Chapter 248: This kid... was born to defeat him, right?

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, his black and white eyes suddenly burst out with bright light, and he did not notice the changes in Li Qingqiu at all.

Seeing this, Li Qingqiu felt an inexplicable feeling of sullenness in his heart.

At this moment, Xiao Jingyao asked with a playful smile: "Miss Li, do you need a guard? The kind with a monthly salary of 10 taels?"

Everyone: "..."

Li Qingqiu's jade-white face suddenly darkened, and he said coldly: "No need!"

Xiao Jingyao smacked his lips, his face full of regret.


Such a rich man really wants to hang her on his belt and never leave her!

However, 2 taels... his efforts to save people were not in vain!

"Then, do you want to pay these 2 taels in cash, or...?"

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Xu Yan's mouth couldn't help twitching, and Li Qingqiu's face became even darker.

"No, 2 taels! We have [-] taels!"

Li Qingqiu's face was calm, but his tone was angry. He took out two thousand taels of silver notes from his arms and threw them at Xiao Jingyao.

Xiao Jingyao was not angry at all, he smiled, and reached out to take the two banknotes, but Xiao Naituanzi took them in his hands quickly, and then quickly put them into his Qiankun bag.

Xiao Jingyao's hands froze and he looked up at the little breast dumplings.

The little breasted dumpling grinned, her big eyes were bright, and two deep little pear dimples appeared at the corners of her mouth, soft and cute.

"The detoxification pill I just gave to my fifth uncle cost 20 taels of silver each! Since you are the fifth uncle, just take 2 taels. Bandaging and medical treatment are all free of charge~"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

He hadn't even touched the corner of the banknote, and it was gone?

Still discounted?
Free bandaging and consultation?
It’s so generous!
This kid... was born to defeat him, right?
Every time I get the money, it’s just gone!

He is so heartbroken!
"Um... can you spit out the medicine you just took?" Xiao Jingyao asked pitifully and weakly.


Xu Yan and Li Qingqiu both couldn't help laughing.

Xu Yan looked at Xiao Jingyao with some gloating: You deserve it!

The depression in Li Qingqiu's heart suddenly disappeared!If he had known she would have given him 10 taels, and let him watch the money slip away, which made him heartbroken!
"Uncle Xiao Wu, I think you should stop thinking about it! The medicine melts in your mouth, and your poison has been cured now!" Xu Yan said.

"No solution!"

"Ouch, I'm dizzy!"

"Oh, I feel so uncomfortable, I'm going to die!"


Xiao Jingyao was lying on the ground, beating the ground with one hand and shouting, "This medicine doesn't work at all!"

"You pay me back the money!"

Everyone: "..."

The little breast dumpling puffed up the little breasts on her face, and her chubby little fingers touched Xiao Jingyao's body, and his voice stopped abruptly!

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Uncle Xiao Wu, be content! There are many people vying for Ran Ran's 20 taels of silver elixir!"

Xiao Jingyao curled his lips and glared at Xu Yan angrily.

When he doesn't know?

Isn't he just trying to trick one into you?

Thinking that he had eaten 20 taels of silver in one go, his heart bleeds with pain.

"Hey, have you forgotten me? Take care of me!" At this time, Min Shenxing shouted in the broken house.

Xu Yan stood at the door and took a look, with an expression of helplessness.


He was really lucky. So many arrows were shot out, but they couldn't hit where he was standing!

The little girl clapped her hands and stood up. Her big eyes moved around the room, and then she picked up a few small stones on the ground.

"Shh, shh, shh!"

The four pebbles in his hand were shot in four directions: southeast, northwest and northwest.

The pebbles accurately landed on several inconspicuous locations, but in an instant, the mechanism stopped!
"Huh~" Min Shenxing patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ran Ran is still awesome!"

Min Shenxing praised Xiaonuituanzi while coming towards him, but...


Min Shenxing had just taken a few steps, but unexpectedly, he suddenly missed a step and fell into a trap.

After a scream, there was no sound.

Everyone at the door: "..."

Xu Yan hurriedly ran over, walked to the trap, lay on the ground and looked inside.

But it was so pitch black inside that you couldn't see anything at all.

"Min Shenxing?"

"Min Shenxing? Can you hear me?"


Under the trap, Min Shenxing replied painfully.

After hearing his response, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Yan said: "Just wait, I will find a rope to pull you up!"

After saying that, Xu Yan stood up and patted the dirt on his body.

As soon as he turned around, he saw three people at the door looking at him intently.

Xu Yan: "???"

Xiao Jingyao glanced at him, crossed his arms and looked at Li Qingqiu beside him, "Why are you here?"

"I saw a few people carrying a big thing, packed in a cloth bag, it looked like a person! So I followed him!" Li Qingqiu said.

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he frowned, his eyes wandered around the broken house, and he said seriously: "This place is extraordinary!"

As soon as he said these words, he saw Xiaonuituanzi walking towards the trap on his short legs.

As soon as he reached the mouth of the trap, Xiaonuituanzi jumped in without saying a word.


At this time, Min Shenxing's cry of pain came from the trap again.

"Little girl? Little girl?"

When Xiao Jingyao saw this, a flash of worry appeared on his face, and he shouted several times at the dark trap mouth.

"Ran Ran, are you okay?" Li Qingqiu asked.

"She's fine, it's me who's in trouble!" Min Shenxing replied aggrievedly, followed by another ouch.

Hearing this, Li Qingqiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Jingyao replied, "As long as you are the one in trouble!"

Xu Yan said: "As long as everything is fine, little girl! As a man, don't howl like a ghost!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

After all, he paid by mistake!
They are all heartless guys!

Especially Xu Yan, after eating what he bought, he said so!Doesn’t this conscience hurt?

In the trap, Xiao Nai Tuanzi took out a talisman, and with a swish sound, the talisman ignited a bunch of flames.

Suddenly, the entire trap lit up.

" this a secret passage?"

Looking at the surrounding environment, Min Shenxing suddenly widened his eyes and stammered.

At the same time, the desire to take risks and explore in his heart became active again.

Xiao Naituanzi looked serious. Hearing Min Shenxing's words, he replied, "There is a lot of resentment here and there are evil spirits!"

Hearing this, Min Shenxing trembled.

My heart is trembling!

"Then... let's get out quickly!"

Although he had been hanging out with Xiao Naituanzi during this period and had seen what a real ghost looked like, but... he was still afraid!

(End of this chapter)

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