Chapter 257 Who is Ran Ran’s daughter?

Afterwards, Xiao Jingxuan asked Wu Tong and Lu Qing to lead the Yamen people to search the secret passage carefully.

After two consecutive days of searching, a lot of bones and remains were found in the secret room.

Some looked like they had been dead for several years, while others had just begun to decay and even had maggots on them, while a few new corpses looked like they had only been dead for a few days.

All these intact corpses have one thing in common: they lack heart and liver.

These corpses were carried out one by one from the secret passage.

As soon as the mountains of corpses came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the entire Yonglin City, and the people of Yonglin were all excited for a while.

Xiao Jingxuan had all the bones buried, and specially invited some gentlemen to recite sutras for salvation.

The remaining intact bodies were also claimed.

Many people are guarding the gate of the county government office. I hope that you, Xiao Jingxuan, can give an explanation to the people of Yonglin.

Xiao Jingxuan was also very worried about this matter.

Even during festivals like the Dragon Boat Festival, the Xiao family couldn't sit down and have a good meal together.

At the same time, what bothered the Xiao family was the green jade pendant that Xiao Jingyao took from Xiao Naituanzi.

Mrs. Xiao looked at the jade pendant, her eyes were red and swollen, her whole expression was sluggish, and she was in a daze, which made both Jin Ling and Wang Wanqing anxious.

"Mom, just go and have a good rest! You haven't slept for a long time, what should you do if you continue like this?" Wang Wanqing advised.

"Yes, mother!" Jin Ling also said comfortingly: "When Ranran wakes up, everything will be revealed! If you are exhausted, Ranran will be heartbroken by then!"


Mrs. Xiao shook her head stubbornly. She would not feel at ease if she could not get a definite answer!

"Don't try to persuade any of you. I'll be waiting here for Ranran. When she wakes up, I'll ask her what's going on with this jade pendant!"


At this moment, Xiao Jingyao slammed the table, stood up and said loudly: "Mom, sister-in-law, sister-in-law three, I have decided that I want to return to the capital!"

Jin Ling: "..."

Wang Wanqing: "..."

"What are you doing back in the capital?" Mrs. Xiao frowned and looked at Xiao Jingyao.

"Dig the grave!"

Xiao Jingyao said two words seriously and solemnly.

"You don't need to go!"

At this moment, Xiao Jingzhe walked in with a cane and replied with a calm expression.

Now, his legs have almost recovered. He is standing in front of Xiao Jingyao with a cane, and his deep eyes are like a cold pool, making people unable to see the bottom.

He was one centimeter taller than Xiao Jingyao. Just standing there, there was a coldness all over his body, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Xiao Jingyao pursed his lower lip slightly and looked at Xiao Jingzhe in confusion.

Xiao Jingzhe walked in and sat down on the edge calmly, "I sent people back to Beijing the day before yesterday, and I took care of the grave digging!"

Everyone: "..."

"Originally, I planned to talk about this matter after the result was obtained, but if I didn't say it, I'm afraid Lao Wu would go back secretly! Now the capital is not good for anyone in the Xiao family, and I can never let the Xiao family fall into a passive position. Land!" Upon hearing this, Xiao Jingyao touched his nose with a little guilt.

Fourth brother really understands him.

That's right, he is a person who wants to know the bottom of things even if he breaks a casserole. She will never give up until the matter is clarified!

He had been struggling with the matter of digging the grave for a day, but he didn't expect the fourth child to be so decisive!

"Fourth, what do you think?" Mrs. Xiao's eyes were red, and she started to cry when she spoke, and the emotions in her heart quickly poured out.

"The good result is that Ning'er is not dead and Ranran is her daughter! There was something fishy about what happened back then, or maybe it was a trap set up by some people."

"Bad result, Ning... Ning'er is dead, but... her tomb was destroyed! It was stolen, and the jade pendant that belonged to her... accidentally fell on Ran Ran's body!"

Although Xiao Jingzhe said this, everyone could tell from his tone that he preferred the first option.


If Ran Ran is really Xiao Ning's daughter, what about Xiao Ning?
Whose daughter is Ran Ran her daughter?
"Lao Wu, mother is asking you again seriously, is Ranran really not your daughter?" Mrs. Xiao asked in a deep voice, her face looking serious.

"Oh, my dear mother! I said no, it's really not the case! Although your son and I are a bit romantic, I am by no means a sentimental person, let alone someone who can fall in love with anyone. Back then, My son has explained that matter many times, that woman wanted to plot against me, but I didn’t even lay a finger on her!"

Xiao Jingyao felt powerless when he talked about this matter.

Hey...why doesn't anyone believe him?
He is still a maternal child, okay?
He explained it many times to no avail, causing the little girl to think that he didn't recognize her and was always against him!
He had long suspected that she was Ning'er's daughter, but there was no evidence.

Until the jade pendant that belonged to Ning'er was taken out from Xiao Naituanzi's pocket...

That piece of jade pendant was a burial object that their brothers had placed there with their own hands. It was impossible for it to appear on Xiao Nai Tuanzi's body for no reason.

But why did Ning'er fake her death back then?

Could it be that Ye Zhengyong arranged it deliberately?
Ran Ran is Ye Zhengyong’s daughter?
Not only Xiao Jingyao thought so, but the entire Xiao family was also speculating. Everyone was in a state of confusion and confusion!
"Could it be that bitch Ye Zhengyong who hid Ning'er?"

Suddenly, Jin Ling said coldly.

"The possibility is very small!" Xiao Jingzhe said.

"Judging from Ye Zhengyong's method of trying to kill the Xiao family but not having enough ability, if Ning'er was really in his hands and he knew that we felt sorry for Ning'er, he would have used her to threaten us!"

"Rather than in the hands of Ye Zhengyong, I believe that this matter was set up by Ning'er herself."

Xiao Ning was lost since childhood and grew up in a farmhouse as Ye Zhengyong's child bride. Although she has little knowledge, she is not stupid either.

She knew very well that Ye Zhengyong was targeting the Xiao family.

She faked her death and disappeared in the capital because she didn't want to implicate them. She didn't want to become a stepping stone for the Xiao family, let alone the handle Ye Zhengyong held to threaten the Xiao family.

It's just...if she fakes her death!
What happened to Ran Ran?

Where is she now?

Jin Ling looked at Mrs. Xiao worriedly, and comforted her in a soft tone: "Mom, if it's like what the fourth child said, mother should be happy!"

"Ran Ran was raised by masters since she was a child! Even if you want to ask, you probably won't be able to ask anything!"

"That's right!" Wang Wanqing also nodded, "Although Ranran is smart, she is still a child! She hasn't taken out the jade pendant for so long, maybe she doesn't even know what it is!"

"Why don't you, mother, wait a little longer until the people sent by the fourth child come back from the capital?"

(End of this chapter)

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