Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 275 The little girl finally helped him Chapter 1!

Chapter 275 The little girl finally helped him!

"Mr. Lin, take a look for yourself, how was the fifth child in my family beaten?" Jin Ling said with a cold face and a very tough attitude, "Today, if you don't give an explanation to our Xiao family, then Lin Yu'er and us I have no choice but to follow the rules of the yamen and stay in jail for ten days!"

"Don't blame me for not reminding Mr. Lin that there are the most rats and bugs in this dungeon. If something happens to Miss Lin in the prison, don't blame us!"


Lin Xiang's face was ashen, and he looked at Jin Ling and Xiao Jingyao with gloomy eyes in their eyes. He clenched his fists tightly, and he really wanted to step forward and punch them twice more.

"Uncle, don't be angry~"

At this time, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly made a sound, and the voice was soft and waxy, as if it was a reminder.

Lin Xiang's fierce eyes swept over her body, but he suppressed all his emotions in an instant, and then sat down again, "Tell me about your conditions! How can we replace him!"

"If you hurt my fifth uncle, you will have to pay for it!" Xiao Naituanzi winked at Xiao Jingyao and said this.


Hearing this, Lin Xiang snorted coldly.

I have long heard that the Xiao family had defrauded the Wu family of a lot of money, but now it seems... it is true!

"Yes, pay for it! I also want her to apologize to me in public!" Xiao Jingyao echoed the words of the little breast dumpling.

at last!

The little girl finally helped him make some money!

Yes, there is progress!

"How much do you pay?"

Lin Xiang said coldly.

"My face was beaten like this, and I was humiliated by your girl in the street. Isn't it too much to pay 5 taels of silver?" Xiao Jingyao said loudly.

Dare to frame the Xiao family!
How can I do this without letting you bleed properly!


After Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, Lin Xiang slapped the table with a cold voice, "5 taels? Why don't you go and grab it?"

"Where can I grab 5 taels of silver? My uncle told Ran Ran that I'm going to grab it!" Xiao Naituanzi opened his big innocent eyes and looked at Lin Xiang curiously and confusedly.

Lin Xiang: "..."


Both Xiao Jingyao and Jin Ling couldn't help laughing.

"Mrs. Xiao, you deliberately set up such a big battle, it must be because of that piece of land, right? What happened today was also planned by you, right?" Lin Xiang suppressed the anger in his heart and said coldly, with a look of determination on his face. expression.

"Mr. Lin, they say that you have many disciples under your name. Is this how you teach your students? Just draw conclusions based on imagination without citing facts and evidence?" Jin Ling mocked with disdain.

"You!" Lin Xiang gritted his teeth in anger, "Isn't it?"

"Mr. Lin, let's talk about it! It's true that your daughter beat up my fifth child! If you compensate the 5 taels of silver, the matter will be settled. If you don't compensate, we will keep Miss Lin here in accordance with the laws of our Zhou Dynasty. Just stay in the prison for about ten days."

After saying that, Jin Ling stood up expressionlessly and served tea to see the guests off.

Lin Xiang stood up, with a sinister look on his face, and threatened in a cold voice, "Don't regret it!"


Jin Ling sneered and shouted at the door, "Hongxing, see you off!"

Hongxing hurriedly walked in and made a gesture of invitation in a not-so-respectful manner, "Mr. Lin, please!" "Humph!"

Lin Xiang snorted coldly, "I will never sell that land to you no matter what!"

Hearing this, Jin Ling rolled her eyes and said, "Go slowly, I won't send you away!"

The little girl jumped down from the stool and waved to Lin Xiang, "Goodbye, uncle, don't be so angry~"

Lin Xiang glanced at Xiao Naituanzi's smiling face gloomily, then left with his hands behind his back.

As soon as he left, Xiao Jingyao got up from the ground, pulled off the gauze on his head, picked up the water on the side and took a sip, "Huh! I can't bear to give him 5 taels of silver. Rumors say that he How much I like his daughter! It’s all fake!”

"Don't worry! Your 5 taels of silver will come back!"

At this time, Xiao Jingxuan walked in slowly and said in a deep voice.


Xiao Jingyao's eyes lit up, "Is there any more drama?"

"The things outside against the Xiao family and the free school are getting more and more intense! This is all his fault!"

"If he is reluctant to part with the 5 taels of silver, I'm afraid his plan will be in vain!"

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he quickly understood the key to this, and then said: "What about this place?"

"Although that land is a good piece of land and it is in a central location, our free school does not have to be built on that land. Your fourth brother found someone to modify the drawings! In addition... I asked someone to check. After all, it doesn’t belong to him, Lin Xiang!”

"Not his?" Jin Ling was a little surprised when she heard this.

"Yes." Xiao Jingxuan nodded, "I checked and found that the land is still in the hands of a person named Shi Yuan."

"Shi Yuan was his student. After his family fell into decline, he mortgaged the land to him and asked him to borrow a few hundred taels of silver to treat his old mother at home."


Xiao Jingyao snorted disdainfully, "It's not his land, why is he so arrogant?"

"He suddenly started targeting us. Why?"

Not only Xiao Jingyao was confused about this, but Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling were also very confused.

They built free schools, which would benefit the people forever. Logically speaking, as a teacher, he should have the same attitude as Mr. Wen!

I didn't expect that this person would let people spread such rumors instead of causing damage.

This was clearly targeting the Xiao family deliberately.

"Sir, madam! It's not good, it's not good! Someone is making trouble outside!"

While several people were talking, a young government servant hurried in and said anxiously.

"Who dares to make trouble at the door?"

Xiao Jingxuan stood up and said with an unhappy expression.

Things were happening one after another these days, and the county magistrate appointed by the superiors was delayed in arriving. All the things were placed on him alone, which made him very tired now.

"Sir, they are a group of students!"

The officer replied.

When Xiao Jingxuan heard that the students were making trouble, his eyes narrowed, and his pupils were full of danger.

(End of this chapter)

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