Chapter 292
Upon hearing this, Xiao Xiaoqi's little face wrinkled into a bun when he stared, and he spoke rudely, "You are ugly, you are just an ugly monster!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

When the little boy heard this, he pointed at Xiao Xiaoqi and cursed, "You son of a bitch! I hate you!"

The little boy said, put the ball at his feet, and kicked it towards Xiao Xiaoqi.


The ball was kicked away, and just when it was about to land on Xiao Xiaoqi, it was caught by the little breasted dumpling on the side, and then kicked out in the opposite direction.

With a "bang", the ball hit the little boy's chest with such force that he took a few steps back, and then fell to the ground.


The little boy burst into tears and rolled on the ground while crying.

"You bully me! You are bad people!"

"I'll let my dad beat you to death!"


The little boy cried miserably.

The little girl with small breasts puffed up her little face, patted her little hands and snorted coldly.

"Cry again? Believe it or not, I'll beat you until you have teeth all over the floor?"

The little breasted dumpling is fierce and threatening, and a pair of big eyes is full of displeasure.

What a nuisance!

The glasses are still blind!

The clothes on my brother are so beautiful, but they are the same as hers. They were made by her third aunt, but he actually calls them ugly?

Aren't you blind?
Xiao Xiaoqi didn't have a very good-looking face at first, but when he saw Xiao Naituanzi defending him, he felt warm in his heart!

Ha ha!

It’s great to have a sister to protect you!
"Sister, are you okay? Does your foot hurt?" Xiao Xiaoqi stepped forward and took Xiao Naituanzi's hand, asking softly.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Xiao Naituanzi hurriedly showed a big smile to Xiao Xiaoqi.

Min Shenxing next to him seemed to have just reacted, and stepped forward to appear in front of the two children.

"Hey, have you cried enough? If you've cried enough, take your ball and get out! It's really bad luck!"

Min Shenxing's words can be said to be quite rude!

He really couldn't like this kind of pampered and crying child!
"Lin'er, Lin'er..."

At this moment, a woman's voice was heard coming from outside.

When the little boy in the house heard the shouting, he immediately patted his butt and got up from the ground, ran out crying, grabbed the woman's hand, and then pointed at Xiao Xiaoqi and Xiaotuanzi in the house. He shouted that they were bullying him!
When the woman heard this, she immediately hugged the little boy and coaxed him.

After coaxing her for a while, she saw her walking in with a fierce look on her face, holding the child in her arms!

"Mom, it's them! It's them who bullied me!"

The little boy was held in the woman's arms, pointing at Xiao Xiaoqi and the little breast dumplings.

That look was full of pride, and it was clear that he looked like a tsundere who had someone to back him up!
"It's you who bullied my son?"

The woman was tall and thin, and not very good-looking, but the slap was very rough. It was obvious that she had done a lot of menial work.

Before she could finish her words, her palm was raised high!
As soon as she finished speaking, her hand was about to hit the pink and tender face of the little breast ball.



Before her slap could fall, Min Shenxing grabbed her wrist and immediately kicked the woman in the knee.

The woman immediately let out a scream!


Min Shenxing snorted disdainfully!
"What are you talking about? You don't even look at who is in front of you? How dare you do it? You are so brave, aren't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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