Chapter 264 1000 taels, all-in small!

"Ran Ran, don't cry! Isn't it just ten taels of silver? If you lose, you lose!" Xiao Jinghan persuaded softly.

Seeing the little breast dumpling cry, he felt heartbroken.

Others couldn't help but feel a little distressed when they saw the little breast dumpling crying.

The soft and glutinous little breast dumplings were crying so hard that they looked pitiful.

"Little girl, stop crying! Isn't it just ten taels of silver? Uncle, give it to you!" One of the rough men directly handed her a silver ingot.

In the past few days, he came to gamble a few times after work every day.

The silver he won back from Xiao Jingyao's uncle and nephew was several hundred taels, and ten taels of silver was not too much.


The little girl looked at the rough man in front of her, stopped howling, blinked her big eyes, and turned into a smile.

"Thank you, uncle!"

"Uncle is a good person. Good people will be rewarded!"

The little girl didn't reach out to take the money, but replied softly.

The next moment, she sniffed, turned to look at Xiao Jingyao, wiped tears from her hands, and asked: "Fifth uncle, do you still want to gamble?"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

What do you mean?
Can you say something in advance?

When the money is gone, ask him if he wants to gamble anymore?
" money!" Xiao Jingyao said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a sound of laughter coming from upstairs.

"Master Xiao Wu, you are an old acquaintance of ours here, and we also know your details! Our Tiandi Gambling House is a place that values ​​favors, so we can lend you some money first!"


Xiao Jingyao looked up and saw Manager Cheng from Tiandi Casino standing in the corridor on the second floor, touching his mustache at the corner of his mouth and looking at them with a smile.

Xiao Jingyao's eyes darkened, but there was a smile on his face. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "How much can you borrow? Fifty thousand? One hundred thousand?"

After coming to this Tiandi Gambling House for such a long time, Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan had already found out clearly that the manager of this gambling house was Cheng Xun's cronies.

These days, he rarely appears in gambling houses, but whenever he does, he makes people stare at them.

At the beginning, people were secretly tricked into cheating.

Later, after discovering his "good" luck in losing every bet, he stopped engaging in these little tricks.

When Manager Cheng heard this, he smiled and said: "If Mr. Xiao Wu needs it, 10 taels!"


Many people couldn't help but take a breath when they heard this.

10 million taels?
Gee, this is not a small amount of money!
The people who come here are a mixed bag, and most of them are small gamblers. Anyone who can borrow ten taels or 20 taels from a gambling house is a big sum!
This is the first time I’ve seen someone asking for 10 taels!

What does Tiandi Casino want to do by doing this?
Seeing that Xiao Jingyao always loses every bet, so he wants to make a profit from it?

When Xiao Jingyao heard such a number, he couldn't help but be stunned.

What does Manager Cheng, or rather the Cheng family, want to do?
10 million taels?
How generous!
Xiao Jingyao calmly lowered his eyes and said with a smile: "I don't know that I can borrow so much money with such a small status!"

"It's better than..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Xiao Naituanzi's little hand reaching into his lapel, and then took out a 1000 tael banknote from inside.

Xiao Jingyao's words stopped abruptly, and he looked at the little breast dumpling in disbelief, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

He had sewn up the banknote, but it was still discovered? ? ?
The money that was finally hidden was taken away by the little girl again!

"Fifth Uncle, didn't you mean that you..." Xiao Jinghan stared at the banknote with questioning eyes.

I ask him to borrow money every day, but I still complain about his poverty!
I didn’t expect that there was money secretly hidden on my body!
Now he finally understood what his aunt said back then!

I would rather believe that a sow can climb a tree than believe Uncle Five’s lies!

Xiao Jingyao coughed slightly uncomfortably, then looked at Manager Cheng and said loudly: "Thank you very much, Manager Cheng, for your kindness. Young Master, I have a lot of money on me. I don't need to borrow it!"

"1000 taels is enough for us to make a comeback!"

"Come on, come on, come on, keep going!" Hearing this, Manager Cheng smiled, but remained silent. He just inadvertently winked at a boy below.

"Little girl, this is my last money!" Xiao Jingyao almost gritted his teeth and said.

"Well... I know!"

The little girl nodded, and then slapped the 1000 taels of silver on the table proudly.

The sound of "pop" is very impressive!
"1000 taels, all in! Xiao!"

A firm little voice came out of her mouth, making everyone look in disbelief.

Children are indeed children. They treat the banknotes as paper and gambling as playing house!

"Ran Ran!"

Xiao Jingyao was so frightened that his heart trembled, and he subconsciously called out.

This prodigal little girl!

It really is……

I don’t know, take it easy!
Is it easy for him to save so much money?
"Do not worry!"

The little girl patted him on the shoulder and gave him a reassuring look.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Put it on, play it as you like!"

Xiao Jingyao broke the jar and dropped it!There is a posture of "I don't care!"

On the contrary, the people on the side started to persuade me one by one.

"Little girl, for the sake of you being a child, how about we make you regret it once?"

"Yeah, do you know how much 1000 taels of silver is? How many things can you buy?"

"This is a bank note, not an ordinary piece of paper! Think carefully before placing your order!"


Listening to the persuasion of these people, Xiao Naituanzi grinned, casually took out a wad of banknotes from his pocket, and said with a smile: "Uncles, don't worry, I have these things." There are many, many!”

Everyone: "..."

Looking at the large pile of banknotes worth at least 5 taels, everyone shut their mouths.

It turns out they are the clowns!

Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan looked at each other: This little girl is going to do something big!

Xiao Jingyao looked at Manager Cheng and the few boys in the Tiandi Gambling House calmly.


These people’s eyes couldn’t help but light up!

"Hahaha... keep on, keep on!" Xiao Jingyao laughed awkwardly.

"Yes! Come on, come on, let's continue!" someone on the side echoed.

"Uncles, follow Ranran and escort the kid!" Xiaotai Tuanzi looked at everyone with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing. Only the rough guy who had just handed over ten taels of silver to Xiao Nai Tuanzi gave Xiao Nai Tuanzi a meaningful look, and then without thinking, he took the ten taels in his hand. The money was placed on top of Xiaonai Tuanzi's thousand-tael silver note.

"Hey, I'll follow you!"

The rough man showed a silly smile towards the little breast dumpling.

Everyone else: "..."

"Wang Erhu, you are crazy! If you follow them, you will definitely lose!"

"That's right! I won some money, and it's so exciting!"

"Just don't cry if you lose later!"

When Wang Erhu heard these words, he didn't care and said fiercely: "I love to bet the big and bet the big, and I love to bet the small and bet the small! What the hell are you doing!"

It's their dogs who are meddling in other people's business!
(End of this chapter)

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