Chapter 265 We will meet again~
"Uncle, that's great!" Xiaonuituanzi gave Wang Erhu a thumbs up and said softly in appreciation.


Wang Erhu almost melted his heart when he saw Xiaonuituanzi's sweet smile, and he touched his head naively.

He somehow believed in this little girl.

It doesn't matter if you lose.

Anyway, all this money is earned!
"Brother, you have discernment!" Xiao Jingyao patted Wang Erhu on the shoulder and said.

This person comes to gamble twice every day after work. He doesn't indulge in it when he wins money, and he doesn't seem to care when he loses!He is really the kind of person who just gambles a few times and leaves after having enough fun. He is extremely restrained in his behavior.

Xiao Jingyao was quite impressed by him.

Wang Erhu laughed, scratched his head and said: "Just take him casually!"

Xiao Jingyao smiled, looked at the man holding the dice stick and said, "Let's start!"


The boy responded, his eyes subconsciously looking at the stack of banknotes in front of Xiao Naituanzi, and a hint of deep meaning flashed across the corner of his mouth.



The dice clattered in the dice column, like a beautiful piece of music!


The dice pillar fell down with a "pop" sound.

The crowd's angry and high-pitched voices rang out again.

"big big big!"

The little breasted dumpling always kept a smile on his chubby little face, but the little hand on the side quietly made a small hand gesture!


"One, two, three...little?"

The boy who rolled the dice pillar looked at the points on the table and was completely stunned!

Small... small?

How is this possible?
His ears have been more sensitive than others since he was a child. He was hanging out in the casino and he could clearly hear the numbers of the dice at random.

It's obviously big, but why...

Not only the young man was stunned, but also the gamblers were stunned one by one!

How could it be small?

Aren't the Xiao family's uncles and nephews betting on something to lose?
"Oh yeah! We win, we win!"

While everyone was stunned, the little breasted dumpling clapped and cheered, her little face as red as a red apple. "Hahaha...hahaha..."

Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan laughed.

"Come on, come on, give me money, give me money!"

Xiao Jingyao directly swept all the money that others bet in front of them, and then shared some with Wang Erhu.

"Brother, the future is bright!" Xiao Jingyao said.

Wang Erhu: "..."

He was really just gambling casually.

"Thank you!"

Wang Erhu thanked him, put away the money with a smile, smiled at Xiao Naituanzi and turned around to leave.

"Uncle, we will meet again!" Xiao Naituanzi looked at his back and replied in a sweet voice.

When Wang Erhu heard this, he glanced at Xiao Naituanzi and left the Tiandi Gambling House without any hesitation without paying attention to her words.

"Come on, come on, go on, go on!"

After winning, Xiao Jingyao's attitude became arrogant, and his face couldn't help but have a bit of arrogance.

"Master Xiao Wu, didn't you just win? What's there to be proud of!"

"That's right! We've been winning for several days in a row!"


These people looked at Xiao Jingyao's face with displeasure and contempt, and more or less a bit of sourness.


"Master, I'm happy, I'm happy! I'm excited! Come on, come on, stop talking nonsense! Master, your fortune is about to change, keep going!"

Hearing this, the boy who rolled the dice looked at Manager Cheng and continued to roll.

"Crash... Crash..."


Ten games in a row, Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Xiao Jingyao won whatever they bet on!
He won back all the money he lost today, and all the other gamblers' eyes turned red.

As for the little guy, he was sweating and his face was pale.

Making ten wrong judgments in a row is unprecedented.

Ps: I have a bit of a headache today, so I only have one update~ I’ll make up for what I’m missing tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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