Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 289 Uncle 5 who is too weak to take care of himself?

Chapter 289 The fifth uncle who is too weak to take care of himself?


Cheng Xun choked on the small breast dumpling and looked at her angrily.

"Taoist Priest Qingfeng, it's time to avenge you for last time!" Cheng Xun gritted his teeth.

Qingfeng: "..."

It's not that he has the ambition of others to destroy his own breeze, it's actually that the little breast dumpling in front of him is not so soft and waxy as he looks in front of him, and is easy to bully.

Qingfeng rolled his eyes and said, "You deal with the little one, and I'll deal with the big one!"

Hearing this, Cheng Xun's sinister eyes flashed with contempt.

Before he could nod, the breeze was already heading towards Xiao Jinghan.

When Xiao Jinghan saw this, he didn't dare to show weakness and held up the big black sword in his hand to greet Taoist Master Qingfeng.

"Bitch, I was lucky enough to let you escape last time. I don't want to leave again today!"

Soon, the two became inseparable from each other.

When the little girl over there saw this, he took out his money sword and waved his hand, and the formation covering the other courtyard broke apart instantly.

"Uncle Five, it's your turn!"

The little breast dumpling shouted to Xiao Jingyao, who was hiding in the dark watching a show and eating melon.

Xiao Jingyao shook his head hurriedly, "I can't beat them!"

His Dantian was completely destroyed, and all he had left was the skill of a three-legged cat!
He is good at running away and avoiding, but not good at fighting!
At this moment, watching a show is more practical.

Before coming, he had prepared a bag of melon seeds!

Manager Cheng and Cheng Xun couldn't help but sneered when they heard this.

The two looked at each other, Cheng Xun walked straight towards Xiao Nai Dumpling, while Manager Cheng clenched his hands into fists and walked towards Xiao Jingyao.

"I go!"

Xiao Jingyao had just taken out the melon seeds in his hand when Manager Cheng's palm was already in front of him.

On one side of his face, he quickly dodged. At the same time, he sprinkled the melon seeds in his hand towards him, shouting: "Manager Cheng, I'm not that easy to get rid of. I owed 50 last time." You haven’t paid back the ten thousand taels of silver yet, have you?”

"What? Don't you want to open your Tiandi Casino?"

Xiao Jingyao shouted while avoiding Manager Cheng's palm.

This Cheng Guanshi has some martial arts skills, but not high.

Xiao Jingyao yelled and dodged, but he was able to do so with ease.

From Manager Cheng's point of view, this seemed like he was deliberately teasing him, which made him even more angry because his tactics became more and more vicious.

I still want money!

Today either he dies or he dies!

Here, Cheng Xun also tried desperately to catch Xiao Nai Tuanzi, but with just a few moves, how could he be Xiao Nai Tuanzi's opponent?
However, after a few three or four rounds, he was kicked to the ground by Xiao Naituanzi.

Cheng Xun was a little in disbelief, but soon he took out his magic weapon again and wanted to use the little ghost he raised to deal with Xiao Nai Tuanzi.


Normally, a drop of blood would make the little devils obey him and obey him, but today, even after a lot of blood dropped, all the little devils huddled in the box and refused to come out.

Cheng Xun became so angry that he wanted to throw the things in his hands away.

But when I think about it, I can’t bear to part with it.


The little girl put her hands on her hips and stomped her little feet lightly on the ground. Suddenly, a golden light suddenly appeared and enveloped Cheng Xun.

"Come out!"

The soft little milky sound was overflowing from her mouth, ethereal and full of temptation.

"what did you do to me!"

The golden light bound Cheng Xun like a rope, unable to move at all. He struggled several times but there was no reaction at all.He could only gnash his teeth and stare at the little breast dumpling with fierce eyes.

The little girl crossed her chest with her hands and raised her little head to look at him, with a smile written all over her tender cheeks.

Seeing this smile, Cheng Xun shuddered for no reason.

A chill rose from the bottom of my heart and traveled to my limbs.

At this time, the heads of several imps in the box he was holding slowly emerged, and immediately turned into black mist and penetrated straight into his body.


Severe pain suddenly came from the body, as if someone had been cut into pieces by five horses, making Cheng Xun let out a series of shrill screams!
In the silent night, all the mountain birds dispersed.

The little breasted dumpling just stood there, looking at him with no trace of emotion on his face.

These little ghosts are all transformed by evil thoughts, evil thoughts that specialize in cannibalism, inner demons...

Now, he is just bringing it upon himself!
When Qingfeng heard Cheng Xun's screams, his heart trembled, and his attacks on Xiao Jinghan became faster and faster, and his movements became more and more cruel!


After all, Xiao Jinghan is not a vegetarian. Not only is his martial arts good, but he can also quickly understand the formations he arranges. It is really difficult to escape from his hands.

Seeing this, Xiao Naituanzi came over with a sword in hand.

With her joining, and the fact that Qingfeng had lost half of his skills before and had not recovered, he was suppressed by Xiao Naituanzi in just a few moves.

"Bitch! I finally caught you!"

Xiao Jinghan stepped on Qingfeng under her feet, her face was full of joy, she raised her hand and slapped his face twice.

"Papa!" sounded twice, which was extremely pleasant to Xiao Jinghan's ears.

"You were lucky enough to catch me last time. Did you really think that I was a soft persimmon? Huh! You don't dare to fight with Ran Ran, are you afraid that you want to slip away from me?"

"It's a pity that you chose the wrong person! Among the three of us, my fifth uncle is the weakest in martial arts!"

Qingfeng: "..."

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Third nephew, are you polite?
There is really no need to belittle him in order to elevate yourself!
When he repairs his Dantian, he will be no worse than him!

When Qingfeng heard Xiao Jinghan's words, she felt filled with regret.

But now that he has been caught, it is useless to regret it!
Thinking of Qingxuan's fate, Qingfeng's heart trembled, and she opened her mouth to bite her tongue and commit suicide.

But how could a small-breasted dumpling give him this opportunity?
As soon as she realized his intention, she stretched out her chubby little hand and removed his chin.


When Xiao Jinghan next to him saw this, he couldn't help but feel pain, and subconsciously touched his chin!


Fortunately, this little girl is from their side. If she were an enemy... tsk tsk... he didn't dare to think about it!
My jaw hurts just thinking about it!
"You guys have solved it over there, so come and help me!" At this time, Xiao Jingyao over there started shouting.

He and Manager Cheng were chasing each other and escaping. That would be very tiring, okay!
After hearing his words, Xiao Jinghan knocked Taoist Master Qingfeng unconscious with one palm, and subconsciously wanted to help Xiao Jingyao.

However, as soon as he took a step out, he was stopped by Xiao Naituanzi.

"Third brother, you are hungry! Come and have a piece of pastry!" Xiao Naituanzi took out a piece of pastry with a smile and handed it to Xiao Jinghan.

Xiao Jinghan looked at the pastry, then looked at Xiao Jingyao, thought about it for a moment, then took the pastry and ate it with the little milk dumplings.

Xiao Jinghan's eyelids twitched!
The little girl really holds a grudge!
Seeing that Qingfeng and Cheng Xun were both subdued, Xiao Jingyao stopped playing around with Manager Cheng.

Although he has lost his internal strength, his kung fu skills are a bit weaker.

But his speed was not comparable to that of ordinary people, and he beat Manager Cheng to the ground with just a few punches.

When Xiao Jinghan saw this, he was so surprised that his eyes almost fell out.


Is this really his fifth uncle who seems weak and unable to take care of himself?
(End of this chapter)

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