Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 270 The white radish that became a spirit!

Chapter 270 The white radish that became a spirit!
"This... what kind of carrot is this?"

Min Shenxing stared at his big eyes, pointed at the carrot in disbelief, and stammered.

The little breasted dumpling hurriedly climbed up from the ground.

He ignored Min Shenxing and continued to rush towards the carrot.

In the blink of an eye, one person and one carrot were playing hide-and-seek in the forest, chasing each other...

But what appeared in front of Min Shenxing's eyes was only an afterimage.

an hour...

two hours...

Soon, it will be dark, and the little breast dumpling is still chasing.

"Ran Ran!"

"Master Min!"

Not long after, shouts came from outside the forest.

It was Qin Shi and Xiao Jingzhe who came to find them.

"We are here!" Min Shenxing hurriedly ran towards them.

"Where's Ran Ran?"

Xiao Jingzhe asked doubtfully.


"I'm chasing a carrot that turned into a spirit over there!" Min Shenxing said with some hesitation.

"Chasing carrots?"

Xiao Jingzhe and Qin Shi glanced at each other, their eyes filled with confusion.

"Uh... that..." Min Shenxing touched the back of his head, pointed in the direction over there and said, "You will know when you go over and take a look. It has been almost four hours since we ran!"

Xiao Jingzhe & Qin Shi: "..."

"Mr. Min, why don't you go and help?" Qin Shi frowned.

Although Min Shenxing's status is not ordinary, he should also have some consciousness of being a guard!
The master is running there, watching a show here as a guard?


Min Shenxing's face was slightly red, and he looked a little confused. He said awkwardly: "I can't help you at all, right?"

At that speed, he might never be able to catch up in his lifetime!

"Qin Shi, go and take a look!" Xiao Jingzhe ordered in a deep voice.


Qin Shi responded and ran towards Xiao Naituanzi.


When he saw the afterimage running back and forth in front of his eyes, Qin Shi stood there for a moment not knowing how to help.

"Miss Ranran!"

Qin Shi shouted.

The little breasted dumpling didn't respond at all, but was still running after the spermed carrot.

It was getting darker and darker.

Not long after, a bright crescent moon hung in the sky.

At this time, there was a silver-white light moving continuously in front of Xiaotuanzi.

From their angle, she seemed like a naughty little doll chasing the light.

After another half an hour, everyone realized that the circle the little breasted dumpling followed after the silver-white light was getting smaller and smaller.

at last……

As a golden light lit up, the little breasted dumpling pounced forward, his whole round little body holding the impure carrot under him.

"Good boy, I finally caught you!"

Little Nipples picked up the refined radish and held it in the palm of her hand.


What responded to the little breast dumpling was the constant gasping for breath.


The little girl grinned, holding the leaves on the head of the radish with her left hand, pinching the chubby little body of the radish with her right hand, and said softly: "Just let me cut two pieces of meat, really. Just cut into two pieces~"

Xiaoluobo seemed to understand her words, and her chubby little body kept struggling in Xiaonuituanzi's hands, as if in protest.

"Okay, okay~" Xiaonuituanzi patted it and continued, "If you can let me cut it into two pieces, I will take you to a place with strong spiritual energy~"

When Little Carrot heard this, he became quiet instantly.

Xiao Naituanzi smiled. In order to prevent Little Carrot from escaping, she drew a talisman in the air and stuck it on Little Carrot's body.

"Fourth uncle, uncle Qin, brother Min!"

The little girl successfully caught the little carrot and looked a little excited. She jumped towards them and ran towards them.


Min Shenxing was the first to burst out laughing when he saw the embarrassed look of Xiaotuanzi.

At this time, I saw that the little breast dumpling was all dirty, the clothes on his body were scratched and torn, the little chirping hair on his head was gone, and his fluffy hair was still covered with grass seeds.

This is still the soft, glutinous and cute little breast dumpling! ?
He was clearly the little beggar who had just emerged from the garbage.

"why are you laughing!"

Xiao Jingzhe turned his head and glanced at Min Shenxing, his eyes deep and cold.


Upon hearing this, Min Shenxing's heart trembled.

He suppressed all the smiles on his face and turned his eyes to focus on the radish held by Xiao Naituanzi.

Before he could say anything, Xiao Naituanzi smiled and handed the radish in his hand to Xiao Jingzhe as if offering a treasure.

"Uncle Fourth, look! I caught it!"

The little girl's voice was soft and her eyes were bright, as if she was begging for praise.

"what is this?"

Xiao Jingzhe asked while gently picking the grass seeds off her head.

"This is Zima!"

The little girl carelessly stroked her messy hair and replied sweetly.


Xiao Jingzhe raised his eyebrows slightly as he looked at the thing in the little naughty dumpling's hand that was no different from a carrot.

" this Zima?"

Min Shenxing next to him was shocked when he heard that the radish that had become sperm was Zima.

Xiao Naituanzi told him last time that as long as he found the fairy Ganoderma lucidum and Zhima, he could refine the elixir for washing the neck and cutting the marrow. After he returned, he ordered people to find these two medicinal materials, but it took such a long time to There is no news.

did not expect……

I didn’t expect this thing that looks like a white radish to be a Zima?

If he hadn't seen with his own eyes how difficult it was for Xiao Naituanzi to catch him, he wouldn't have believed that this thing was not a white radish!

"Yeah! This is Zhima. With it, if you find the fairy Ganoderma lucidum, you can refine the elixir for Brother Min and my fifth uncle to cleanse the shin and cut the marrow!" Xiao Naituanzi said happily.

"Cleaning the shin and cutting the marrow?"

Xiao Jingzhe looked at Xiaotuanzi with fixed eyes, "Ran Ran means that your fifth uncle can repair his Dantian and resume his martial arts?"

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi smiled and nodded his little head.

When Xiao Jingzhe nodded, the corners of Xiao Jingzhe's mouth slowly curled up into a smile, and his big hands gently rubbed her head.

"Then try to steal more of your fifth uncle's money!"

When the little girl heard this, she immediately laughed and said, "It must!"

"Let's go, go back!" Xiao Jingzhe said with a smile.

"Fourth Uncle, Ranran is tired! I want a hug!" Xiaotuanzi put the sesame horse into his Qiankun bag, yawned widely, and started coquettishly towards Xiao Jingzhe.

Xiao Jingzhe reached out and hugged the dirty little breast dumpling in his arms, and said gently: "Go to sleep, my fourth uncle will wake you up when you get home!"


The little girl nodded, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

After running all afternoon, she was indeed sleepy!

This Zhima ran away extremely fast. If she hadn't arranged the formation in advance and then continuously narrowed the range, she wouldn't have been able to catch it so quickly.

As early as when she saw Wang Erhu in the gambling house, she could faintly smell a spiritual energy.

This kind of aura can only be found in spiritual creatures!

She knew that there was a spiritual being around Wang Erhu!
Sure enough, she guessed right!

(End of this chapter)

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