Chapter 251
"Uncle, hide first!"

Xiao Naituanzi shouted at Zhou Zhongren who was dealing with these resentful spirits.

"it is good."

Zhou Zhongren responded, and immediately his figure turned into a black mist and quickly hid in a corner.

"go with!"

Xiao Naituanzi gave a soft drink, and the talisman in front of him immediately started spinning rapidly in the air.


As the golden light in the talisman became more and more powerful, the scope of the illumination turned out to be larger, and many resentful spirits huddled on the ground and shivered.

"We were wrong! Please let us go!"

"Please let us go!"

"Let us out, let us out!"


One resentful spirit after another kept wailing and begging for mercy.

The little breasted dumpling closed her eyes slightly, and her short legs drew a five-element Bagua diagram on the ground, and then a string of incantations that no one could understand continued to overflow from her little mouth.

A full stick of incense time passed.

Within the formation enveloped by the talisman, the black mist gradually dissipated.

And the resentful spirits shrouded in black mist gradually became transparent, and their ghost-like appearance gradually emerged.

Those wailing sounds and begging for mercy gradually became quieter.


The compass in Xiao Naituanzi's hand moved, the pointer rotated rapidly, and with a slight movement of his right hand, the coins quickly gathered into a long sword.

The surrounding black mist was absorbed by the Qianjian one by one, following the sound of Little Milk Dumpling's soft drink.

Zhou Zhongren walked out from the surrounding area, looking at the sword in Xiao Naituanzi's hand with bright eyes, and then his figure flashed into the sword.

The resentful spirits in the secret passage who had just been purified of their grievances couldn't help but feel a little envious when they saw Zhou Zhongren, who was also a ghost, entering the money sword.

"Why are you here?"

Xiao Naituanzi put away her sword and looked at these resentful spirits and asked.

One of the little girls in white clothes stood up and cried, "We died so miserably!" "Yes!"

Hearing this, the other ghosts couldn't help but agree.

Perhaps these resentful spirits saw that Xiaonuituanzi would not really hurt them, so one by one, you and I told each other what happened.

It turns out that they were all people who were killed and then had their hearts and livers ripped out.

After death, their souls were inexplicably imprisoned in this secret passage.

Because they died unjustly and could not reincarnate, let alone escape, they developed great resentment and gradually turned into resentful spirits.

Every once in a while, Taoist priests will enter this secret passage and capture some resentful spirits.

Most of these people were ordinary people when they were still alive, and some were sold slaves.

After hearing what these ghosts said, everyone's faces could not help but darken.

Looking at the appearance of these resentful spirits, they are at least a few years old!

In other words, those people behind the scenes who were poaching people's hearts and livers were planning something a few years ago!

"Do you know what the person who killed you looks like?" Xu Yan asked in a deep voice.

"It's a Taoist priest!"

One of the kid said boldly.

Naturally, they knew they were Taoist priests, and they also knew they were Qingxuan and Qingfeng.

It’s just that these people are other people’s thugs at first glance!

As for the mastermind behind this, a detailed investigation is needed!
Then Xu Yan and others asked some questions, but these ghosts didn't know anything about them!

All we know is that after their hearts and livers were ripped out, their bodies were dumped in a secret underground tunnel and buried!
I also know that these people will kill one person every five days!
After knowing this, several people looked bad!
Min Shenxing clenched his fists and said, "These people are too crazy!"

"If you want me to know who the person behind this is, my Min family's escort team will have to dissect his body and dig out his bones to satisfy his hatred!"

When Xu Yan heard this, he glanced at him, reached out and patted his shoulder, "We made a mistake today!"

"It's a good thing to know where they dumped the body!"

As soon as Xu Yan finished speaking, a kid said: "Today is the fifth day!"

(End of this chapter)

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