Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 297: Be good, my niece calls me uncle. Come and listen.

Chapter 297: Be good, my niece calls me uncle~
After being told to be good by a little girl in front of him, the wrinkles on Mr. Li's old face were a bit unbearable.

"Sister, why are you running so fast?"

Just at this moment, Xiao Xiaoqi ran in panting and stood next to Xiaotuanzi. He saw an old man with a white beard in the room, and his big black and white eyes were staring at him curiously.

"Brother Xiaoqi, this is Grandpa Li."

"Grandpa Li, this is Ran Ran's Xiao Qi brother~"

An introduction to small breast dumplings with milky and milky sounds.

Xiao Xiaoqi was a polite person. After listening to Xiao Naituanzi's words, he gave Mr. Li a proper junior salute, and then called out, "Grandpa Li!"

Looking at the well-behaved little boy in front of him with red lips and white teeth, Mr. Li chuckled and reached out to rub his little head.

Xiao Xiaoqi looked up at him and asked without fear: "Is Grandpa Li here to see my sister for medical treatment?"

Saying that, without waiting for Mr. Li's answer, he added, "My sister is very powerful. If grandpa is sick, he can just go to my sister~"

Mr. Li looked at Xiao Xiaoqi with some surprise. How did this little Douding know that he was here to see a doctor?
Not only Mr. Li was confused, but also Mrs. Xiao and Xiao Jingyao beside him.

Why didn't he see that this old man was sick?


The old man also secretly bought wine from him.

If you can't drink, this business won't be so bad, right?

He didn't want the banknote he just got, it was taken out before he could warm it up.

"Xiao Qi, don't talk nonsense!"

Wang Wanqing walked in, scolded Xiao Xiaoqi in a low voice, and then saluted Mr. Li. Then he pulled Xiao Xiaoqi aside, looked at Mr. Li apologetically and said, "My child is not sensible, please." Mr. Li, don’t blame me.”

"It's okay!"

Mr. Li laughed, looked at the little girl and said: "The little guy is right, I came here specifically to let the little girl treat her! Last time I met this little girl in Jiang Lin, we can be considered friends since the last year. "

"Originally, the little girl was going to treat the old man and me last time, but my bastard son accidentally offended the little girl! But the little girl suffered a lot of grievances."

The Xiao family had heard Xu Yan and Min Shenxing talk about what happened in Jiang Lin.

But later the Li family also sincerely apologized. When Mr. Li mentioned it, Mrs. Xiao smiled and said: "Ranran is a young child. If you haven't actually seen her practice medicine, it would be difficult to convince people. "

"Master Li, I am filial to you and it is right to be cautious!"

"Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, it will be fine."

"Ha!" After Mrs. Xiao finished speaking, Xiao Jingyao let out a somewhat dissatisfied sound, and his brows were filled with displeasure.

The last time he stopped me, I refused to let him get treatment, but now he eagerly came all the way to Yonglin for treatment.

Haven't you found out about Xiao Nai Tuanzi's abilities?
Although Mr. Li's behavior was understandable, it was inexplicably unpleasant.

Although Xiao Jingyao felt uncomfortable, he did not express any opinions.

After all, the little girl doesn't seem to care about the current situation.

That night, the Xiao family left Mr. Li at the Xiao family for dinner. In the afternoon, Xiao Naituanzi checked Mr. Li's pulse. His physical condition was pretty good, because he had promised Xu Yan before that he would teach him the Taiyin Magic Acupuncture. , so Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Mr. Li agreed to go to Huichun Hall tomorrow.

The next day, after getting up early, Xiaonuituanzi was about to go to Huichun Hall, when Xiao Jingyao pulled him aside.

"Little girl, the old man from the Li family really can't drink?"

Xiao Naituanzi's eyes rolled, and she immediately understood why he asked, and asked bluntly: "Fifth uncle, how much money did you steal from Grandpa Li?"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

How can it be considered a trap?

This is someone who came to me on their own initiative. "Ahem... not much!" Xiao Jingyao coughed slightly and said with a slight guilt.

After saying that, he repeated the question he had just asked, "Then the old man really can't drink? Not even health wine?"

It seems that he will have to be more careful when selling alcohol in the future. If he encounters someone who cannot drink, it will be bad if he accidentally gets into a lawsuit.

" can drink it after the disease is cured~" Xiao Naituanzi thought for a while and said.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao breathed a sigh of relief.

The money in my pocket was finally saved.

But what Xiao Jingyao didn't know at this time was that in the near future, the banknotes that fell into his pocket would be returned in multiples.

Xiao Jingyao had nothing to do. Seeing that Min Shenxing did not come to Xiao's house today, he personally sent the little milk dumplings to Huichun Hall.

When the two of them arrived at the Huichun Hall, Mr. Li had already arrived and was chatting with Xu Yan.

Li Qingqiu and Li Qingyi were also sitting on one side.

When Li Qingqiu saw Xiao Jingyao's arrival, he immediately glared at him fiercely.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

This old grandma is really angry!

Whoever wants to marry such an aunt in the future will be really unlucky for eight lifetimes.

Li Qingyi sat next to his sister, seeing her sister's expression clearly, and couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly.

It seems that the relationship between my sister and Master Xiao is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

You know, if my sister really hates someone, she won't even bother to give him half a look, let alone such a angry glare.

But this Mr. Xiao...

Could it be that falling flowers are intentional and flowing water is ruthless?

Just as Li Qingyi was thinking about it, he heard the soft and glutinous voice of Little Nipple Dumpling.

"Grandpa Li, Sister Qingqiu, Aunt Qing..."

Xiaonuituanzi addressed several people by name very politely.

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Li laughed, pointed at sisters Li Qingyi and Li Qingqiu and said, "These two sisters, you call one sister and the other aunt. This generational hierarchy is confusing!"


When Xiao Naituanzi heard this, her little brows twisted into two caterpillars, as if she was struggling.

Xiao Jingyao nodded in agreement: "Mr. Li is right, let's call them all aunties!"

When he said this, he glanced at Li Qingqiu intentionally or unintentionally, with an expression that seemed to be provoking.

Li Qingqiu originally didn't care about this title, but when he saw Xiao Jingyao's expression, he immediately felt angry.

"What's your name? Call me sister! Hello sister!"

Xiao Jingyao raised his eyebrows, raised a smirk on his lips, and immediately said: "Good boy, come and listen to my niece's call!"

Li Qingqiu: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"My surname is Xiao, do you dare to say yes if I call you?" Li Qingqiu's face turned green and red. As he spoke, his hand reached to his waist and took out his whip. He threw it towards Xiao Jingyao.

Xiao Jingyao's eyelids twitched, his feet moved faster than his head, and he immediately jumped a long distance away.

(End of this chapter)

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