Chapter 284 The secret in the iron box!
"Fourth brother means...throw this iron box out?" Xiao Jingyao said in shock.

"Yeah." Xiao Jingzhe nodded.

"How can that be done? If there really is any treasure or treasure in this iron box, wouldn't that mean that the bad guys are getting an advantage?" Xiao Jingyao disagreed with this.

Although you can't really see anything here.

But a lot of people must have died because of this iron box!
It is better to make others easier than to make yourself easier!

The little girl looked at Xiao Jingyao and curled her lips in disgust, and said in a sweet voice: "My fourth uncle said it was bait, so we must catch a lot of fish!"

"Fourth uncle, is Ranran right?"

Xiao Jingzhe reached out and rubbed her little head, nodded slightly, "Not bad!"

"Right now, those men in black are afraid that they are targeting our Xiao family. We are not yet sure whether these men in black are in the same group as those Taoist priests and spies in southern Xinjiang. If this iron box is left with us, there will be more people around us. It’s dangerous.”

"Throw this thing out and spread the word again! If the vicious dog pounces on its food, the dog will bite the dog and bite it! Maybe... the person in the dark will come to the surface."

"The fourth child is right!" Mrs. Xiao also nodded in agreement, "This thing is of no use if left in our hands, and it will also bring danger! We, the Xiao family, can't let anything go wrong again!"

"Yeah." Jin Ling agreed.

Xiao Jingxuan, who had been silent all the time, said: "Whether this thing is real or fake, we are not sure what is inside. Since it is a bait, how can it be true or fake?"

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, his eyes immediately lit up, "Brother, what do you mean, make a fake one?"

"Yeah." Xiao Jingxuan nodded, that's what he meant.

Since it is something that others spend a lot of time on, it must be something important!

If the man in black behind him is from another country, he may endanger Dazhou.

Xiao Jingzhe frowned and said, "My younger brother knows my elder brother's concerns, but this iron box is made of black iron. It's not easy to make a similar one, let alone there is such an exquisite key on it."

He understood Xiao Jingxuan's concerns, but he cared more about the safety and lives of the Xiao family than anything else.

If you are really looking for this thing, then this is a hot potato.

"Isn't it just Xuan Tie and the key? Leave this matter to me. Give me ten days and I will send you an exact one!"

Xiao Jingyao patted his chest and promised.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on him.

This old five...

It seems to be getting more and more mysterious!
Seeing everyone looking at him, Xiao Jingyao seemed a little guilty. He coughed twice and said uncomfortably: "Why are you looking at me? I know I'm good-looking today, so I won't be like this!"

Everyone: "..."

I really want to slap him!

"Little girl, give me the antidote quickly to detoxify me!"

Xiao Jingyao changed the topic and looked at the little breast dumpling eagerly.

Although he was indeed beaten by Lin Yu'er today, he cleverly avoided it. The things on his face... were the medicine given to him by the little girl, which meant that he looked a little more serious.

The little girl shrugged her shoulders, spread her hands, and said with a smile: "There is no antidote. It will disappear automatically in three days!"

Xiao Jingyao: "???"

"You tricked me!???"

After reacting, Xiao Jingyao stared at the little breast dumpling with wide eyes in disbelief.

Seeing this, Jin Ling hurriedly pulled the little breast dumpling to her side and glared at Xiao Jingyao, "Why did Ranran trick you? You asked Ranran to drug you!"


When Xiao Jingyao choked, he was like a deflated ball.

Well, he did ask for it!

Didn't he do that to make the effect more realistic?

Isn't it just wearing this face for three days?Thinking that I got 5 taels of silver, I am still very satisfied!
The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little cheeks at him and said softly: "I haven't asked you to pay for the medicine yet. Don't forget the chicken legs you agreed on!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Yes, yes, yes, I obey!" Xiao Jingyao said angrily.

After everyone finished speaking, Xiao Xiaoqi came into the room carrying a large medicine box with a groan.

Seeing this, Wang Wanqing hurriedly stepped forward and picked up the box.

"Lao Wu, let me give you medicine!" Wang Wanqing said softly.

"Okay!" Xiao Jingyao nodded and stretched out his arm.

Wang Wanqing stretched out her hand to get the medicine from the medicine box, but Xiaonuituanzi ran over, took Wang Wanqing's hand, raised her head and smiled brightly, "Third Aunt, I'm coming!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Jingyao felt a chill in his heart.

An ominous premonition gradually arose in my heart.

Wang Wanqing knew that Xiaotai Tuanzi had good medical skills and was less skilled at dealing with wounds than her, so she gave up her position and said with a smile, "Then you do it!"

"it is good!"

The little girl climbed onto the stool next to Xiao Jingyao and stood up.

With a small body, he took out the medicine for treating trauma from the medicine box one by one, and looked at Xiao Jingyao smiling like a flower, "Fifth uncle, please stretch your hand over!"

The little meat dumpling in front of him was clearly soft and glutinous, and his smile seemed to melt his heart. But for some reason, he had the illusion that he was being courteous for nothing and was either a traitor or a thief.

Staring at the small breast dumpling hesitantly, Xiao Jingyao asked tentatively: "Do you want..."


Before Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, he saw Xiaonuituanzi roughly pulling his arm over and then lifting his sleeves.

Because the bloody wound wrapped in the sleeve was almost scabbed, when she pulled it like this, a heartbreaking pain hit him, causing him to subconsciously let out a shrill scream.


Xiaotuanzi moved his little nose and let out a soft hum, then he took the medicine and prepared to help him treat the wound.

"Little girl, when did I provoke you again?"

Xiao Jingyao's face turned pale and he asked with a grin on his face.

The little girl curled her lips and puffed out her cheeks like a little puffer fish, and said, "Who told you to bully my sister Qingqiu?"

Having said that, after taking revenge, Xiaonuituanzi subconsciously became gentler in applying the medicine to him.

"You didn't know you saw me bullying her?"

"It's obvious that she bullied me, okay!"

You didn't see him being injured, okay?

In her eyes, he is worse than an outsider!
Sure enough, he is just a little cabbage, no one cares or loves him.

"Hmph! My sister Qingqiu doesn't know how to hit people randomly. You must have bullied her!" Xiao Naituanzi said firmly.

After saying that, a pair of big bright eyes stared directly into his eyes, "Did you cheat Sister Qingqiu again?"


Xiao Jingyao's guilty eyes flickered.


"Hmph! Lying!" Xiao Naituanzi could tell at a glance that he was lying, so he snorted and didn't look at him.

Xiao Jingyao touched his nose and muttered: "I want to trick you, isn't it because I didn't give you a chance?"

(End of this chapter)

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