Chapter 276

Xiao Jingxuan snorted coldly when he heard this, "What on earth does this Lin want to do!?"

"What should we do now?"

Jin Ling said slightly worriedly.

It is not a trivial matter for students to cause trouble. Once something trivial occurs, they will become the target of verbal criticism.

"Too much! It's too much!"

Xiao Jingyao was so angry that he stroked his sleeves and stood up as if he was going out to find someone to fight!

Xiao Jingxuan stopped him and glared at him fiercely, "You just pretended to be sick in front of that person named Lin, and now you go out rashly, isn't it giving someone an excuse?"

Xiao Jingyao curled his lips, a little anxious, "What about us now?"

"Let's wait and see what happens!" Xiao Jingyao said.

"Dad, Ranran go and drive them away!"

The little girl jumped down from the stool, flicked the pastry crumbs on her body, and said softly.

"Drive it away? How to drive it away?"

The eyes of all the people fell on the little breasted dumpling.

The little girl looked at the sky outside and said with a smile: "It's going to wind, rain, and thunder~"


When several people looked at the sky outside, they immediately frowned.

The sky is clear and the sun is shining. Can it rain and thunder?
Before they could say anything, the little breasted dumpling had already walked out with his short legs.

Jin Ling and Xiao Jingxuan looked at each other and quickly followed.

In an alley not far from the county government office.

Lin Xiang sat on the carriage, lifted the carriage curtain and looked at the county government office door.

Seeing those students scolding Xiao Jingxuan one by one with indignation, a cruel smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The man named Xiao wants to make a comeback in Yonglin! ?

It's impossible!

"Master, what should I do, young lady?" asked the boy next to me.

"Don't worry! As long as Xiao Jingxuan still wants to gain a firm foothold in Yonglin, he will definitely come to see me!" Lin Xiang said.

"I heard that the Xiao family and the Wen family have a good relationship! Mr. Wen even went to the housewarming banquet of the Xiao family!" the boy said.

The reputation and prestige of the Wen family in Yonglin is no worse than that of the Lin family, or even higher.

In Yonglin Academy, the relationship between Wen Shilin and Lin Xiang was not good.

There are even differences in some concepts.

Wen Shilin doesn't have many entry-level disciples, only ten are accepted every year, and he pays attention to excellence.

But Lin Xiang is just the opposite. There are many disciples who can worship his name. In his words, it is called recruiting wise men.

Among those who win the ranking every year, Mr. Wen's disciples have the highest ranking, while Lin Xiang's disciples have the largest number.

In terms of connections, Lin Xiang is higher than Wen Shilin.

Wen Shilin and Lin Xiang are not mortal enemies, but they definitely dislike each other!

It's just that due to the scholar's reputation and being in the same academy, the two of them can live in peace if there is no dispute!


Lin Xiang snorted coldly, with a look of disdain on his face, and mocked: "What are you afraid of Wen Shilin! I have my own way of dealing with him!"

Hearing this, the boy didn't dare to say anything anymore.

However, at this moment, the sky suddenly turned dark.

The people who gathered outside the county government office to watch the theater and eat melons, as well as the students who made trouble, immediately fell silent.

"What... what's going on?"

"The sun was shining brightly just now, why is it getting dark now?"

"Hmph! What else could happen? In my opinion, even God can't stand what Magistrate Xiao has done!"

"That's right! The county magistrate who is only doing this for himself deserves to be struck by lightning!"


"Boom~" Just as these people were making noise, there was a sudden loud noise in the sky.

"It's going to rain, it's going to rain!"

In the crowd, someone suddenly shouted.

Seeing this, the people watching the excitement dispersed one by one.And those students all looked at each other in shock!

"How about... let's go too?"


"Junior sister is still in the county government office, so let's just forget about it?"

"But it's going to rain today! Are we just going to waste time here?"

"No, Xiao, for his own sake, can't just let the matter of being framed by his junior sister fall on him!" One of the students said indignantly.

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at him!
The student paused for two seconds, then raised his hand and shouted loudly, "Xiao, don't hide in there and be a coward, get out of here!"


At this time, the thunder in the sky became louder.

Everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva!

"God can't stand this person named Xiao anymore. Get out of here! Release our junior sister!"

"If you don't come out, God will kill you!"


As he finished speaking, a bright light suddenly flashed in the dark cloud-filled sky, and the sound of lightning rang in everyone's ears.

Seeing this, the timid students couldn't help but shrink their necks.


The leading student suddenly burst into laughter, pointed at the yamen and cursed even more vigorously, "Xiao, you bitch..."


As soon as the student opened his mouth, a bolt of thunder suddenly struck him, hitting him in front of him with a "boom".


His words came to an abrupt end.

And his entire body was struck by lightning, making his entire face black and his hair standing straight!


The companions on the side couldn't help shouting when they saw this.

But the student who started to curse fell to the ground with a "boom" at this moment.


The thunder in the sky sounded again!

The remaining students fled in all directions in an instant, fearing that if they were a step slower, they would be struck by lightning and end up with the same fate as that classmate.


On the highest roof somewhere in the county government office, Xiao Jingyao stood next to the little breast dumpling, holding his belly and laughing so hard!
"Cool! It's so cool!"

"After today, let's see if they still dare to come to the yamen door to cause trouble!"

"Ran Ran, fifth uncle has decided to give you a bigger chicken drumstick tonight!"

"That's what you said~, don't lie to children~" Xiao Tuanzi looked at him, her eyebrows curved like little crescent moons.

"Of course!" Xiao Jingyao said.

A chicken leg only costs a few cents, he can afford it!
The little girl grinned, looking at the dark clouds and lightning in the sky, her chubby little hands constantly changing her techniques.

The pictures drawn in the air came out of the hand, gradually expanded, and then disappeared in mid-air.

But after a while, the lightning stopped.

The dark clouds gradually dispersed!
The sun broke through the clouds and mist, and soon the bright sun shone brightly again.

If it weren't for the student who was struck by lightning who was still lying in front of the county government office, he would have doubted whether the scene just now was an illusion.

"Ran Ran, that student outside... shouldn't he be hacked to death?"

Jin Ling looked up at the small breast dumpling on the roof and asked worriedly.

Although the student was very hateful, he was not to the point of causing death. The most important thing was that Xiaotuanzi was still young, and she did not want her hands to be stained with murder!
(End of this chapter)

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