Chapter 291 I’m flattered, little boy!

After Wang Wanqing combed Xiao Nai Tuanzi's hair, he immediately ran into the room like a cannonball, took out the bronze mirror in the room, and placed it in front of Xiao Nai Tuanzi: "Sister, look ,so beautiful!"

The little girl stared at herself in the bronze mirror for a few seconds, moved her lips, pouted and said, "Of course she's beautiful!"


The words came out and both Wang Wanqing and Min Shenxing couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Xiao Xiaoqi said naively: "My sister is right, my sister is the most beautiful sister!"


Wang Wanqing shook her head helplessly, stretched out her hand and tapped Xiao Xiaoqi's forehead gently, and then looked at Xiaotuanzi softly and said: "Ranran is hungry, let's go and eat!"

"Today the kitchen has not only prepared big chicken drumsticks, but also fish and your favorite tofu!"


As soon as he talked about food, the little girl's eyes lit up, and she licked her lips with the tip of her tongue, looking like a glutton.


Wang Wanqing nodded.

"That's great, let's go eat something delicious!"

Xiao Naituanzi jumped excitedly and walked out. When Xiao Xiaoqi saw this, he immediately chased him out, following behind Xiaonuituanzi like a little follower.

After a while, several people arrived in the front hall together.

At that time, the little girl had just put the dishes on the table.

Madam Xiao, Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan were already sitting on their seats.

The little girl ran forward, called someone obediently, and then sat down next to Mrs. Xiao.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiaoqi immediately climbed onto the stool next to her and sat down properly.

"Nephew, come on, sit here!"

When Xiao Jingyao saw Min Shenxing, he waved to him and asked him to come and sit down.

Seeing that the expression on his face seemed to be somewhat earnest, Min Shenxing's heart tightened and he subconsciously closed his pockets.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Is it necessary to make him look like he is trying to steal his money?

What kind of person is Xiao Jingyao?

Xiao Jinghan saw Min Shenxing's subconscious actions in his eyes and couldn't help but laugh.

How much money did Uncle Fifth steal from other people in the past!
"Brother Min, come over here!" Xiao Jinghan also waved to him, and took the initiative to move a position, preparing for Min Shenxing to sit between him and Xiao Jingyao.

Min Shenxing took a deep breath and walked over.

As soon as he sat down, Xiao Jingyao poured him a glass of wine, "Here, drink!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

"Ahem, Uncle Xiao, why don't you just say what you have to say, there's no need to make such nonsense!"

He was so weak that he didn't even dare to move!
I'm afraid that if I drink this glass of wine, I won't be able to spit it out later.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao's eyes immediately widened, "What are you talking about? Who of us is following whom? After all, we can be regarded as good uncles and nephews who have been through difficulties together. Isn't it normal for me to pour you a glass of wine?"

Min Shenxing pursed his lips.

So abnormal!
"You two boys always bully Shenxing!" Mrs. Xiao glanced at Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan, her eyes looking at Min Shenxing were particularly kind, and she said kindly, "Shenxing, please leave him alone. Two, they just want to thank the Min family for their help last night!" After hearing this, Min Shenxing felt relieved!
Say it earlier!
"Grandma Xiao was joking, but it was just a simple task! Besides, my Min family controls one-third of the military power in Jiangnan. It is my Min family's business to protect the safety of the people in Jiangnan. What happened last night is what our Min family should do."

"It's a pity that I didn't take this opportunity to catch those people who did all the bad things myself!"

Min Shenxing said this last sentence quite regretfully!

Mrs. Xiao couldn't help but laugh when she heard what he said. The young master of the Min family has changed a lot during this time, and he has matured a lot.

after lunch.

Xiao Jingyao went out alone.

Since Wang Wanqing was preparing to open an embroidery pavilion these days, she had already found a shop, so after lunch, she took Xiao Nai Tuanzi to the shop with Min Shenxing and Xiao Xiaoqi.

Wang Wanqing's shop is not far from Xu Sanniang's Jinxiu Pavilion.

Now the furnishings in the shop have been prepared, and we just need to pick a good and auspicious day to open it.

Wang Wanqing had something to do, so they were playing in the shop.

Suddenly, a ball rolled into the shop.

Xiao Xiaoqi frowned, walked over, picked up the ball, and held it in his arms.

"Sister, look, Cuju!"

Xiao Xiaoqi placed Cuju in front of Xiao Naituanzi as if she were a treasure, with a proud expression on her face, "My mother said that my father used to like playing Cuju the most, so I learned to play Cuju when I was four years old!"

"Brother Min, sister, do you know? Why don't we have a game?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a childish voice coming from the door, "That ball is mine, let go!"

It was a little boy, who was born thin and weak. He looked younger than Xiao Xiaoqi. When he ran in from the outside, he was already panting. Even his breathing was a bit unsteady, and his voice was even more... A little more weak.

Xiao Naituanzi's dark and bright eyes fell on the little boy, and his eyebrows frowned slightly.

She could tell at a glance that the little boy was sick.

And it’s still a deficiency!
It's just that he is clearly a kid who can't play with a ball, but he protects the ball tightly.

At the same time, his temper doesn't look very good either.


These are not what Xiaonuituanzi is most concerned about!
What caught her attention was... the child's vague smell... something familiar.

After the little boy ran in front of Xiao Xiaoqi, he slapped the Cuju ball out of Xiao Xiaoqi's hand.

Xiao Xiaoqi never expected to meet such a person on his own territory, but after all, the ball was not his. Although he was a little angry, he didn't do anything. He just saw this little boy for some reason. Then I didn't like it.

After the little boy bent down to pick up the ball, he looked at Xiao Xiaoqi with a look of displeasure on his face and shouted, "This ball is mine! My dad bought it for me!"

When Xiao Xiaoqi heard that his father had bought it for him, his eyes suddenly shone with envy.

He really wants the things his father bought for him!

Xiao Xiaoqi is a polite child. He just took someone else's ball, so he naturally wants to apologize now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that ball was yours!" Xiao Xiaoqi said.


Hearing this, the little boy raised his neck and snorted coldly at Xiao Xiaoqi. The five-year-old child looked at people with a bit of a philistine look in his eyes, and said sarcastically: "What you are wearing is really... ugly!"

(End of this chapter)

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