Chapter 271 The first seven soul summonings
When they returned to Xiao's house, Xiao Jingyao and Jin Ling were waiting at the door.

I couldn't help but be surprised when I saw Xiao Jingzhe hugging Xiao Jingzhe, who was all in tatters.

"This...what's the matter?"

Jin Ling hurriedly greeted her, carefully checking the little breast dumpling, for fear that she might be injured!
"Madam, Miss Ranran is fine, don't worry!" Qin Shi said.

Hearing this, Jin Ling breathed a sigh of relief and took the little breast dumpling out of Xiao Jingzhe's arms.

"Fourth brother, what did the little girl do? Are you in such a mess?" Xiao Jingyao asked curiously.

He needs to see someone who can make a little girl look like this and ask him for advice!
Xiao Jingzhe glanced at him indifferently and said in a deep voice, "Let's talk about it when we get back!"

Xiao Jingyao raised his eyebrows, he couldn't say anything casually anymore! ?
This is even more interesting!

When walking to the main house, Jin Ling said: "You asked Qin Shi to throw those who made trouble at the construction site at the door of Lin's house. Then Mr. Lin took people to the Yamen to make trouble!"

"Yes." Xiao Jingzhe nodded slightly and asked, "How did brother handle it?"

"The tip of the needle is against the grain! That guy surnamed Lin threatened to go to Beijing to take a copy of your elder brother's book!"


Jin Ling snorted coldly, with a hint of disdain in her words, "After all, he is a master and a great scholar, but he did such a despicable thing for a little profit! It is simply out of character!"

"I'm afraid you don't know that as soon as this person left the county government, he ordered people to spread the word!"

"Nowadays, everyone in this tea house and restaurant is saying that our Xiao family is bullying others!"

"Not only that, but the Cheng family's Tiandi Gambling House was closed down, which also confused this matter!"

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, this matter won't cause a big problem!" Xiao Jingzhe said nonchalantly.

Since he dared to give such an order, he was not afraid of offending anyone, and he was mentally prepared to deal with it!
The Lin family... is a bit suspicious!
Therefore, if you want to catch some people's tail, you must get into chaos and muddy the water first.

"Your elder brother said so too!" Jin Ling laughed.

These two brothers really understand each other better and better!
Back in the main courtyard, the Xiao Jingzhe brothers discussed matters, while Jin Ling took the little breast dumplings down to take a shower!

The little breasted dumpling was also very tired, and she let Jin Ling torment her in a daze, but she didn't even wake up.

Seeing this, Jin Ling went with her!

He left some food for her in the kitchen so that she could have some if she woke up hungry in the middle of the night.

Sure enough, after sleeping for more than two hours, Xiao Naituanzi woke up hungry!

She jumped up from the bed, quietly opened the door, and ran to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?"

As soon as he arrived in the kitchen, Xiao Naituanzi saw Xiao Jingyao sitting on a rocking chair, with his legs crossed and rocking leisurely!
The little girl glanced at him, looked at the steaming food beside her, and gave him a sweet smile!

"Uncle Fifth, wait for me!"

The small breast dumplings and the small butt sat down on the stool, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

"Have you forgotten what day it is today?" Xiao Jingyao looked at her and said.

The little girl rolled her eyes and looked at him with big eyes, "What day?"

Xiao Jingyao glared at her and said angrily: "Have you forgotten the members of the Yu family? They are seven today!"

He thought that this little girl was thinking about this, so he was waiting here in the middle of the night for her to go to the theater and eat melon!

Unexpectedly, he looked so confused, he just got up because he was hungry!
"oh oh!"

The little breasted dumpling suddenly remembered this, nodded his little head, and then started to eat happily.

After burning the incense, Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Jingyao came out one after the other.

When the housekeeper Sun Yue saw it, he immediately reported the matter to Lu Qing and Qin Shi.

The two of them immediately thought of the Yu family, so they asked Sun Yue to take a few people out with him.Yu family.

Because of the fire, the Yu family has been much quieter these days.

The head of the Yu family left most of the affairs of the Yu family to his eldest son Yu Chongming.

After dealing with the funeral affairs of Mrs. Yu and Yu Chongyang, the head of the Yu family locked himself in the study and did not go out too often.

That night, Yu Chongming and Li Qingyi were waiting for Xiao Naituanzi and the others to come over and summon the spirits of Mrs. Yu and the others.

Early morning.

Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Jingyao are finally here!

Seeing the little breasted dumpling coming over, the expressions on the faces of Yu Chongming and his wife were relieved.

"Ran Ran, you are here!"

Li Qingyi stepped forward and touched Xiaotuanzi's face, smiling.

At this moment, her hands were slightly cold, and there was a touch of sweat in her palms.


She is a little scared!

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi nodded, looked up and smiled sweetly at her, "Don't be afraid, Aunt Qing!"

"Yes." Li Qingyi nodded slightly, feeling a lot more relaxed with the comfort of the small breast dumplings.

"Master Yu, Mrs. Yu, let's get started!" Xiao Jingyao reminded.


Yu Chongming and his wife nodded at the same time.

Together, they quietly went to the yard where Mrs. Yu lived before.

This place is still in ruins, there is no one at night, and it looks a bit eerie when the wind blows!
Xiao Naituanzi took out a few talismans and handed them to the people around him, then took out the money sword and started dancing in the air.

While dancing the sword, a string of soul-calling spells came out of her mouth.

A series of blue lights followed the sword tail, forming an arched door.

"Crash!" sounded, the money sword quickly spread out, and one hundred and eight money coins quickly scattered around the arched door, floating in the air.

Then, Xiao Naituanzi drew a lot of talisman seals in the air and reinforced them on the arched door.

A series of instructions came from her mouth, and the names of Mrs. Yu's people could still be vaguely heard.

After a while, the little breast dumpling stopped moving, and said in a clear voice with a soft little breast, "Come out!"

Hearing this, Yu Chongming and others hurriedly attached the talisman given by Xiao Naituanzi to their bodies.

Then they saw three illusory figures coming out of the arched door.

"Mother...second brother..."

Yu Chongyang still had feelings for them more or less. When he saw them, his eyes turned red and his voice almost choked.

Several shadows looked towards them, and when they heard Yu Chongming's name, Yu Chongming showed a rare feeling of guilt.

Mrs. Yu, however, didn't show much expression and asked bluntly: "What does it mean to forcefully summon us back?"

"Mom, did you really commit suicide? I don't believe it! I your biological son?"

Yu Chongming asked with a trembling voice.

This question has been bothering me for a while. If he is not her son, then whose son is he?

Does his father know about this?
(End of this chapter)

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