Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 273: 4 rumors arise, leading to the elimination of the Lin family

Chapter 273: Rumors spread, leading the Lin family out of business
"Qin Shi, send a few people who are not very discerning to watch here secretly!" Xiao Jingyao ordered.

He suspected that Mr. Yu had accomplices who might be able to catch some mice.

"Yes." Qin Shi responded. He understood what Xiao Jingyao meant.

"Hmm... I'm so sleepy, go home and sleep!" Seeing that the matter was over, Xiaotai Dumpling yawned loudly, his eyelids trembling as if he was about to fall asleep.

Seeing this, Xiao Jingyao bent down and picked up her little body, letting her nestle in his arms, "Go to sleep, you can sell it for a good price if you look like you are sleeping!"

The little girl yawned, lay in his arms and threatened in a low voice: "If you dare to betray me, I will tell your father and mother about your secret selling of black wine."

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao was stunned.

He looked at the little meat dumpling in his arms in surprise, "Do you know all this?"

He did this secretly. Unexpectedly, he sold a jar of wine and was discovered by Xiao Nai Tuanzi!
In fact, the price of this medicinal wine has been extremely high recently. The wine shop sold it for 200 taels per catty, but now it is sold for 500 taels per catty elsewhere.

He still has hundreds of kilograms of stuff that others are looking for and snatching away at his house.

Don't make money if you have money, you bastard!
However, what answered him was the little girl's long breathing.

When several people arrived at Xiao's house, it was already five o'clock in the morning.

At that time, Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling had woken up and were waiting for them in the hall.

After Xiao Jingyao placed the little breast dumplings, he told the story of the Yu family.

After hearing this, Jin Ling was filled with wonder, "I didn't expect that the mastermind of the Yu family was actually the head of the Yu family?"

"Yes." Xiao Jingyao nodded.

Xiao Jingyao pinched the center of his eyebrows, a pair of dark eyes flickering with bright and dying light.

A small Yonglin, I didn't expect that there are so many secrets hidden behind it, one after another.

Xiao Jingxuan was very sensitive to the case. When he heard Xiao Jingyao talking about the three places where the head of the Yu family often went, Xiao Jingxuan thought of southern Xinjiang.

Among them, Yicui Tower is a key place.

"Brother, I have an idea!"

Xiao Jingyao suddenly said, his eyes flashing cunningly.

"What's the idea?"

"Anyway, the head of the Yu family is still locked up in the secret passage, and the affairs of the Yu family have not been exposed yet. Why not hide it first? Let's do this..."

Xiao Jingyao whispered his idea.

After listening, Xiao Jingyao narrowed his eyes and glanced at Xiao Jingyao, half-smiling but not smiling: "Lao Wu, I didn't expect you to have such abilities? I'm becoming more and more curious, what on earth were you doing in the past?"

Xiao Jingyao's heart thumped.

He touched his nose guiltily, "Well, don't my eldest brother and sister-in-law know? I just love fighting cocks, walking dogs, gambling, and going to brothels. What can I do?"

"is it?"

Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling didn't mean to inquire further, they just looked at him indifferently.

This old five...

It’s really becoming more and more incomprehensible.

"Oh... I've been busy all night, I'm so sleepy!" Xiao Jingyao followed the example of Xiao Jingyao, yawning and stretching, looking very sleepy.

"Okay, let's go and rest!" Jin Ling glared angrily and waved her hand at him.

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he disappeared like a rabbit in the blink of an eye.

"The more Lao Wu behaves like this, the more curious I become!" Jin Ling smiled as soon as Xiao Jingyao left.


Xiao Jingxuan snorted coldly, but there was a sense of pride in his eyes as if my son had just grown up, and his tone was cold, "As long as he doesn't do anything that damages the reputation of my Xiao family, I won't bother to pursue those things he did in the past. "Hearing this, Jin Ling immediately rolled her eyes at him.

I don’t know who it was, but when I first found out that Lao Wu was a martial artist and had his Dantian destroyed, I tossed and turned in bed for several nights and couldn’t sleep well.

She just didn't want to expose him.

The Tiandi Casino was imprisoned for cheating, a fire broke out in the Yu family again, and a large number of bones were dug out of the Yonglin secret passage...

Each and every one of these has become a topic of conversation for the common people after dinner.

Gradually, I don’t know why the direction of the wind changed...

"Hey, have you heard? Master Xiao is going to set up a free school in our Yonglin."

"Really? This is a great thing, it will benefit the country and the people!"

"Bah! What's the point of benefiting the country and the people? It's obvious that he is very happy with his achievements and wants to accumulate merits for himself in our eternal life! You don't know that our Lord Xiao used to be the Duke of the country. He once worshiped the third rank and was demoted by the emperor. Come down!"

"Ah? What else?"

"No! Think about it, how could a third-grade official be suddenly demoted to a small seventh-grade county magistrate? Isn't it just a matter of inaction?"

"Yeah." Everyone couldn't help but nodded when they heard this.

The man continued: "So, the free school is just to earn a good name for myself! It's free in name, but in the end it doesn't take away the wealth and support of ordinary people like us from other places? "

"And there's..."

Remarks like this were spread all over the streets in less than a day.

In a teahouse.

Lin Xiang, the master of the Lin family, was sitting leisurely in the guest seat, listening to the discussions of the people, a smile slowly appeared on his lips.

The person surnamed Xiao dared to go against him like this, he was a bit young!

At this time, a boy hurriedly walked in and whispered a few words in Lin Xiang's ear.

After hearing this, Lin Xiang's expression gradually darkened.


Lin Xiang's almost gnashing of teeth came out, and his warm face gradually became filled with gloom.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Lin Xiang stood up with a whoosh and said solemnly: "Follow me to the Yamen."


Inside the Yamen.

"Ouch, hurts me to death, it hurts me to death..." Xiao Jingyao's voice kept ringing in his ears.

Jin Ling looked at his red and swollen face like a pig's head, and then at the thick layer of white gauze wrapped around his hands and legs, feeling worried and amused at the same time.

"Ran Ran, is it okay for your fifth uncle to do this? That face..."

Jin Ling looked hesitantly at the little milk dumpling next to him with his mouth full of pastry crumbs, and asked.

"Mom, don't worry, it's okay!" Xiaotiao Tuanzi smiled at Jin Ling, and then snorted at Xiao Jingyao, "Fifth uncle, you are so noisy!"

Xiao Jingyao sat up straight, glared back at Xiaonuituanzi, pointed at his face and said pitifully: "My face is like this, can't you have some sympathy?"

He was really beaten, okay?

In order to lure the Lin family out, he had to sacrifice a lot, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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