Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 263 Why are you still adding drama to yourself without permission?

Chapter 263 Why are you still adding drama to yourself without permission?
"Master Xiao Wu, this is what you said. Don't regret it if you lose later!" Someone laughed.

"Bullshit!" Xiao Jingyao glanced disdainfully at the noble young master who spoke, "Young Master always admits defeat when gambling, and never defaults on your debt!? Bet, keep gambling!"

"That's right! My uncle is the county magistrate! He is the head of our Xiao family. Are you still afraid that we can't afford to lose?" Xiao Jinghan also agreed.

On the second floor, the steward of the casino touched his mustache at the corner of his mouth, his eyes deepened, and he immediately winked at the boy next to him.

The boy understood and nodded slightly.

Soon, the gambling started again.

One after another, Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan seemed to be possessed by bad luck again, losing whatever they bet!
The mood of the people continued to rise.

Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan seemed to be furious, angry and annoyed, sad but unwilling to admit defeat!

In less than half an hour, there were only a few dozen taels of silver left out of more than 1 taels.

The small-breasted dumpling sat leisurely on the edge and watched, licking the melon seeds as if nothing had happened.

When there were only ten taels of silver left, the little breast dumpling patted his butt and stood on the stool, looking at Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan with disgust, "I'll do it!"

The little girl is soft and cute, with two little chirps on her hair, her voice is also soft when she speaks, and her fierce-looking look while standing on the stool makes people laugh.

When they heard her words "I'll come", everyone paused for a few seconds.

Immediately afterwards, there was another burst of "hahaha" laughter.

"Go, go, why are you, a little kid, betting?" Xiao Jingyao's tone sounded lecturing, but in fact, he was filled with joy.

Hehe ~
After waiting for so long, the little girl finally took action!

The white money, come to my bowl quickly!
"Master Xiao Wu, this is your fault. Since you have brought the children, what's wrong with letting her take a gamble?"

"That's it! Mr. Xiao Wu, didn't you just say that this little girl is your magic weapon to make money, a little fortune-teller? Why not let her try?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Let her try!"

Everyone started to boo.

"This..." It was difficult for Xiao Jingyao to do what he did.

"Fifth Uncle, why don't you let Ran Ran try?" Xiao Jinghan cooperated and said, "Anyway, there are only ten taels of silver left, so it's not a bad idea to let Ran Ran take a gamble. Maybe he will win?"

"Don't worry, as long as you don't tell me, I won't tell! Uncle and aunt won't know that we brought Ran Ran here to gamble!"

"If something happens, I'll take care of my nephew!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but laugh and joked: "Hahaha... It turns out that Mr. Xiao Wu is afraid of being taught a lesson by the county magistrate!"

"Fuck you! I'm not afraid of anything, young master. Am I afraid of him?" Xiao Jingyao was very unconvinced when he heard this. He looked at the people in the gambling house with contempt and said, "Young master, I'm afraid of me." This niece is so strong and so lucky! You will lose so much that you will lose your pants!"


When everyone heard this, they all made disdainful sounds at the same time.

It's just a little baby, no matter how lucky it is, how much better can it be?
"You don't believe it?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Xiao Jingyao continued: "Don't believe it, my little niece is so lucky! She has never lost a bet or anything!"

"I was also afraid that you would lose, so I stopped her for your own good!"

"whispering sound!"

Everyone shook their heads in disbelief.

Even a master who has been in gambling houses all year round will make mistakes sometimes, let alone a little kid who doesn't understand anything.

Is this bet the same as a bet?

"Uncle Fifth, get out of the way! Don't block my way of making money!"

The little girl pouted and pushed Xiao Jingyao away in disgust. She leaned down on the gaming table with her chubby little body, reached out and took the last ten taels of silver and pulled it into her hand.

Her little hands were not as big as the silver ingot, and she almost couldn't hold it and it fell out, so she could only hold it with her two small hands.

The little man straightened his body, holding a silver ingot in his small hands. His chubby little face was pink and tender, and he really looked like a little fortune-seeking boy.

The phrase "Don't block my way to make money" can't help but make people laugh.

Xiao Jingyao took a small step back and shrugged at everyone, "Okay, I'll let you do it!"

The innocent and clear eyes of Xiaotai Tuanzi swept over everyone's faces, and then landed on the boy who was shaking the dice. He grinned and said in a sweet voice: "Uncle, shake it!" The boy was stunned for a moment, and then It shook.



The sound of clattering resounded in the dice pillar, and many people held their breath and listened intently to the sounds inside.

After a while, there was a "pop" sound, and the dice pillar was slapped on the table.

"Come on, come on, it's settled. Is it big or small? Place your bet here!" the boy said loudly.


"Small bet!"

Xiao Jingyao said loudly.


Xiao Naituanzi nodded and threw the silver ingot in his hand to the side with small characters.

Seeing this, everyone else laughed, and then got off the pillar without hesitation.

"Hey, hey, hey...what do you mean! Do you look down on our fortune-seeking boy?" Xiao Jingyao looked at those people with a dissatisfied look on his face.


Hearing this, everyone laughed.

Did they not believe him?

What do uncle and nephew bet on? What do they lose?
As long as you bet differently from them, you will definitely win!
"Uncles and uncles, please don't laugh so loudly, otherwise you may get angry accidentally!" Xiaotuanzi reminded her with a milky voice.

Everyone: "..."

"Come on, come on, come on, open it!" someone urged.

"big big big!"

The gamblers all stared at the dice placed on the table by the young man and shouted.

"Small, small, small!"

Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan did not show any weakness and shouted excitedly.

"Five, six, seven! Big!"

As soon as the dice stick in the little boy's hand opened, everyone jumped up excitedly with a "crash".

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Did you agree to start the comeback this round?


"Master Xiao Wu, it seems that the boy who attracts wealth in your family does not attract wealth!"

"No, no, no! The money-lucky boy's luck can't hold you back, Mr. Xiao Wu, hahaha..."

Everyone who won the money couldn't help laughing.

The corner of Xiao Jingyao's mouth twitched, and he looked at the little breast dumpling with some suspicion.


Suddenly, the little girl puckered her mouth, cried out "Wow", and punched and kicked Xiao Jingyao with her little fists.

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault!"

"It's all your fault that I lost!"


Xiao Jingyao: "???"

Didn't they discuss this in advance?
Why is the little girl adding drama to herself without permission! ?

(End of this chapter)

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