Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 272 The truth behind the fire at Yu’s house!

Chapter 272 The truth behind the fire at Yu’s house!


Mrs. Yu smiled bitterly and didn't hide anything anymore.

"To be precise, I am your aunt!"

When Yu Chongming heard this, he was suddenly stunned!


He never knew he had an aunt!

This... what's going on?

"Your mother and I are twin sisters. I was separated since I was a child! It wasn't until you were two years old that your mother accidentally met me!"

"But at that time, I was just a little girl from the Cheng family!"

"Later, your mother was dying soon, and I was pregnant with Mr. Cheng's child! The Cheng family's mistress made things difficult for me!"

"For your sake, your mother let me, Tao Dai, Li Jiang, enter the Yu family!"

"Chongyang is my biological son. Just because he is the same size as Aunt Xue's son, I gave him away and raised him in my name!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao opened his mouth in disbelief, "Then...the second lady is not from the Cheng family? Isn't it...isn't she a mess?"

"No!" Yu Chongyang shook his head, "She was just adopted by Mrs. Cheng's family!"

Everyone: "..."

"Then... who started the fire in the Yu family?" Xiao Jingyao asked again.



Hearing this, Mrs. Yu laughed out loud, looking a little crazy!

"Who else can be in this Yu family besides you?"

"I'm a fake, and so is that old guy! He's not the original Head of the Yu Family at all, and the Head of the Yu Family has been dead long ago!"

"What... what?"

Hearing this, Yu Chongming and Li Qingyi couldn't help but take a few steps back, their eyes full of disbelief.

"How is it is this possible?"

Yu Chongming murmured, unable to believe his ears.

The mother he always thought was a fake was still acceptable to him.

After all, this mother-in-law has always favored her younger brother and turned a blind eye to him.

But my biological father...

His biological father had always treated him well, and he was also impartial to their brothers.

How could his biological father be fake?

Xiao Jingyao asked curiously: "Since the head of the Yu family is fake? Then who is he? Why did he suddenly kill you?"

"Did you discover any secrets about him?"

I have to say that Xiao Jingyao’s words are on point!

Hearing this question, Mrs. Yu burst into laughter!
"I thought I had deceived him, but I didn't expect that he deceived everyone!"

"That night, it was because I heard him talking to someone that the fire started!"

"He is so cruel! So cruel!"

"Who was he talking to? Who was that person?" Xiao Jingyao grasped this key question and asked urgently.

"I don't know!" Mrs. Yu shook her head, and then looked at Yu Chongming and Li Qingyi, "I only know what he is planning. The encounter between Chongming and Qingyi was planned by him!"

"The Yu family is what it is today because of the Li family!"

"And the illusion last time... has nothing to do with me, it's him too!"

After Mrs. Yu finished speaking, Yu Chongming took a few steps back in a daze.



"How is this possible?"

"That's the truth. I only have a ray of soul left now. There is no need to lie to you." Mrs. Yu said.

Yu Chongyang also echoed, "What mother said is true!" Li Qingyi reached out and patted Yu Chongyang's shoulder, comforting him silently.

"Brother... I'm sorry! I did a lot of things that hurt you in the past! From now on... the Yu family will depend on you and Chen'er!"

"Second brother..."

Yu Chongming opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say!
"It's time~"

At this time, Xiao Naituanzi reminded him loudly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Mrs. Yu seemed to think of something again, and said quickly: "Your father often goes to three places, Yicui Tower, Guanxianju, and Tingming Pavilion. Every time he goes to these three places, When he comes back, he will lock himself in his study and not go out for a long time."

"Also! There is a secret room hidden in his study!"

After saying these last words, the souls of Mrs. Yu and the other three were sucked into the arched door of reincarnation.

The little girl waved her hand and collected all the [-] gold coins.

Suddenly, darkness returned here again.

A gust of wind came, instantly making the stunned Yu Chongming tremble.

"Master Xiao Wu, what should we do now?" Li Qingyi asked.

The father-in-law whom we have been with for many years is not the real father-in-law. He is most likely a spy. This... this is really incredible!
For a while, it was really hard to accept.

Xiao Jingyao looked at Yu Chongming with a rare seriousness and said solemnly: "Let's keep calm tonight and let your people keep him under guard!"

"He has been lurking for many years. There must be many people working for him around him who are loyal to him. Find them all and catch them all!"

"Yes." Yu Chongming and Li Qingyi nodded at the same time.

The Yu family was destined to have another restless night tonight. They had just finished their discussion when a fire suddenly broke out in the yard of the Yu family!
Yu Chongming and Li Qingyi hurriedly arranged for people to start putting out the fire.

But Xiao Jingyao jumped onto the roof with Xiao Jingyao, and then the two of them quickly headed towards a broken house.

"Fifth Master, Miss Ranran!"

As soon as he jumped down, Qin Shi came over respectfully.

"Why are you here too?" Xiao Jingyao asked with raised eyebrows.

"The master asked us to come! He asked us to block all the exits of this secret passage!" Qin Shi said.

Xiao Jingzhe and Xiao Jingxuan had long expected that Mrs. Yu's death was closely related to some people in the Yu family.

Moreover, they had already explored the secret passage here, and it indeed led to the Yu Family Courtyard.

When they came out, they knew that things were not going to be peaceful tonight, so they just stayed here and waited!

Xiao Jingyao had to admire the wisdom of his two brothers.

The real culprit was just missing the head of the Yu family.

"There is movement!"

At this moment, Lu Qing whispered.

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly walked over.

"Listen to the footsteps, there are many people!" Xiao Jingyao lowered his voice.

"There are eleven!" Xiaonuituanzi's little ears moved and he said crisply.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but become a little worried!

There are few of them...

"Uncle Lu, Uncle Qin, block this exit!" Suddenly, Xiao Naituanzi ordered again.

Several people:"……"

"Hmph! Just let them stay in the tunnel and starve them to death!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said fiercely.

After hearing this, several people couldn't help but give him a thumbs up!

There are only two exits in this secret passage, and they blocked the exits directly!
They can't even think of it!

Do you have to starve to death without food?
There were several big stones nearby. Several people hurriedly moved the stones over and blocked the exit!
As soon as the blockage was completed, Xiao Naituanzi again ordered: "Catch some mice and put them in in two days!"

"Hmph! Let's see how they harm people in the future!"

When everyone heard this, they all shuddered involuntarily.

Really ruthless!

(End of this chapter)

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