Chapter 288 I don’t have the tone~
"Master Xiao Wu, I would like to ask when our Tiandi Casino will open after this account book is delivered?" Manager Cheng asked tentatively.

"That's it~"

Xiao Jingyao touched his chin, and then secretly rubbed his thumb and index finger together in front of Manager Cheng.

The meaning is obvious. If you have money, everything will be easier.

Seeing this, Manager Cheng gritted his teeth in anger.

Before he could say anything, Xiao Jingyao smiled again and said: "This matter can be big or small. Manager Cheng will weigh it himself, but you should also have heard that my eldest brother is good at everything, but he is too upright. Some more!"

"In addition, the previous Chief Secretary Wang and Liu Xiancheng have left, and the court has not yet arranged for suitable people to come over. Plus... there are so many things going on these days, my eldest brother is inevitably a little overwhelmed, isn't he?"

Manager Cheng: "..."

This is a beautiful thing to say!

"Yes, yes, yes! What Mr. Xiao Wu said is true, I understand!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao curled his lips and smiled, seeming to whisper a reminder, "Manager Cheng doesn't know something. My eldest brother seems to have a good reputation, and he especially dotes on my little niece. What happened this time, more or less." I’m also venting my anger on my little niece.”

"If your Tiandi Casino could sincerely apologize, maybe this matter would just go away!"

"But... you guys, I'm afraid the portion is not enough!"

The little breast dumpling over there seemed to have heard Xiao Jingyao's words, and looked over to them, and then grinned at them, revealing two bright little pear dimples.

That smile is so innocent and bright, clean, pure and extremely innocent.

But the eyes of several stewards felt a bit chilly for no reason.

He understood what Xiao Jingyao said. The main reason for saying so much was to ask their boss to come to the door in person to apologize and pay compensation!

Manager Cheng didn't know how many times he greeted the Xiao family in his heart, but with a smile on his face he said respectfully: "Thank you, Fifth Master Xiao, for reminding me."

The head of the Yu family and his party were caught and soon confessed.

The original name of the head of the Yu family was Zhou Ren. He was a craftsman trained in southern Xinjiang. Because he was good at doing business, he was sent to this prosperous place in Yonglin. His purpose was to make money and provide convenience to some people.

As for the people around him, they were all trained by him after he came to Dazhou.

In addition, Xizuo and Xizuo are not connected with each other, so he doesn't know if there are any other spies in Yonglin besides him, but they usually receive tasks through a few specific places.

Brothel, teahouse and a restaurant.

After learning this, Xiao Jingxuan immediately ordered the sealing of three places where the Yu family often went, and captured everyone for interrogation.

However, those people got the news early, but they ran away or committed suicide!

The remaining people captured were all unaware.

But Zhou Ren killed the real head of the Yu family, and after being discovered, he successively killed Mrs. Yu, Yu Chongyang and Yu Mingxuan, and then attempted to assassinate Yu Chongming. The evidence for each of these incidents is conclusive. He cannot be denied.

When this matter was made public, the people of Quan Yonglin were immediately in an uproar!

Of course, Xiao Jingxuan solved such a big case, which can't help but make people admire him again and again.

Because Zhou Ren was an enemy spy this time, even though he killed someone, he could not be executed directly. He could only report it to the court and make other arrangements.

The affairs of the Yu family have come to an end for the time being.

That night, the night was dark and windy, and the breeze was blowing, revealing a chill.

Three figures, two large and one small, shuttled through the dark night, and they stopped until they entered a separate courtyard.

"Uncle Fifth, are you sure this is here?"

Looking at the dark and unremarkable other courtyard, Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

The wealth of the Cheng family is no less than that of the Yu family.

This courtyard has only two entrances and is very simply decorated. It doesn't look like a place where Cheng Xun would live.

"I'm not sure, but Manager Cheng is the most loyal dog around Cheng Xun. Those who come here this night are either here to see Cheng Xun, or they are here to do something bad!" Xiao Jingyao said.During the day, he put butterfly powder on Guanshi Cheng's body, and it would be right for his little butterfly to follow him.

Xiaotuanzi's big eyes looked particularly bright in the darkness. When he heard Xiao Jingyao's words, his little face became serious and his voice was clear, "There is a formation here!"


Xiao Jinghan's eyes lit up as soon as he heard the word "formation".

He is most interested in the battle method.

It's just that his learning is relatively shallow and he only knows some ordinary formations.

Now he hasn't noticed that there is a formation here, thinking that this formation is very unusual.


The little girl nodded lightly, and without waiting for Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan to react, she quickly jumped into the air with a tap of her foot.

When Xiao Jinghan saw this, she jumped in the direction of Xiao Nai Dumpling without saying a word.



He had just taken a small step, but he suddenly fell down, with a "dong" sound, and he fell into a dog's excrement!


Such a loud movement immediately attracted the attention of people in the house.

Xiao Jingyao held his forehead and quickly hid himself.

The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little face, covering her eyes and pretending not to recognize the third brother!
That's it?

Still learning formations?
"It's your sister-in-law who's here!"

It was Taoist Qingfeng, Cheng Xun and Manager Cheng who came out of the house.

The little breasted dumpling suddenly had no intention of hiding, and stood on the roof looking at the three people who appeared.

Xiao Jinghan got up from the ground, spat out the weeds in her mouth, and felt a surge of anger in her heart when she saw the breeze.

"It's you?"


He is worried about avenging the shame of last time!

When Manager Cheng saw them over there, he couldn't help but feel horrified. When he saw Cheng Xun's face darkened, he stammered and explained: "Master, I...I don't know them..."


Before Manager Cheng could finish speaking, he was slapped hard by Cheng Xun.

"Useless things!"

Cheng Xun didn't even look at him, but stared at the little breasted dumpling standing on the roof with evil eyes!


"What a big breath!"

Cheng Xun snorted coldly, his tone full of disdain, but his eyes seemed to be quenched with poison.

Taoist Master Qingfeng beside him squeezed his palms, his eyes darting around, obviously thinking about how to escape from here.

He has suffered a lot at the hands of this little guy!
He and Qingxuan combined are no match for this little guy, let alone Cheng Xun?

36 strategies, running is the best strategy!
When the little girl heard Cheng Xun's words, she suddenly smiled and showed two cute little tiger teeth. She just heard her say: "Don't accuse me wrongly~ I have rinsed my mouth and brushed my teeth, so I don't have breath!" "

(End of this chapter)

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