Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 282: Men and women are not clear about giving and receiving!

Chapter 282: Men and women are not clear about giving and receiving!

Xiao Jingyao in front did not notice anything amiss with Li Qingqiu behind him. His black eyes stared at the group of men in black not far away for an instant, with an incomprehensible expression on his face.

"How are things going?"

At this time, the boss in black spoke up, his tone was deep and slightly suppressed, as if he was deliberately hiding something.

"Please rest assured, Master, everything is under control."

An equally suppressed female voice entered his eardrums. Xiao Jingyao's heart trembled, and his eyes were fixed on the face of the woman who spoke.

Although the woman's face was covered at the moment, her eyes were extremely familiar, as if she had seen them before somewhere.


The leader in black couldn't help but snorted coldly when he heard the woman's words, and said in a deep voice: "We have been losing one after another, and the master is very dissatisfied! We must find that thing as soon as possible!"

"Boss, my subordinates have found out that the thing fell into Zhou Zhongren's hands! It can't be wrong!"

"Will it be hidden in Xiao's house?"

After hearing this, the leader in black was silent for a while and said: "Send someone to investigate as soon as possible!"


The people in black responded in unison.

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, his eyebrows tightened, and his red and swollen face was full of doubts.


Still in Zhou Zhongren’s hands?

Could it be that the death of the governor that week was related to something like this?
Xiao Jingyao's mind was spinning rapidly.

But there was no thought at all.

"Who is there!"

Suddenly, someone shouted angrily.

Xiao Jingyao was shocked.


been discovered!
Seeing a man in black walking towards them, Li Qingqiu and Xiao Jingyao's hearts suddenly rose to their throats.

Li Qingqiu grabbed Xiao Jingyao's sleeve tightly, and his heart seemed to jump out of his chest!
"Hide here and don't move!"

Xiao Jingyao felt Li Qingqiu's nervousness, gently patted the hand holding his sleeve, and whispered comfort.

Li Qingqiu was stunned, and his messy and nervous heart seemed to suddenly calm down at this moment.

A simple word, but it gave her a sense of security.


Before the words were spoken, Xiao Jingyao turned around and made a shushing gesture towards her, and then jumped out.

After flashing in front of the men in black, he quickly rushed out the door.

"Catch him!"

Xiao Jingyao's behavior was undoubtedly a provocation in the eyes of the people in black, and they immediately ordered the chase.

Seeing all the men in black chasing Xiao Jingyao, Li Qingqiu's face was full of complicated expressions.

Saved her again!

Regardless of his own safety, he lured away all the men in black!
Li Qingqiu waited there for about a quarter of an hour before limping away.


As soon as he walked out of the desolate courtyard, his shoulder was slapped from behind.

Li Qingqiu suddenly froze on the spot.

His hands slowly moved toward his waist.


It's too late now, it's too soon then.The long whip in her hand came out and struck behind her with lightning speed.


"Hey, your kindness is unpaid. I sacrificed myself to lure those men in black away, and this is how you treat your savior!"

Behind him, Xiao Jingyao's angry and dissatisfied shouts came, causing Li Qingqiu to suddenly freeze on the spot, looking in disbelief at Xiao Jingyao, who was holding his arms and walking away from her.


The moment he saw clearly that it was him, Li Qingqiu felt an inexplicable soreness in his nose, and a touch of mist rose up in his eyes. The words he wanted to speak seemed to be choked in his throat. Can't spit it out.

At the same time, the held heart seemed to be completely relieved the moment she saw him standing in front of her safe and sound.


Under the darkness of night, Xiao Jingyao couldn't clearly see the emotions in Li Qingqiu's eyes. He touched the wound he accidentally got from Li Qingqiu's braid and frowned in pain.

"How are you? Are you all right?"

Li Qingqiu reacted, walked up worriedly, grabbed his hand, and asked apologetically.

She didn't mean it. Someone suddenly appeared. Anyone would think that this person was unscrupulous and well-intentioned!

What's more, he clearly left just now...

"You pulled the braids yourself, what do you think?"

Xiao Jingyao stared at her angrily, and when he saw her apologetic look, he suddenly grinned, "It doesn't matter, a manly man, I just got a whip, it's okay! If you really feel sorry for me, why not... Compensate some money?”

Xiao Jingyao felt that his financial luck was particularly good today.

After being punched twice by Lin Yu'er, I got 5 taels, and then I was whipped by Li Qingqiu, a wealthy man. So what... I got 1 taels, right?
Li Qingqiu: "..."

As soon as I heard this, all the emotion, apology, and excitement in my heart disappeared in an instant!
What's funny is that she actually had such little illusions about him!

Li Qingqiu snorted coldly, suppressed all his emotions, and said with a straight face: "Compensate? Don't even think about it!"

She didn't forget that her feet were sprained because of him!
If she hadn't sprained her foot, would she have needed him to help her lure away those men in black?

After saying that, Li Qingqiu turned around and limped forward.

I feel unspeakably depressed!
Stuck in panic.

Xiao Jingyao looked at the injury on his arm, and then at Li Qingqiu who was walking in front with a limp and forcing himself to walk. He scratched the back of his head, filled with doubts, "Did I say the wrong thing?"

Wasn’t it quite generous to compensate you before?
What's the matter today?
"Hey, wait for me!" Xiao Jingyao chased after him without knowing why, and asked, "Do you need me to carry you?"

Li Qingqiu paused, pursed his lower lip slightly, and was about to speak when he heard him say: "Don't worry, my fee is not expensive, how about five taels of silver?"

Li Qingqiu: "..."

"Men and women cannot be intimate with each other!" Li Qingqiu said angrily.


As soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Jingyao sneered, and the uninjured hand suddenly placed on her shoulder, "Do men and women have sex? Are you a woman?"

"What did you say?"

Li Qingqiu suddenly stopped and his eyes shot towards him like knives.

If looks could kill, Xiao Jingyao would have died hundreds of times at this moment!

"Let go of your hooves!"


Xiao Jingyao retracted his hand nonchalantly, then touched his nose and said: "I...I was just joking, don't be angry!"


Li Qingqiu snorted coldly, endured the pain in his feet and walked forward faster.

She swore that next time she saw him, she would be like a puppy if she ignored him!
Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Seeing how fast she was walking, Xiao Jingyao did not move forward to ask for trouble, but followed her step by step until she entered the Yu family and then turned around.

(End of this chapter)

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