Chapter 298 Lost?
Seeing him dodge, Li Qingqiu felt inexplicably angrier.

He ran out after Xiao Jingyao.

"My eldest niece, if you have something to say, say it well. If you have something to say, say it well...don't be angry. It's not good for you to be so angry. can't hit can't hit me..."

While Xiao Jingyao was running for his life, he did not forget to be mean.

The anger in Li Qingqiu's heart was rising.

In a short time, the two people had left the Huichun Hall under the gaze of everyone.

Mr. Li: "..."

Everyone: "..."


Xu Yan chuckled and was the first to break the silence in the room.

Hearing this voice, everyone's eyes fell on him, with obvious doubts and scrutiny.

Xu Yan: "..."

For a moment, it was particularly embarrassing.


Mr. Li touched his lacy beard and took a deep look at Xu Yan, with a flash of deep meaning in his eyes.

"Little girl, since I'm here to see a doctor, let's get started!" Mr. Li said in a deep voice.


The little girl nodded her head, and then let Mr. Li lie down on the couch that had been prepared long ago.

Xu Yan's legs were not fully healed yet, but he knew that there were not many opportunities to learn like this. He stood next to Xiao Nai Tuanzi with a cane and listened attentively to Xiao Nai Tuanzi's explanation and acupuncture.


Xiao Jingyao was chased outside the city by Li Qingqiu, and then the two of them actually lost their way in the wild mountains and forests.

"I said Miss Li, how can we get out now?"

Xiao Jingyao looked at the surrounding environment and was speechless.

It was really... the first time in my life that I got lost.

They walked around the position in front of them for several times, but as they walked, they found that they were always in the same place, as if they had encountered a ghost hitting a wall.

Seeing Xiao Jingyao holding his forehead with one hand, Li Qingqiu moved the corners of his lips and made a temporary truce.

"It's all your fault. If you hadn't been so mean, would we have been able to come to this hellish place?" Although there was a temporary truce, Li Qingqiu still spit fire from his mouth when facing Xiao Jingyao.

Xiao Jingyao only felt that creatures like women were unreasonable, and replied: "Master, did I say that wrong? Ranran calls me fifth uncle, and calls you sister. In terms of seniority, don't you have to call me An uncle?"


Li Qingqiu had a cold face and almost spat at Xingzi when he heard this, "Who is your seniority? She is her, and you are you!"

If you want to take advantage of her, there is no way.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

If you don’t recognize him as your uncle, just don’t recognize him!

He didn't want to have such an old niece!

Just as Xiao Jingyao was thinking about it, he saw Li Qingqiu sitting on the ground, fanning the wind with his hands, and complained softly, "It's hot!"

Xiao Jingyao paused.

Looking from his angle, he could just see her slender and white swan neck.

The dappled sunlight shone through the shadows of the trees and fell on her neck, as if covered with a layer of golden light.

It is undeniable.

At this moment, Xiao Jingyao felt that Li Qingqiu, who was sitting quietly on the ground, was beautiful.

Dazzlingly beautiful.

The beauty is breathtaking.

"Plop! Plop!"

At this moment, Xiao Jingyao suddenly felt as if his heart had missed a beat, and even his breathing became lighter subconsciously.

"Rabbit!" However, at this moment, Li Qingqiu suddenly shouted loudly, and his whole body rushed towards a certain direction like an arrow off the string.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."


Everything that just appeared in my mind was an illusion!
Thinking that just now he had a heart-pounding feeling when he looked at this rude woman in front of him, Xiao Jingyao wanted to slap himself.

How much he can't think about it!

Xiao Jingyao looked at the carefree woman who had caught a hare over there and shuddered involuntarily, and then wiped the goosebumps on his body.

"Hey, uncle, do you know how to roast rabbit?"

Li Qingqiu twisted the hare's ears, placed the hare in front of Xiao Jingyao, and asked expressionlessly.

"Big... uncle?"

Xiao Jingyao thought he was hearing something, so he pointed at himself in disbelief and almost bit off his tongue.

Li Qingqiu glanced at him, with a smile on his face, "Didn't you shout that it belonged to my uncle?"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

I always think this is weird.

It was obvious that her "uncle" expression meant that she was compromising, and she had taken advantage of it, but just... she felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, the expression on Xiao Jingyao's face became strange.

He glanced at Li Qingqiu, whose eyes were bright and seemed to be smiling with success, a little nervously, and felt panicked in his heart.

He was sure that Li Qingqiu's uncle sound was intentional.

He was just mocking him for being old, but he had no proof.


Xiao Jingyao pretended to be calm and uttered two words. He thought about it and raised a smile, and continued to speak easily, "I'll call you uncle, and I won't let you go hungry."

After saying that, Xiao Jingyao snatched the wild rabbit from Li Qingqiu's hand and went to the creek not far from here.

But even he himself didn't know that he was walking with the same hands and feet, as if he was running away.

Seeing him leaving with the rabbit, and seeing his rare panic steps, Li Qingqiu suddenly burst into laughter.

Hearing this laughter, Xiao Jingyao's steps became faster.

What the hell!
It was such a pleasant laughter, but he heard a different meaning.

After about an hour.

Xiao Jingyao came back with the prepared rabbit, and Li Qingqiu also picked up a lot of firewood, and at the same time there was a bunch of mushrooms in his hand.

It's rare that the two of them didn't run against each other.

Li Qingqiu silently lit the fire, and Xiao Jingyao skewered the prepared rabbits with sharp sticks and placed them on the fire.

At this moment, the atmosphere was exceptionally harmonious.


Half an hour later, when looking at Li Qingqiu's dazed face, Xiao Jingyao subconsciously frowned.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Sensing something was wrong, Xiao Jingyao stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Li Qingqiu's face.

"Hey~, why are there two Xiao Jingyao? Uh, no... one, two, three... six, six Xiao Jingyao, hehehehe..."

As Li Qingqiu said this, he rushed towards Xiao Jingyao, put his hand directly on Xiao Jingyao's shoulder, and then giggled.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."


Xiao Jingyao, who had not recovered from his daze, suddenly heard her scream again, and then saw her reach out and hit her head while shaking, and finally held his face with both hands, seeming to be looking at it very seriously. .

"Xiao Jingyao, why do you have two noses!"

"And the bridge of your nose is so high~"

" candy!"

(End of this chapter)

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