Chapter 283 Numbers and Letters

When we returned to Xiao's house, it was getting late.

"Uncle Fifth, are you injured?"

As soon as Xiao Jingyao entered the living room, Xiao Xiaoqi noticed the wound on his wrist and immediately ran towards him.

Upon hearing that he was injured, several people in the room couldn't help but look over.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xiao walked up hurriedly, frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

"Whether it's whipped, it's probably from sister Qingqiu's beating, right?"

Xiaotiaotuanzi followed Mrs. Xiao, stepped forward to take a look, and asked with a wide smile.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"You damn kid, are you the frivolous Miss Li?"

His mother, who had just looked distressed for him, slapped Xiao Jingyao's injured arm in the blink of an eye as soon as she heard Xiao Naituanzi's words.

Not only patting him, but also pinching him hard on the waist with his other hand.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Mrs. Xiao was merciless in her attack. Xiao Jingyao's already red and swollen face wrinkled up in pain, and he grinned, "Mom, can you please be reasonable? I am your biological son, how could you do that?" To an outsider!"

"What's more, I didn't bully anyone!"


Mrs. Xiao snorted coldly at him, "I don't know you yet, but my mother is asking you, did you get hurt on purpose and ask for money?"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Am I that kind of person?" Xiao Jingyao curled his lips, glared at Xiaotuanzi, snorted, and told her with his eyes that her chicken legs were gone!

The little girl bared her teeth at him, smiling so hard that she couldn't even see her teeth!
Seeing this, Xiao Jingyao made a face at her again.

"Xiao Qi, the fifth uncle is injured, go get the medicine for the fifth uncle!"

On the side, Wang Wanqing looked at Xiao Xiaoqi and gave instructions.


Xiao Xiaoqi nodded and hurried down to get the medicine box.

Xiao Jingyao walked up to the chair next to him and sat down. His playful and smiling face suddenly turned serious. He watched Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingzhe recount the story of meeting the man in black.

As soon as the words fell, the room became quiet for an instant.

The little girl's eyes rolled, and her little face was as wrinkled as a bun.

"Ran Ran, isn't Governor Zhou being raised by you? Why don't you let him out and ask?" Jin Ling looked at the little breast dumpling and said.

"But uncle doesn't remember anything!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

Hearing this, Jin Ling suddenly became a little disappointed.

"Could it be the iron box from last time?" Xiao Jingzhe said in a deep voice.

The iron box was dug out from Xiao's house. Governor Zhou didn't remember anything else, but he remembered that an iron box had been buried there. From this, it can be seen that there must be some secrets hidden in this iron box.

After he finished speaking, he ordered Qin Shi beside him, "Go to my room and get the things!"


Qin Shi responded and then retreated.

Not long after, Qin Shi brought over the black iron box.

"That's all?"

Xiao Jingyao glanced at it, his face full of doubts, "It's so black, isn't it just an iron lump?"

Xiao Jingzhe took the thing in his hand and said solemnly: "I have carefully inspected this iron box. It is made by Xuan Tie! The button on the side looks like a key!"

"If this is really what those people are looking for, there must be some secret hidden in it!" Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao took the iron box over and shook it gently a few times.

"This thing isn't heavy when you pick it up, and I didn't hear any noise from it. How can it be kept secret? I think those people came here to find such a thing because they were full and had nothing to do."

"But the words on this button are very strange!"

"Let me see, let me see!" The little breasted dumpling walked to Xiao Jingyao's side, stretched his neck and leaned over curiously. When he saw the words on the twist, his small eyebrows suddenly frowned.

"I know the words on this!"

The little breasted dumpling opened his mouth softly, blinked and glanced at everyone with his big innocent eyes, then pointed at the words above and said: "The numbers here are numbers, and these are letters!"


The eyes of everyone in the room fell on the little breasted dumpling.

"number letter?"


The little girl nodded heavily, then pouted her lips and said, "Master Six taught me! Those are numbers and letters!"

She has a great memory!

"What's the word for number?" Xiao Jingzhe looked at the little milk dumplings in confusion, then pointed to the words on it and asked, "What's the word for this?"

"1" Xiaonuituanzi tilted his head and thought for a moment before replying.


Everyone looked at her little appearance with some doubts in their eyes.

Does a little girl who is illiterate really know these words?
Look at her, she doesn’t look like that!

"you sure?"

Xiao Jingyao asked with doubt in his tone.

Hearing this, Xiao Tuanzi immediately snorted at Xiao Jingyao, then crossed her arms with her chest and raised her head high. She looked arrogant and confident, and a string of jingles spilled out of her mouth.

"1 is like a stick placed sideways, 2 is like a duck swimming in water, 3 is like ears listening to sounds, 4 is like..."

After saying this, her chubby little hand pointed at the number pointed by Xiao Jingyao and said: "This one looks like a small stick, so it is 1, right! This one looks like a duck, so it is 2, and this one is..."

The little girl's voice was soft and waxy, but her articulation was very clear. Everyone present was a smart person. After listening to her words, they all remembered the numbers seriously.

"What about this letter? What is it?"

After recognizing the numbers, Xiao Jingyao pointed to the letters on a big button next to him and asked.

"Um...I don't know you!"

Everyone: "..."

"Didn't you say that your sixth master taught you?" Xiao Jingyao asked in surprise.

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded seriously, and then replied abruptly, "But I didn't learn it!"

Everyone: "..."

Look at how confident and confident this person is despite not having learned anything. It really makes people love and hate him at the same time!
When Xiao Jingzhe handed the iron box to Qin, he ordered: "Put it away properly. If those men in black are really looking for this thing, I'm afraid this thing is not simple."

"Perhaps, Governor Zhou's death is also related to this iron box." Xiao Jingxuan said.

"If it is really related, after all these years, those people are still searching hard for the things here..." Xiao Jingzhe paused slightly as he spoke. After thinking for a while, he slightly curled his lips and continued: "It's easy to know what's in here!"


The Xiao family all looked at Xiao Jingzhe.

Xiao Jingzhe looked at Xiaotuanzi's deep eyes with a hint of meaning, and slowly uttered a few words, "Throw out the bait!"

(End of this chapter)

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