Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 249: Is it really okay for a grown man to be so timid?

Chapter 249 Is it really okay for a grown man to be so timid?
The little girl glanced at him, curled her mouth, and said crisply: "You're already here, I definitely want to go in and have a look!"

With such heavy grievances, she can accumulate many, many merits!

Min Shenxing swallowed his saliva and looked at the secret passage that led to an unknown place. He acted like a gentleman who would risk his life for the sake of it. His voice trembled and his calves trembled as he said, "Then let's go in and take a look!"

After saying that, Min Shenxing shouted a few words above.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qingqiu and Xu Yan jumped down!
Just when Xiao Jingyao was about to jump down, a Hedong lion's roar suddenly came to his ears, "Xiao, get out of here!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Still thought this Hedong lion was lost?Unexpectedly, I was caught up!

"You guys go on an adventure first, and I'll sacrifice myself to lure away the Hedong lion!"

Xiao Jingyao shouted at the secret passage and left in a hurry.

Before leaving, don't forget to close the door of the broken house.

After Xu Yan and Li Qingqiu went down the secret passage, they couldn't help but be shocked when they saw the dark entrance of the secret passage!
"I have lived in Yonglin for seven years, and I have come to this area often. I never knew that there were such secret passages and mechanisms hidden in this shabby house." Xu Yan said.

Min Shenxing held his butt that hurt from the fall and groaned, "Don't say you didn't know after living for seven years, I didn't know after living for 17 years!"

While the two were talking, they saw Li Qingqiu holding Xiao Naituanzi's hand, and the two of them walked towards the secret passage.

Seeing this, Xu Yan hurriedly took out a fire stick and blew it on fire with a "hoo" sound.

Min Shenxing hurriedly grabbed Xu Yan's sleeves and crouched to keep up with Xiao Naituanzi and Li Qingqiu.

At this moment, it is both tense and exciting.

Both looking forward to and a little scared.

The road ahead is like a mystery, waiting for them to reveal it.

Min Shenxing, a timid and exciting person, had a very restless heart and kept jumping around.

Although Xu Yan was a little nervous, looking at the sleeves that Min Shenxing was holding nervously, his face was full of disgust.

Is it really okay for a grown man to be so timid?

However, Xu Yan didn't say much if he disliked it.

Because in the secret passage, the speed of a few people is not very fast.

After walking for almost half an hour, several forks suddenly appeared ahead.

"So many roads? Which one to take?" Min Shenxing asked in confusion.

He has difficulty choosing, and it takes a long time to choose one of the two, let alone the four options in front of him now!

Xu Yan took a photo of the fire folding bag on the ground and said, "There are no traces on the ground. It seems that no one has been here!"

Li Qingqiu lowered his head and looked at the little breast dumpling, "What do you think of Ran Ran?"

Since Xiao Naituanzi knows that there are such things as resentful spirits in this secret passage, he must be able to identify the location.

After hearing Li Qingqiu's question, Xu Yan and Min Shenxing both focused on Xiao Naituanzi.

Xiao Naituanzi took out the compass and the money sword from his Qiankun bag in a leisurely manner. He touched the compass lightly with his little hand, and the pointer on the compass started to rotate.

Within a few seconds, the compass needle stopped and pointed to the far left road.

Then she looked at Xu Yan and Min Shenxing, and said with a serious look on her face: "The road on the far left is the most resentful, and the road on the second right is the safest. Which one do you choose to take?"

Xu Yan didn't think much and said as a matter of course: "Of course we will go wherever you go!"

"No...that's right!" Min Shenxing swallowed, squeezing his neck and echoed: "I'm your bodyguard, so naturally I'll be where you are!"

Li Qingqiu nodded slightly, "Although Ranran, you are more powerful than the rest of us put together, you are still a child after all. We cannot let you take risks alone. Since we came in together, we must go out together." That’s it!”

The little girl grinned, then took out the yellow paper, the bold pen and cinnabar and placed them on the ground casually.

Then she was seen holding her breath and drawing dozens of talisman seals in one breath.After collecting the pen, he distributed these talismans and seals to the three people.

"What kind of talismans are these? How to use them?" Min Shenxing asked doubtfully.

"By posting this on your face, you can see clearly some things that you normally can't see!"

"Everyone else is here to save their lives. If they are attacked, just throw this talisman at them~"

Xiaotuanzi explained in a milky voice.

As soon as Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, Xu Yan and Li Qingqiu immediately put the talisman on their foreheads.

Min Shenxing was a little hesitant.

He has used this thing before, and it can indeed see ghosts, but...

But the ghost raised by Ran Ran was nothing but a ghost.

This thing about resentful spirits...

It shouldn't be a good thing, right?
What if he doesn't want to see it?
Seeing how cowardly he was, Xu Yan couldn't help but raise her foot and kick him on the butt, "Where did the courage go when I walked into that place where ghosts gathered alone in the middle of the night?"

Min Shenxing scratched his head in embarrassment and said sarcastically: "Isn't that frightening to the core?"

Min Shenxing felt extremely regretful when he mentioned this matter.

If the little breast dumpling hadn't happened to appear, he might have turned into a fool!

Li Qingqiu glanced at him, and generously divided the talismans in his hand between several pieces for him, "Take it!"


Min Shenxing was not polite at all. He hung up his neck and took the talisman in a timid manner.

Xu Yan: "..."

"Miss Li, you can use mine!" Xu Yan handed several more talismans to Li Qingqiu.

How can a man let a woman take risks?
"No need!" Li Qingqiu shook his head, "I know martial arts. If you can't beat him, I can also hide!"

Hearing this, Xiaotai Tuanzi bared his teeth and smiled, saying: "Ran Ran will protect Sister Qingqiu~"

Li Qingqiu smiled and rubbed the little breast dumpling's head, "Ranran, just protect yourself!"

At this time, the money sword in Xiao Nai Tuanzi's hand suddenly shook.

Xiaonuituanzi blinked his big eyes and raised his money sword.

Suddenly a black figure appeared in front of several people.

The black shadow twisted his neck, smiled at Xiaonuituanzi and said: "There is so much resentment here, which is a great help to me!"

The little girl nodded her head and said, "We'll see what uncle does later~"


The black shadow nodded slightly.

Xu Yan and Li Qingqiu were shocked when they saw a ghost for the first time.

Seeing the official robes worn by Heiying, they all frowned in unison!
Xu Yan: "This person looks so familiar!"

Li Qingqiu: " look familiar. Could it be Zhou Zhongren, Master Zhou?"

Zhou Zhongren had worked for Jiang Lin before, and had a good relationship with his grandfather and father, and would often visit her home.

Although she is not very old, her memory is not bad!
The black figure in front of me looks a little blurry,'s somewhat similar to the one in my memory!
Coupled with the official robe he was wearing, she couldn't help but feel a little more certain!

(End of this chapter)

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