Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 254 The young master is far away and right in front of you!

Chapter 254 The young master is far away and right in front of you!

Most of these little minions have the skills of a three-legged cat.

Although Xu Yan's martial arts is not high, he can still knock someone down with two moves.

Li Qingqiu struck with one sword after another, showing no mercy in his attacks.

In just a short time, Xu Yan broke out of the encirclement of those people and came to Yu Pingting's side.

"How are you? Are you okay?"

Xu Yan stretched out his hand and pulled off the piece of cloth that had just been stuffed into her mouth. His words contained concerns and worries that he didn't even realize.

The moment Yu Pingting heard Xu Yan's voice, her eyes turned red. Now when she heard his concerned and worried words, the tears she had been holding back fell silently.

Seeing that she didn't reply and just shed tears, Xu Yan couldn't help but become more worried.

"Don't be afraid!"

Facing Yu Pingting like this, Xu Yan didn't know what to say. He just said two words coldly, then stretched out one of his big hands to clasp the back of her head, and let her head rest on it. The position of his waist and abdomen.

His hand also subconsciously caressed the back of her head gently.

A moment at a time, it was as if he was soothing a kitten whose fur had exploded.

Yu Pingting paused slightly, an inexplicable emotion surged into her heart, and her nose became even more sore.

After crying for a while, Yu Pingting sniffed and took a deep breath to calm down all her emotions.

"Please help me untie my hands and feet first!" Yu Pingting said.

Xu Yan was slightly stunned, and slowly pushed Yu Pingting away, with a hint of embarrassment on his face, and even his ears turned red.

But looking at Yu Pinting, who just felt aggrieved like a little kitten, but after a while she returned to her usual calmness and composure, I felt a little disappointed and a little bit distressed for no reason.

He couldn't help but wonder, what kind of woman is this?
Quickly untying the ropes on Yu Pingting's hands and feet, looking at the deep purple marks on the snow-white skin from being strangled, Xu Yan's eyes flickered, and he was about to say something, but saw Yu Pingting quickly He tore off the rope from his body and walked towards the others who were also tied up.

These few people were tied up like Yu Pingting, but they were not as lucky as Yu Pingting. They were knocked unconscious at this time and looked like they were dead.

"Wake up, wake up!"

Yu Pingting kept shouting and shaking these people.

Xu Yan shook his head helplessly, took out the silver needle from his sleeve, and applied it to them one by one.

These people had taken a lot of medicine, and it took them a while to slowly wake up.

this compartment.

The two Taoist priests Ming Yi and Xuan Zhen joined forces to deal with Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Xiao Nai Tuanzi and fought fiercely.

One after another, the talisman seals that look like big seal scripts or small seal scripts emit golden light in mid-air and envelope the entire secret room. The three of them each occupy a corner, forming a triangular position. Although there is no contact at all, the golden light is constantly flashing. But it makes people dazzled and overwhelmed.

The face of the small-breasted dumpling was more serious than ever before, and the movements of her hands were so fast that people couldn't see clearly.

The two Taoist priests opposite had beads of sweat on their foreheads, their faces were serious, and they gritted their teeth.

Obviously, they are no match for Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

As for Li Qingqiu.

Her martial arts skills are not weak, and the dozen or so people in the secret room combined are no match for her.

In just a short time, she tapped the acupuncture points of these people and placed the sword on their necks.


At this time, Taoist Master Xuanzhen couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of bright red blood, fell to the ground with a "bang", and fainted.

Ming Daochang: "???"

what happened?

Before he could understand what was going on, a powerful force swept towards him. "Little one, I didn't expect your skills to improve again!" Ming Yi gritted his teeth and resisted desperately.

The little girl curled her lips, with a relaxed look on her face, and looked at Mingdao with disgust: "Old man, do you think everyone is like you, so stupid?"


Ming Yi choked, his face looked ugly, and he said coldly: "Don't be proud, I admit that I am not as good as you! But our master, Taoist Master Nanhuai, is very powerful, and you are definitely no match for him!"


Xiao Naituanzi snorted, "If he can teach a disciple like you, your master must not be a good person!"

"Ran Ran, what nonsense are you talking to him about? It's up to me!"

At this moment, Min Shenxing's voice suddenly came over, and at the same time, a smelly shoe flew past, and hit Na Ming Yiyi Chang on the back of the head with a "dang" sound!

Ming Daochang couldn't defeat Xiao Naituanzi, he was just struggling to the death, but now he was hit by Min Shenxing's sudden blow, and his true energy was suddenly released, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

"Hey, so weak! Not even as good as one of our Ran Ran's fingers!" Min Shenxing said displeased.

Ming Daochang: "..."

"Who are you? Come out!"

Ming Yiyi gritted his teeth and his turbid old eyes widened.

"Master, I'm far away in the horizon, but right in front of you! If you have the ability, catch me!" Min Shenxing said proudly and arrogantly.

Anyway, he has an invisibility charm now, so this stinky old man can't see him!
He can do whatever he wants!
Why are you so happy?
Xu Yan's mouth twitched when he heard Min Shenxing's words that he deserved to be beaten.

"Hmph! Don't think I can't catch you!"

Mingyi's cloudy old eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly took out a black box from his pocket.

The moment the black box was opened, an unconcealable stench hit and immediately filled the entire secret room.

"No, it's the evil god's clone!"

The little breasted dumpling exclaimed and quickly took action again!

The money sword quickly spread out, arranged in the form of Yin Yang, Five Elements and Bagua, and wrapped Ming Yilong in it.

Ming muttered words, and a black mist quickly filled the air.

The battle between the golden light and the black mist is comparable.

Due to excessive consumption of the small breast dumpling, the rosy little face gradually became pale bit by bit.

Seeing this, Min Shenxing yelled hurriedly, "Xu Yan, what are you still doing? Help!"

As he spoke, he took off his other shoe and threw it towards Ming Yi.


The shoe hit the black box in Mingyi's hand.

The lid of the black box closed with a snap.

And in just such a moment, the golden light gradually absorbed the black mist with overwhelming victory.

At the same time, Ming Yi used the last bit of black mist to raise his hand, and a powerful force went straight towards Min Shenxing.

"Min Shenxing, run quickly!"

"Brother Min, be careful!"

The voices of Xu Yan and Xiao Naituanzi rang at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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