Chapter 258 Who is her biological father?
Mrs. Xiao was persuaded by everyone, and finally nodded helplessly and returned to the room.

After Jin Ling sent her back to her room, she thoughtfully lit a piece of soothing incense beside her.

Seeing Mrs. Xiao holding Xiao Ning's green jade pendant tightly on her chest, Jin Ling sighed slightly.

Xiao Ning is the heart-hinder of Mrs. Xiao and several brothers of the Xiao family. If she is really still alive, how wonderful would it be if Ran Ran is really her daughter?


Jin Ling pursed her lips, gently stepped forward and covered Mrs. Xiao with a quilt, and then walked out slowly.

The moment the door was closed, Mrs. Xiao opened her eyes again.

A pair of slightly dirty old eyes turned red again.

This time, Xiaonuituanzi didn't sleep long, and she woke up on the afternoon of the third day.

The main thing is to wake up from hunger.

When she opened her eyes, what she faced was Xiao Xiaoqi's young and white face.

"Sister, are you awake!?"

Xiao Xiaoqi's dark eyes suddenly shone brightly when they met Xiao Naituanzi's sleepy eyes, and he almost jumped up with excitement.

"Well...I'm so hungry!"

The little girl pouted her little mouth, lying on the bed like a caterpillar and not wanting to get up. Her voice was also aggrieved, and the little girl's voice sounded extremely pitiful.

"I'm going to the kitchen to get food for my sister! Sister, please wait~"

Xiao Xiaoqi stood up hurriedly, and after speaking, he hurried out of the door like a little cannonball.

As soon as he left the courtyard of Xiao Nai Tuanzi, he asked his servants to report to Mrs. Xiao and Wang Wanqing, while he ran to the kitchen.

After a while, several people came to Xiao Nai Tuanzi's yard.

Seeing the little breast dumpling eating big mouthfuls of food, Mrs. Xiao's eyes were full of love and gentleness, and she stared at her for a moment.

It's so similar!
She looks exactly like Ning'er when she was little.

Wang Wanqing sat next to her, with a smile on her lips, full of tenderness.

The gazes between the two of them were so intense that it was difficult for Little Tits Dumpling not to notice.

"Brother Xiao Qi, what's going on with grandma and third aunt? Why are you staring at me?" Xiao Naituanzi whispered in Xiao Xiaoqi's ear and asked.

Xiao Xiaoqi turned to look at Mrs. Xiao and Wang Wanqing, and whispered back: "Grandma has been waiting for you to wake up. It seems that she wants to ask you something!"

"oh oh!"

The little girl nodded her head, opened her mouth and took a big bite of the chicken leg. She looked at Mrs. Xiao's little face and said vaguely: "Grandma, what do you want to ask?"

Mrs. Xiao wanted to wait until she finished eating before speaking, but when she asked, she couldn't help it anymore and couldn't wait to take out the jade pendant in her hand.

"Ran Ran, is this jade pendant yours?"

The little breasted dumpling took one look, frowned his pretty little brows, and pursed his lips without saying anything for a while.

When Mrs. Xiao saw that she didn't speak, she suddenly became anxious, "Ran Ran, think about it carefully!"

"Mom, don't worry!"

Wang Wanqing patted Mrs. Xiao's shoulder gently and said softly.


The little girl tilted her head and thought about it carefully, and then said after a while: "Master seems to have said that he put this on me when he picked me up!"


Upon hearing this answer, Mrs. Xiao and Wang Wanqing looked at each other, excitement flashing on their faces.

Although I had already determined this answer in my heart, I still couldn't control my emotions when I heard Xiao Naituanzi say it himself.

"Child... Wuwuwu... Grandma's good granddaughter! It's all because of Grandma's fault that she leaves you living outside, Wuwuwu..." Mrs. Xiao stepped forward and hugged Xiaotuanzi's small body. She fell into his arms, hugging her tightly, and her voice became crying.

The little girl looked confused. She blinked her big innocent eyes and looked at Mrs. Xiao and then at Wang Wanqing. Finally, she looked at Xiao Xiaoqi with pleading eyes.


Grandma held her so tightly that she could hardly breathe!
Xiao Xiaoqi received the call for help from Little Nipple Tuanzi and hurriedly tugged Mrs. Xiao's hand. She raised her little head and pouted her little mouth and said dissatisfiedly: "Grandma, grandma, why do you only hug my sister and not me?" ? Do you not like Xiao Qi and only like your sister? "

Mrs. Xiao was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

One hand let go of the little breast dumpling, and instead hugged Xiao Xiaoqi, saying kindly and lovingly: "How could it be? You are all the treasures in grandma's heart, you all love me, you all love me!"


Hearing this, Xiao Xiaoqi smiled innocently, buried her little head in Mrs. Xiao's arms, and winked at Xiao Naituanzi.

The little girl winked at him and stuck out her tongue.

Wang Wanqing saw the little actions of these two children in her eyes and couldn't help but shake her head and laugh.

"Mom, Ranran is not full yet, let her eat first!"

"Good, good, good!"

Mrs. Xiao let them go with a smile, and then sat down next to Xiao Nai Dumpling. She would get whatever Xiao Nai Dumpling wanted to eat.

The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little face and looked at Mrs. Xiao in confusion.

"Grandma, what happened to you today?"

Mrs. Xiao rubbed her little head and said, "Grandma knows a happy event, so she is very happy!"

"oh oh!"

The little breast dumpling nodded in agreement, then reached out and took out a big meat bun, nibbling on it and asked, "What happy event does grandma have? Can you tell Ran Ran?"

Mrs. Xiao smiled, her eyes full of kindness and gentleness.

"The joy in my grandmother's heart is Ranran!"


The little breasted dumpling was full of confusion, and her little face was full of confusion.

Mrs. Xiao placed the jade pendant in front of Ran Ran and said, "This jade pendant belongs to your mother. Ran Ran's mother is the daughter of her grandmother. Ran Ran should keep it well!"


Is her biological mother the daughter of her grandmother?

Hmm...then...then dad...should she call her uncle?
Isn't fifth uncle her biological father?
Is it the fifth uncle?


It turns out that it’s not that he doesn’t want to recognize her as his daughter, but that she really isn’t her biological daughter?
In this case, she can consider being a little more generous to him in the future!
At most, it’s just a little bit generous!
But...but who is her biological father?
Where is my mother?

So distressed!
So complicated!

While thinking about it, Xiao Tuanzi's plump little face wrinkled up like a ball.

"Yes, your mother! The mother who gave birth to you! Your mother's name is Xiao Ning!"

Xiao Ning?

This name is so familiar!

The little girl tilted her head and thought carefully, and suddenly remembered that when she saw her father for the first time, he recognized her as Xiao Ning!
So she is Xiao Ning’s daughter?

"Then where did my mother go?" the little breast dumpling asked softly.

(End of this chapter)

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