Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 287 Killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, intimidation!

Chapter 287 Killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, intimidation!

"Hmph! These people are so brave that they dare to do such a thing!"

Xiao Jingxuan turned livid with anger and slapped the booklet in his hand on the table with a bang.

Zhang Biao raised his eyes and looked at Xiao Jingxuan's calm opening, "Sir, please calm down. This matter is about the country squire and students. There are many people involved. If everyone is investigated, it will probably cause a lot of trouble."

"What? Do you think I am afraid of these people?"

Xiao Jingxuan looked unhappy and gritted his teeth.

These people are really disgusting. Some people obtain honors and become officials just to serve the people, but some people do it just for their own selfish interests and use this to seek benefits!
If these people with bad conduct become officials in the court in the future, they will definitely become the great rats in the court!
Zhang Biao heard this and did not answer.

It's not a question of whether they are afraid or not, the matter is serious. If these people really join forces to cause trouble, it will really be a big deal.

In the entire county, there are quite a few people who have the title of scholar or above, and there are very few people who have benefited from this matter at all.

If everyone is offended, it would be better to give them a chance to make the big thing a trivial one.

Xiao Jing Xuanqi returns, but he also knows that things like relying on affiliation to avoid taxes are basically inevitable.

Basically, in every place, officials turn a blind eye to these things. If they really take action, they may offend more than just a group of students and scholars.

Thinking about it, Xiao Jingxuan calmed down and looked through the two booklets in his hands again.

After a while, he picked up a pen and circled the names of two people on the book, closed the book and handed it back to Zhang Biao, "Go investigate the two people above and find the evidence! Be more careful!"

"Yes! Your lord."

Zhang Biao took the booklet over and carefully looked at the circled names on it, and he knew it in his heart.

Xiao Jingxuan is probably planning to kill the chicken to scare the monkey!

If these individuals cannot be affected directly, roundabout methods are adopted.

Not only did he offend these people, but he might also be able to escape unscathed and leave a good reputation for himself!

I have to say, this method is good.

After Zhang Biao went out, Xiao Jingxuan rubbed his eyebrows and called Lu Qing in.

"grown ups!"

Lu Qing stood respectfully in front of Xiao Jingxuan, raised his hands and asked, "What are your orders, sir?"

"Go and see if Ran Ran and Lao Wu are back?" Xiao Jingxuan said.

Today is already the fourth day that the head of the Yu family and his men have been locked up in the secret passage. No matter how strong they are, they may not be able to withstand it now.

Therefore, Xiao Naituanzi, Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan went to the secret passage early in the morning.

Lu Qing received the order, obeyed and stepped back respectfully.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the county government office, he saw Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan leading Wu Tong and several government officials escorting more than a dozen people, while Xiao Naituanzi followed them with excitement. , jumping up and down.

"Uncle Lu Qing, we are back~"

The little naughty dumpling ran towards Lu Qing and said something crisply.

Lu Qing looked at the detained people with large and small marks on their faces, as if they had been bitten by something. The wounds were still covered with traces of blood. His eyes widened in confusion. Looking at the little breast dumplings, he asked, "What are the injuries on their faces...?"

"Been bitten by a mouse!" said Xiaotuanzi.

When she thought about the time when they went to the secret passage, as soon as the entrance to the secret passage was opened, hundreds of rats rushed out, her little body couldn't help but tremble. "When did you go release the mice?" Lu Qing wondered.

Over there, Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan looked proud, "Of course we released it!"

Although Xiao Jingyao is recuperating at home these days, how can he be the kind of person who can sit still?

So he packed up Xiao Jinghan and went to catch mice.

What Xiao Jinghan is good at is the formation. He uses food to lure rats into the formation and then captures them.

In the past few days, they had caught hundreds of rats and thrown them into the secret passage.

Looking at the injuries on the heads of the Yu family and the guards, one can tell how miserable they have been in the secret passage these past few days.

When Lu Qing heard their words, the corner of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

Just at this time, several stewards from the Cheng family gambling house came with the account books. They happened to hear their conversation, and they shivered inexplicably.

If they were eaten like this by rats, it would be better to just let them die.

Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan saw the stewards at a glance in the crowd. They looked at each other and walked forward together, putting their hands on the shoulders of the leading steward.

"Manager Cheng, do you know that person?" Xiao Jingyao pointed at the head of the Yu family, shaking one of his legs and asked in a relaxed manner.

Manager Cheng swallowed subconsciously, "No... I don't know him!"

The man looked familiar, but what was intact about his face at this time?In addition, he was extremely hungry and looked very weak and weak, making him unrecognizable at all.

"Tsk...were those in-laws of your Cheng family once, and you don't recognize them now?"

Xiao Jinghan put a hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"Dear... in-laws?"

Manager Cheng was startled, and a human face suddenly came to mind in his mind, and his voice was trembling as he spoke, "That... that's... jade..."

"That's right, it's Master Yu!" Xiao Jingyao replied.

Hearing this, Manager Cheng's heart felt like an ice cellar, and he asked tremblingly, "What did he commit?"


Xiao Jingyao deliberately lengthened the ending, smiled at Manager Cheng, and then whispered into his ear: "He is a spy from another country, posing as the head of the Yu family and lurking in the Yu family!"

"He also used evil magic! He was the one who set fire to death Mrs. Yu and Master Yu before!"

"Perhaps those bones dug up in the secret passage some time ago are related to him! This is a big case, and anyone who is even half-contaminated will have their homes confiscated and their families exterminated! Of course, if someone gets lost and reports it, I can give you a favor!"

Although Xiao Jingyao said this in a low voice, the several Cheng family stewards around him could hear it clearly, and their faces turned pale when he talked about confiscating the family and exterminating the clan.

"Shopkeeper Cheng, it is said that Mrs. Yu used evil magic to frame the eldest son of the Yu family. It is said that the thing was provided by your Cheng family. Could it be that your Cheng family..."

When Xiao Jingyao said this, he paused deliberately and looked steadily at shopkeeper Cheng!
"No... no, no! We are just a small steward, how can we know this?" Steward Cheng said tremblingly.

"There is no best!" Xiao Jingyao smiled and patted Manager Cheng on the shoulder.

Manager Cheng responded with a smile, a layer of fine beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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