Chapter 290 Let my sister dress up beautifully!
"It hurts my lord!"

Xiao Jingyao looked at the man lying on the ground, unable to move, and rubbed his wrist as if it was in great pain.

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Fifth Uncle, how can we pretend so well?

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the courtyard.

Soon, Wu Tong was seen hurrying over with a dozen government officials.

"Fifth Master Xiao, Third Young Master, Ran Ran!"

Wu Tong stepped forward and raised his hands to several people.

Xiao Jingyao curled his lips and looked at Wu Tong angrily, "You guys came just in time. You didn't come until we finished fighting!"

Wu Tong: "..."

He also wanted to beat people up with Ran Ran, but the brothers behind him were not good enough and couldn't run fast enough!

Wu Tong smiled coquettishly, waved his hand and said, "Take these people back!"


The government officials responded and quickly took away the three people who fell on the ground.

At this time, Xiao Jingyao gave another order, "Go to the Min family and lend some people to surround the Cheng family for me!"

"Yes!" Wu Tong responded.

In less than an hour, Wu Tong borrowed the men and horses and surrounded the Cheng family overnight.

Such a big battle caused everyone around the Cheng family to scream!
Early the next morning, there were a lot of rumors about the Cheng family, and there were all kinds of speculations.

This is the first time in so many years that the county government has such a big battle.

Not to mention borrowing the power of the Min family.

Xiao Nai Tuanzi and the others didn't wake up until noon. When they woke up, Min Shenxing and Xiao Xiaoqi were sitting in Xiao Nai Tuanzi's courtyard. The two of them, one big and one small, were holding their chins in their hands, sitting opposite each other. Big eyes stared at a pair of small eyes.

These two people look like two poor abandoned babies~
As soon as the small-breasted dumpling with messy hair came out of the yard, they both put down their hands and walked towards her.

"Sister, are you awake?"

"Ran Ran, are you hungry?"

The two asked in unison, with the same eager expressions on their faces!

Yes, it is earnest.

The little girl rubbed her face, looked at the two of them with a pair of big confused and innocent eyes, and then nodded her little head, "I'm so hungry!"

"Wait, I'll get you food from the kitchen!" Min Shenxing heard this, dropped a word, and immediately ran towards the kitchen!
"Sister, can my brother help you carry the toiletries and comb your hair?" Xiao Xiaoqi asked, looking at the little breast dumplings with bright eyes.

Small breast dumpling: "???"

When did Brother Xiao Qi learn to comb his hair?

Seeing the little breasted dumpling looking at him with some suspicion, Xiao Xiaoqi patted her chest proudly and said, "I learned this from my mother. I promise to help my sister dress up beautifully!"


The little girl tilted her head and nodded, then said softly, "Okay, thank you, brother!"

When Xiao Xiaoqi heard this soft thank you, she felt that her heart was about to melt. She couldn't wait to pour some water for Xiao Nai Dumpling, and then came out with a comb to comb Xiao Nai Dumpling's hair eagerly.


A quarter of an hour later.

Looking at Xiao Tuanzi's hair, which was as messy as a chicken coop, Xiao Xiaoqi, who had vowed not long ago to make his sister look beautiful, suddenly felt like a deflated ball, with a face full of frustration.

He pulled his hair full of annoyance and confusion, "I clearly saw my mother tying my hair like this, why can't I do it?"

The little breasted dumpling was happily waiting for Xiao Xiaoqi to comb his hair beautifully. When he heard what he said, he hurriedly ran into the room and took a look in the bronze mirror.

"Wow..." As soon as he saw himself in the mirror, the little breasted dumpling couldn't hold it back and burst into tears with a "wow" sound.

"So ugly!"

"Don't be so ugly! Wuwuwu..."

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Outside the yard, Wang Wanqing and Min Shenxing heard the cry of Xiao Naituanzi as soon as they entered the yard, and hurriedly walked in.

In the courtyard, Xiao Xiaoqi lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Wang Wanqing frowned, full of doubts.

I still know that my adopted son wants to stay with his sister all day long, but...

Just when I was thinking about it, I saw the little girl with small breasts pouting and her eyes red, running out with a chicken coop on her head.

Looking at Xiao Xiaoqi, he snorted and said angrily: "I don't like my brother anymore!"


Hearing this, Xiao Xiaoqi panicked for a moment. He pursed his lips and hurriedly stepped forward and carefully pulled the sleeves of the little breast dumpling. He apologized in a low voice, "Sister, brother didn't mean it!"


The little girl snorted and took a few steps away from him.

Brother smelly!
on purpose!
Dressed up so ugly on purpose!
She doesn't care about her anymore!

Seeing Xiao Naituanzi ignoring him, Xiao Xiaoqi became anxious and had to look at Wang Wanqing for help.

Wang Wanqing didn't react for a while.

At this time, I heard Min Shenxing next to me chuckle, pointing to the chicken coop on top of Little Nipple Dumpling's head and asking Xiao Xiaoqi with a smile on his face, "Is this what you said... a way to please the little girl?"

Xiao Xiaoqi: "..."

"I didn't mean it. I obviously saw my mother combing my hair like this, but who knew I was combing my sister's hair like this?"

Xiao Xiaoqi's face was also full of grievances, and there was a hint of choking in his voice as he spoke.

I originally wanted to please my sister and take him with me the next time we go out.

But who knows...

How come something that seems so simple is so difficult to do!


Seeing the aggrieved looks of Xiao Xiaoqi and Xiao Naituanzi, Wang Wanqing couldn't help but cover her mouth with a handkerchief and laugh.


Wang Wanqing poked Xiao Xiaoqi's forehead with her index finger angrily, then walked up to Xiao Naituanzi and squatted down slowly.

"Ran Ran, Brother Xiaoqi didn't mean it! Can you forgive him?"

Wang Wanqing's tone was extraordinarily gentle, and her hand gently stroked the bulging face of Xiaotuanzi, as if the breeze was blowing, making it very comfortable and warm.

The little breasted dumpling moved her little mouth but remained silent for a while.

Wang Wanqing chuckled, stood up, and said softly, "How about the third aunt help Ran Ran comb her hair into a nice hair? Let's braid it?"

Hearing this, Xiaonuituanzi nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

When Wang Wanqing heard this, she hurriedly stepped forward, took the comb from Xiao Xiaoqi's hand, and then combed Xiao Naituanzi's hair.

She was born with a pair of skillful hands, and in a short time, the little breast dumplings' chicken nests were combed into two cute little braids in her hands.

The pigtails raised their tails, just like the arrogant little girl with small breasts.

The braid was tied on her head and matched perfectly.

When Wang Wanqing was combing Xiaotuanzi's hair, Xiao Xiaoqi was watching from the side. She looked very serious and made a few gestures with her hands from time to time. This little gesture made people laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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