Chapter 253 Meeting an Acquaintance Again!

The four of them continued to move forward. After walking for a while, they suddenly heard a voice.


The little girl with bright eyes stretched out her fat middle finger and put it on the corner of her lips to make a "shh" gesture.

Xu Yan also subconsciously stopped and exchanged glances with Li Qingqiu and Min Shenxing behind him.

"Hey, when are you going to do it? It's almost time!"

"Control is tight now, and it's not easy to catch people! Just wait a little longer!"

"Wait any longer? We can wait, but can Taoist Nanhuai wait? If we miss the opportunity, not only us but also our families will suffer!"

"Hey, do you think this elixir of immortality can really be refined?"

"Who knows? Even if it can be refined, it is impossible for us little people to eat the elixir of immortality."



Hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi snorted coldly, pouted his lips and said: "You have done such a derogatory thing and still want to live forever! Don't even think about it!"

"Well...let me go, let me go! Who are you?"

At this moment, a familiar voice came into the ears of several people.

Xu Yan's body suddenly stiffened and his pupils suddenly dilated.


"Little girl, I didn't expect you to wake up so soon!"

"I'm telling you, once you enter the door here, don't even think about getting out again!"

"Be obedient and offer your heart and liver! Hahaha..."

An old Taoist priest laughed and said, his attitude and behavior were extremely arrogant.

"You heartless devils, you are going to die a good death! Now Magistrate Xiao is investigating this matter and will catch you soon. None of you can escape! Bah, scum!"


As the female voice fell, a heavy slap fell on her face. At the same time, the Taoist priest's demonic voice sounded again, "Press her down and then take out her heart and liver first! "

"Yes!" The subordinates responded in unison.


Hearing this, Xu Yan couldn't hold it in any longer and scolded him!
The woman who was arrested was Yu Pingting.

He never expected that seeing her again after a few days would be in such a scene.

At this time, although he could not see what was going on over there through the wall, Xu Yan couldn't hold his breath just by hearing what was going on over there.

She can't do anything!
Nothing will happen!
He still had many things to ask her and tell her!
The most important thing is that she has never seen the clothes he is wearing!

Yu Pingting, who was separated by a wall, was stunned when she heard Xu Yan's voice!
"Who? Who's there?"

"Grow it up for me!"

The Taoist priest's face was condensed, and he slowly approached Xiao Naituanzi and the others.

"I am your uncle!"

Suddenly, Min Shenxing replied.

Everyone turned back to look at Min Shenxing.

Min Shenxing raised his neck, then lowered his voice and said: "This corridor is sealed, they can't see us!"

Everyone: "..."

Just because others can't defeat you, can you do whatever you want?
Xu Yan was a little anxious. The Taoist priests over there couldn't touch them, but they couldn't see clearly what was going on over there!
I don’t know how that woman is doing now!


"Get out of here!"

The Taoist priest over there was obviously irritated by Min Shenxing and gritted his teeth.

"Stinky Taoist priest, come and arrest me if you can!"

"Hey!" "I just like the way you feel like you want to kill me and want to find me but you can't do anything!"


"Stinky Taoist priest, I have filled the secret passage with kerosene. You bastards who have lost their conscience are just waiting to be smoked into charcoal!"

The more Min Shenxing talked, the more proud he became, and the more he talked, the more excited he became.

At the same time, Xu Yan had already placed the small breast dumplings on the ground, and then quickly searched the surrounding corridors to see if there were any mechanisms or the like.

The little girl puffed up her face, quickly took out an invisibility charm and handed it to Min Shenxing, saying: "Brother Min, you are the weakest, stay away!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

In fact, you don’t need to say those three words in the middle!
Although Min Shenxing was reluctant to admit that he was weak, he still obediently put the invisibility charm on his forehead and quickly disappeared in front of them.

"Brother Xu, there's no need to look for it, there's no trap! Look at me!"

The little breasted dumpling said, and her chubby little hands gestured for them to stay away.

After they stood far away, they saw Xiaonuituanzi holding his breath and concentrating, with his palm facing upward, gradually condensing an inner energy in his palm.


As she struck out with her palm, the corridor could not help but tremble.

A wall directly in front collapsed with a "bang".

"Cough cough!"

"Cough cough!"

Dust was flying and everyone coughed.

The Taoist priest who was standing by the wall before was unable to defend himself and was pressed to the ground by the wall. He spat out a mouthful of blood with a pop.

"Ming...Ming is a long way away!"

The little minions reacted and rushed forward to help the disgraced and seriously injured Taoist priest.

" it you?"

At this time, another Taoist priest saw Xiaonuituanzi, his pupils suddenly widened, his body subconsciously shrank back, and he swallowed!

"Old guy, is that you?"

The little girl clapped her little hands and walked over majestically with her little head held high, her big eyes rolling around the old Taoist priest's body.

"Huh? My thunder talisman has been defused?"

That's right, the old Taoist priest in front of him is the old Taoist priest Xiaonaituanzi met when he came down the mountain on the first day, who was trying to steal Xiao Jingxuan's luck, named Xuanzhen.

" know each other?"

Taoist priest Ming looked at Taoist priest Xuanzhen and asked doubtfully.

"She...she...she is the little thing who put the thunder talisman on my body!" Taoist priest Xuanzhen said with gritted teeth.

Thinking of the feeling of being struck by lightning not long ago, Xuanzhen felt resentful and afraid of Xiaotai Dumpling.

"That's her?" Ming Yi was surprised!

"That's right!" Xuanzhen nodded.


Taoist Ming snorted coldly, patted the dust on his body, and said in a cold voice: "You're here just in time, let Pindao test how much you can do!"

As Na Mingyi spoke, he dropped the dust in his hand and took the lead in reciting the curse.

The little girl held her chin with her small hand, blinked at Na Mingyi with her big innocent eyes, and curled her little mouth.

This old guy is worse than that old guy!

"Brother Xu, Sister Qingqiu, leave those people to you! Leave these two old guys to me!"

Xiao Naituanzi said something, the money sword in his hand suddenly appeared, and his little body jumped up and went towards Xuanzhen and Mingyi.

Seeing this, Xu Yan and Li Qingqiu hurriedly stepped forward to deal with the minions in the secret room.

(End of this chapter)

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