Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 296: If you don’t even need face, what kind of face do you need?

Chapter 296: If you don’t even need face, what kind of face do you need?
"That's not true. I just see that Mr. Li has a similar temperament to that girl Qingqiu!" Xiao Jingyao said.

Originally, he thought that if he was an acquaintance, there was no need to trick him so hard, but he didn't appreciate it.

When Mr. Li heard this, he was stunned for a moment, narrowed his eyes, and looked around Xiao Jingyao's body again calmly.

This guy looked careless and careless, as if he was a fool.

But judging from the short conversation and his past experience, the side he showed was definitely not the side he saw.

Does such a person actually know his two granddaughters?
Take a closer look at Xiao Jingyao's face... He had been thinking about the wine before, but he never noticed that his face was so imaginary that of that little girl.

Thinking of something, Mr. Li immediately smiled, but he didn't mean to expose it. He changed the topic to wine again, "Old man, I am not short of money. I wonder how much wine Mr. Xiao can get me, old man?"

Xiao Jingyao clearly felt the old man's scrutiny, but when he saw that he was indifferent, he followed his words and said: "Since the old man can find this place, he must know Xiao's ability, but... this health wine~ Rare is precious, how about one pot every two months?"

Although the other party was not short of money, Xiao Jingyao knew very well that rare things are more valuable.

You have to make the other party realize how difficult it is to get the wine, so the price of the wine will remain high in the future.


Mr. Li immediately agreed and said, "Master Xiao, please don't reveal the fact that I came here to buy wine, no matter what the circumstances."

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao was slightly stunned, then nodded in agreement.

After Mr. Li left, Xiao Jingyao immediately counted the banknotes in his hand again, with a smile on his face like that of a flower.


At this time, the shopkeeper walked in and looked at the stack of silver notes in Xiao Jingyao's hand, his eyelids twitching slightly.

"Go and ask someone to buy [-] big chicken drumsticks for me!"

Xiao Jingyao was in a good mood, took a few pieces of silver from his arms and threw it to the shopkeeper, with a very heroic and generous tone.

Shopkeeper: "..."


The shopkeeper took the silver and turned around and left.

Not long after, when Xiao Jingyao arrived at the door of Xiao's house with thirty large chicken legs, he happened to see several boys carrying baskets of seafood walking into Xiao's house.

As soon as he saw these things, Xiao Jingyao felt an inexplicable itch on his skin.

The last time I had red bumps all over my body suddenly came to mind.

Xiao Jingyao shuddered before walking towards the house.

When he arrived at the door, he happened to see the housekeeper Sun Yue walking out, looking very hurried. He immediately stopped him in front of him, "Butler Sun, why are you in such a hurry..."

"As for the fifth master, there are distinguished guests in the house. The old lady asked the servant to find the two ladies and Miss Ran Ran."

After Butler Sun finished speaking, he left in a hurry without stopping for more.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."


"Where are the distinguished guests?"

"Isn't this the same way Li Qingqiu delivered seafood last time?"

Xiao Jingyao wandered into the house.

When he saw the so-called distinguished guest in the main hall, he was instantly shocked.


Isn't this Mr. Li just now?

A look of embarrassment flashed across Xiao Jingyao's face, and he subconsciously covered his pockets.

If Mr. Li simply came to buy wine from him, it wouldn't be a big deal.But this person came to his home, which... was a bit embarrassing.

Mr. Li's face didn't change at all. He coughed slightly and looked at Mrs. Xiao beside him, pretending to be confused and asked, "Is this the father of that little girl Ran Ran? He looks quite tall." Like."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Jingyao completely understood that the old man in front of him didn't want anyone to know that he bought wine from him, so he smiled and touched his face and replied: "My face is similar to Ran That girl Ran looks very similar, but I’m just that little girl’s fifth uncle!”


Mr. Li raised his eyebrows.

Mrs. Xiao next to her gave her son a fierce look and said, "This is the old man of Jiang Linli's family, the biological grandfather of that girl Qingqiu!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao greeted politely and politely, "Hello, Uncle Li."

Mr. Li smiled and touched his gray beard, his eyes twinkling.

Mrs. Xiao continued to introduce, "This is my unsatisfactory fifth child, who is just doing nothing all day long!"

"Mom, can't you save some face for your son?"

Xiao Jingyao shouted dissatisfied.

Mrs. Xiao glanced at him and said, "You don't even need face, what do you need to face?"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Still your mother?
Mr. Li stared at Xiao Jingyao for a few more times, and then said: "I heard that girl Qingqiu say, you were the one who saved her when something happened before, right?"

"Hey, it's a small thing, a small thing!"

Xiao Jingyao smiled and waved his hands, looking like he was not worth mentioning.

After saying that, the image of Li Qingqiu looking coldly at him appeared in his mind.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen anyone in a while.

"What Lao Wu said is right, it's just a trivial matter! That girl Qingqiu has a straightforward temper and a simple mind. Our whole family likes her very much. That little girl Ranran is even more senior than sister Qingqiu all day long."

After Mrs. Xiao finished speaking, the soft and waxy voice of Xiao Naituanzi came from the door.

"What is grandma saying to Ran Ran?"

As the sound rang out, Mr. Li saw a small glutinous rice dumpling running in from outside.

The little girl ran in a hurry, her round face was flushed, and there was a layer of fine beads of sweat on her smooth forehead.

"Grandpa Li!"

As soon as he entered the door and saw Mr. Li, Xiaonuituanzi called out sweetly, then rushed to stand in front of Mr. Li, and looked up and down at Mr. Li's face with a pair of big round eyes.

"Grandpa Li, you're not good, you stole wine again!"

The little girl had a crisp voice, she looked fierce, and her eyes clearly shone with determination.

Mr. Li's smiling face suddenly froze.

Then a pair of old eyes widened, and he said confidently with a straight face, "Nonsense, I didn't drink!"

It's just that his words were obviously lacking in confidence, making him sound like he was hiding something.


The little breasted dumpling snorted softly and looked straight at him as if I didn't believe it.

Being stared at by such a pair of clear and clean eyes, Mr. Li was quickly defeated. He raised a finger and said angrily: "I secretly took a sip."

Everyone: "..."

"Well, that's how you behave~" Little Nipple Dumpling nodded his little head and smiled so hard that he couldn't even see his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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