don't you dare?" Xiao Jingyao raised his eyes and stared at him, "Didn't you say that I saw it wrong?"

Min Shenxing: "..."

"Hehe~, how can that be possible! Uncle Xiao Wu, you have dazzling eyes and are extremely smart, how could you get it wrong?" Min Shenxing chuckled.

It's a joke, you want to trick him?no way!

"A manly man, is it really okay to be so cowardly?" Xiao Jingyao said disgustedly.

"You're not afraid, why didn't you run away just now?" Min Shenxing nodded and snorted coldly.

"whispering sound!"

Xiao Jingyao rolled his eyes and said matter-of-factly: "I call those who understand current affairs a hero, do you understand?"

"Giving away heads is a stupid way to go!"

"Special circumstances special treatment!"

"Where there is life, there is hope!"

"If you can't beat me, how long will it take if you don't run away? I'm not a masochist!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

It seems to make sense!
That's the way it's a bit hard to accept!
"You really don't want to go?"

At this time, Xiao Jingyao asked again.

"You have to go, I won't go!" Min Shenxing said.

Regardless of whether there is a mechanism or not, standing here is the safest!
What's more, Lin Yu'er behind him didn't come looking for her.

"Don't regret it?" Xiao Jingyao looked at him.

Min Shenxing shook his head like a rattle, "I won't go, I won't go!"

"Okay, if you don't go, I'll go!"

After Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, he jumped to the edge of the grass over there in a few steps, and at the same time, several short arrows were shot out from the wall.

Min Shenxing was startled, his pupils suddenly widened, and he forgot all his reactions for a moment.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Seeing that a short arrow was about to hit Min Shenxing, Xiao Jingyao hurriedly took out a copper plate and threw it towards the arrow.

"call out!"


The copper plate knocked down the arrow and fell to the ground with a "dang" sound. The copper plate was also split into two.

Xiao Jingyao stood in the safe area, looking at Min Shenxing with a mournful face and shouting, "Xiao Shenshen, you have to pay me the copper! That was given to me by my ancestor of the Xiao family when I was one year old. It is very precious and valuable. Thousands of gold!”

After Min Shenxing came to his senses, he quickly jumped to Xiao Jingyao's side, and when he heard his words, his head was full of black lines.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Didn't you tell me that this is the betrothal gift you will give to your wife in the future?"

I really want to make money anytime and anywhere!

Seeing the arrows being shot from all directions, Min Shenxing was shocked, dodging the flying arrows while complaining in his heart.

But he soon discovered that as long as he stood on the grass and remained motionless, the arrows would not be able to hit him.

Call ~
Min Shenxing breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though he discovered this, he still didn't dare to joke with his life, and held Xiao Jingpeiyao's clothes tightly with both hands.


At this moment, the door of the broken house that they had just opened was kicked open from the outside with a bang!
The two of them were startled and looked toward the door.

"why you?"

"How are you?"

Three voices sounded almost simultaneously.


Suddenly, an arrow quickly shot towards the door. Xiao Jingyao exclaimed and rushed towards the door as quickly as possible without thinking.


Li Qingqiu, who was standing at the door and had not recovered yet, was suddenly thrown to the ground. The two of them hit the door with a loud "dong" sound.


At this time, Xiao Jingyao above suddenly made a muffled sound, with a look of extreme pain on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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