Chapter 286 The fish took the bait~

When Mr. Xu saw Mrs. Yu looking at them, he smiled awkwardly and said, "That's right, I'm going on a long trip these days, so I'll leave the acupuncture treatment to Pinting to this brat of mine! "

"Grandpa, are you going on a long trip? Why should I...hiss..."

Before Xu Yan could finish speaking, Mr. Xu pinched him hard again, causing him to grimace in pain.

Mr. Xu didn't care what Xu Yan's reaction was, and replied with a smile: "It was just decided on the spur of the moment. I heard that there is news about Bai Lanxui. Grandpa needs to confirm it in person!"

Everyone knew that this white lazy marrow was an important medicine for treating the scars on Yu Pinting's face. Mr. Xu had said so. Even though they knew the real purpose of Mr. Xu's actions, they would not refute him at this time.

"Grandpa Xu, it's the same as asking other doctors to treat me. There's no need for Mr. Xu to come in person!" Yu Binting saw Xu Yan's embarrassment and ignorance, and said weakly while holding on to her own strength.

What's more, the relationship between her and Xu Yan...

It will inevitably be uncomfortable to get along with them.

"Besides, Mr. Xu's leg is not fully healed yet, so he should focus on recuperation!"

"Yes, yes!" Mrs. Yu also nodded in agreement with her daughter's words, "It's the same with other doctors!"

Although Mrs. Yu is satisfied with a son-in-law like Xu Yan, she will not stand in the way of her daughter's wishes!
Mr. Xu knew they were politely refusing, but he pretended to be stupid and said, stroking his beard: "I know you care about this kid, but don't worry, this kid only hurt his leg, not his hand."

"Girl Pingting was injured in order to save this boy. Naturally, our Huichun Hall has to find the best doctor to treat girl Pingting. Besides, the acupuncture technique used on girl Pingting was taught by that little girl Ranran. Most people can’t learn it!”

"After I left, this kid will be the only one left!"

"So, it's perfect for him to take care of the girl Betting!"

With that said, Mr. Xu patted Xu Yan on the shoulder and said in a deep voice: "You are a pig-headed guy, but your medical skills are worthy of praise. Take good care of little girl Jingting! Grandpa is gone. , I will order people to move your things down later, and you can live next door until I hire Ting girl!"

Xu Yan: "..."

Mr. Xu didn't even give Xu Yan a chance to speak. He turned around and went out to tell the boy downstairs.

Xu Yan stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, feeling a little at a loss. His clear face turned red in just an instant, and even his neck was stained with a hint of scarlet.


When Mrs. Yu saw this, she coughed lightly, glanced at Xu Yan in a funny way, stood up, and said to Yu Binting: "Mom, go back and see your father, and take a look at the shop by the way!"

After saying that, Mrs. Yu turned her attention to Xu Yan again, "Mr. Xu, I will leave Bingting in your care. If anything happens, please order the little girl to go to the Yu family to send a message!"


Xu Yan snorted slightly.

As soon as Mrs. Yu left, the little girl who was taking care of Yu Pinting in the house also walked out and stood at the door.

For a moment, there were only two people left in the room.

Xu Yan scratched the back of his head, as if he didn't know where to put his nervous hands. He stood there for a while and then walked to Yu Pinting with a cane and asked, "That day... …Why did you save me?”

Xu Yan has been thinking about this these days!
"I'm just repaying your kindness. Mr. Xu, you don't have to worry about it. If it weren't for Mr. Xu when I was hit by the medicine, I would have died! I agreed that I owe you a favor. If I save your life, I will treat it as if the favor has been repaid. Got it!"

Yu Pinting felt weak. After saying these words, her breathing became heavier unconsciously.

When Xu Yan heard this, he felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.

This is not the answer he wanted!
Seeing that her breathing was uncomfortable, Xu Yan hurriedly stepped forward and asked her to lie on her side, and then took out a silver needle to acupuncture her.

Here, Mr. Xu went up to the third floor in high spirits and returned to Xiaotai Tuanzi with a smile on his face.

The little girl blinked at him with her big eyes and said softly, "Grandpa Xu's face is bright and his cheeks are rosy. Something happy will happen in the near future!" "Hahaha...hahaha..."

When Mr. Xu heard this, he was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

"I'll lend you my little girl's lucky words, and Grandpa Xu will give you a big red envelope when the time comes!"

The little girl grinned, her eyebrows arched in a smile, and there was an unpredictable light shining in her eyes.

Not far away, Min Shenxing and Xiao Xiaoqi, who were playing chess with nothing to do, heard this and immediately asked for red envelopes from Mr. Xu.

Today, the weather is sunny, and it is another day where all the flowers are blooming.

Suddenly, news came out from the wine shop and tea house.

"Hey, have you heard about it? I heard that an iron box was dug out of the ground in the Xiao residence a few days ago. It is said that the iron box has a key installed on it. No matter what the Xiao family uses, it cannot be opened."

"Really? Digging it out of the ground? Could there be some treasure in this iron box?"

"It must be a treasure. If it's not a treasure, who put the key on it?"

"makes sense!"


As soon as the news was released, Xiao Jingzhe asked the housekeeper Sun Yue to cooperate to give others the opportunity to steal the iron box.

If their guess is correct, this iron box is what the people in black need, and those people will definitely come to their door.


That night, just as everyone fell asleep, the traps arranged around Xiao's house rang. Lu Qing, Qin Shi, and Sun Yue immediately rushed over to fight with the men in black.

A total of six men in black came, and they all had very good kung fu.

But these people obviously underestimated the Xiao family's skills. After fighting for dozens of rounds, they captured three men in black, and the remaining three were injured and ran away!

But before they could wait for their interrogation, the three men in black who were arrested tilted their heads and committed suicide by taking poison!

"Steward Sun, throw these people into a mass grave tomorrow and make it more conspicuous!" Xiao Jingzhe ordered.


Sun Yue responded and called a few boys to come over and carry the men in black down.

The next day, the Xiao Mansion carried away the bodies of the men in black, which attracted many people to watch. In less than half a day, the matter about the treasure hidden in the iron box intensified.

Regarding the rumors, the Xiao family seemed to have never heard of it, and everyone did what they should do.


Xiao Jingxuan was handling official business, and Zhang Biao, who was sent out to investigate the Yonglin students and scholars, arrived.

After the report, Lu Qing asked Zhang Biao to go to the study.

"Sir, this is the person you want to investigate. Everything is written down here!" Zhang Biao presented two things similar to account books to Xiao Jingxuan with both hands, his expression very serious.

Xiao Jingxuan put down the official work in his hands, picked it up and opened it a few times. After flipping through a few pages, his expression turned gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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