Chapter 250 He is just a piece of rat shit!

"That's right! It's Lord Zhou Zhongrenzhou!"

When Xu Yan heard Li Qingqiu's words, he also hurriedly agreed.

He said that this man looked so familiar. When he went to the capital for a post many years ago, he was injured and even went to see his grandfather for medical treatment.

He has been with the old man since he was a child, so he naturally has some impressions of the legendary Master Zhou.

But later, I heard that Mr. Zhou died in a very strange way.

His grandfather once lamented that this good man will not live long!
"Zhou Zhongren?"

Heiying couldn't help but tremble when he heard the name, and he suddenly remembered something.

"I... think that's the name!"

Min said: "That must be it, otherwise how could you be so familiar with Xiao House?"


The black shadow nodded slightly, but he didn't care.

Now he is just a lonely soul, and it doesn't seem that important whether he thinks about it or not!

"Uncle Zhou, can you remember how you died?" At this time, Li Qingqiu asked.

If we could learn something from the people involved in the unsolved cases back then, we might be able to investigate some things clearly.

Zhou Zhongren shook his head, "I remember some bits and pieces, but not in detail."

Hearing this, Li Qingqiu didn't ask any more questions.

"It doesn't matter. If you can't remember it, you can't remember it. Ranran will always take care of uncle!" the little breast dumpling said softly and waxy.

Zhou Zhongren smiled lightly and wanted to reach out and rub Xiaonuituanzi's head, but he was unable to do anything. "Let's go in and take a look!"

With that said, Zhou Zhongren took the lead and walked into the dark corridor.

Min Shenxing hurriedly followed him, discussing as he walked: "Brother, for the sake of holding an umbrella for you twice, you have to protect me!"

Zhou Zhongren: "..."

Everyone: "..."


Zhou Zhongren agreed.

The time when Min Shenxing was born happened to be the yin year, yin month, yin day, and yin time, which attracted the favor of those little ghosts. It would be good to use him as bait to catch the little ghosts!
Min Shenxing, who was being used as bait: "..."

Several people plus Zhou Zhongren's ghost figure, you continue walking inside.

Along the way, a black mist will appear from time to time, which is the legendary resentment.

Zhou Zhongren walked at the front and put away all the fog with a single wave of his big hand.

Min Shenxing and Xu Yan behind him were amazed.

The further inside they went, the more and more black resentment attacked them.

Zhou Zhongren was a little overwhelmed.

Xiao Nai Tuanzi had a serious expression and reminded him in a sweet voice, "Put the talisman on your body and your resentment will not come close~"

After saying that, Xiao Naituanzi raised the money sword in his hand, which was already a little restless, into the air, made a hand gesture, and waved his little hand towards it, "Go!"

Qian Jian seemed to be able to understand Xiao Nai Tuanzi's words, and he flew towards the surging resentments with great excitement.

Wherever the money sword passes, the resentment disappears without a trace.

"It stinks!"

Xu Yan suddenly twisted his nose and said disgustedly.

The further inside, the overwhelming smell of corpses hit me.

Li Qingqiu and others also pinched their noses.

"No, we can't go any further in!" Min Shenxing said in disgust, "If we continue walking, we won't be killed by some resentful spirit. We will be killed by this unpleasant smell first! "

Xu Yan and Li Qingqiu couldn't help but listen to the footsteps, and both looked at Xiao Naituanzi.

The little girl pinched her little nose and rolled her eyes in a circle. Then she took out a few gold needles and waved to Min Shenxing, telling him to squat down.

Min Shenxing had no doubt that he was there and squatted down in front of Xiao Naituanzi.Xiaonuituanzi took the golden needle and slowly pierced it into the Tianling point on Min Shenxing's head.

However, after a short while, Min Shenxing could no longer smell the unpleasant smell. He looked at the little breast dumpling with bright eyes, and then gave her a thumbs up.

Xu Yan looked at Xiaonuituanzi and couldn't help but smile and said, "You have weakened his sense of smell and made him temporarily useless!"


The little girl nodded.

"Master said, you can't do things half way. You're already here, how can you go back like this?" Xiao Naituanzi said softly: "We can't let a piece of mouse droppings ruin a pot of soup! "

And she hasn’t accumulated any merit yet!
Min Shenxing: "..."

To be honest, in the little girl's heart, he is just a piece of rat shit!

Xu Yan suppressed his laughter and nodded in agreement, "That's right, you can't give up halfway!"

After Xiao Naituanzi gave acupuncture to several people, he drew a talisman seal for himself and pasted it on his forehead.

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

After walking for another incense stick, a whining sound suddenly came from my ears, like crying.

Xiao Naituanzi felt a chill in her heart and reminded: "It's the voice of a resentful spirit. Cover your ears!"

Several people hurriedly covered their ears.

Min Shenxing clung to Xu Yan's side, his whole body trembling.

Xu Yan: "..."

Can't you be a little manly?


At this time, a sharp and unpleasant voice like a witch resounded throughout the secret passage.

"Damnable humans... I want you to die! I want you to die!"

"Give my life back, pay my life back!"


"Ugh... don't rip out my heart, don't rip out my liver!"

"Child, don't hurt my child!"

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

The further inside, more and more sounds started to sound in the secret passage.

One sound after another, one sentence after another, just like a string of magic sounds, kept coming towards them.

"Ah! It hurts so much!"

At this time, Min Shenxing held his head and cried out in pain, his face gradually turned pale, and there were even large beads of sweat on his forehead.

Seeing this, Xiao Naituanzi hurriedly put a talisman on his forehead, then raised the money sword in his hand and scattered one hundred and eight money coins.

The coins quickly formed a circle around them in the air, shrouding them in golden light.

"Are you OK?"

Xu Yan and Li Qingqiu hurriedly helped Min Shenxing up from the ground.

Min Shenxing gasped for air and shook his head slightly, "No, it's okay!"

He didn't know what was going on, but those sounds suddenly penetrated into his ears, causing him bone-piercing pain.

He obviously covered his ears tightly!
Why did Xu Yan and Li Qingqiu have nothing to do, but he had something to do?
Xiaotai Tuanzi seemed to know what he was thinking, and said softly, "Brother Min was born with a lot of yin energy, his system is yin, and he was born weak, so the grievances of the resentful spirits are more likely to hurt you!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

That's it!

"Stay within this circle of light and don't go out!"

Xiao Naituanzi winked at a few people and then drew a few talisman seals in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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