Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 300: At such a young age, he has a big heart!

Chapter 300: At such a young age, he has a big heart!
"Calm down, calm down!"

Xiao Jingyao felt that he was going crazy. This person chased and beat him when he was awake, and now he chased and beat him when he was poisoned!
But at this moment, Li Qingqiu was still half awake, his mind was filled with thoughts of defeating his disciple...


After Xiao Naituanzi finished acupuncture on Mr. Li, it was already the time when the sun was setting.

Li Qingyi helped Mr. Li up and asked softly, "Fifth uncle, how do you feel?"

Mr. Li stood up, took a few deep breaths, and many folds appeared on his old face. He stroked his white beard and smiled: "It feels like the Ren and Du channels have been opened, and the whole person feels relaxed." few."

It has been several years since Mr. Li was found to have a heart disease. In the past, just for a sip of wine, he almost lost his life.

On weekdays, he looks pretty good, his face is red and healthy, but when his mood fluctuates a little, his heart becomes clogged and uncomfortable.

After the acupuncture, the feeling of blockage in my heart suddenly eased a lot.

This couldn't help but make him regret, why he didn't insist more and let the little girl give him the acupuncture, so that he wouldn't have to suffer these two months more.

The little girl laughed after hearing what Mr. Li said.

"Grandpa still needs four acupuncture treatments. Just come to the medical center every other day~"

"After doing this five times, grandpa's heart disease will be cured~"

"Old man, when can I drink?" Mr. Li asked with bright eyes, smacking his lips as he asked, looking like an old child, which made everyone laugh.

"Of course, after grandpa gets better!" Xiao Naituanzi replied crisply.

Four times, once every other day, which means he can drink after seven days...

Mr. Li kept calculating in his mind, almost counting the days on his fingers.

Li Qingyi shook her head helplessly. She really didn't know what was so good about that wine!

"Little girl, how can grandpa thank you?" Mr. Li asked.

There was a lot of unpleasantness at Li's house last time, and this time the little milk dumplings cured his heart ailment. He felt guilty and grateful.


The little girl tilted her head and thought for a moment, then blinked her big eyes and looked at Mr. Li and asked, "I heard that Mr. Li is very rich?"


When he heard the word "money", Mr. Li burst out laughing. He held his neck high and said proudly: "Grandpa is good at everything else, but he has a lot of money! Grandpa will give the little girl as much as she wants!"

"Hehe~" Xiao Naituanzi chuckled, like a cunning little fox, and said crisply, "My father and fourth uncle are setting up a free school, why don't grandpa also donate some?"


After Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, Mr. Li was stunned for a moment and looked at Li Qingyi.

Li Qingyi nodded slightly, and then told the story about the students who made trouble at the Yamen Gate some time ago, and then said: "Fifth uncle often said that good deeds are rewarded with good deeds. This establishment of a free school can be considered a good deed. How about it?" Just follow Ran Ran’s wishes and donate some money to the free school?”

"If the Li family joins, based on the Li family's prestige in the eyes of the people in Jiangnan, they can help County Magistrate Xiao solve a lot of troubles."

The Xiao family also helped the Yu family a lot, and Ran Ran's several actions made them very grateful.

Li Qingyi wanted to repay him, but he couldn't find a good way.

Now that Ran Ran brought this up, it was exactly what she wanted.

With Uncle Wu's words and his father, the president of the Yonglin Chamber of Commerce, coming forward, I believe that many merchants in the chamber of commerce will also be willing to invest.

This can be regarded as a guarantee for the Xiao family's free school and eliminates worries.


Mr. Li thought about it for a moment, then nodded. While rubbing the little head of the little breast dumpling, he looked at Li Qingyi and said: "I will give instructions on this matter and tell your father to handle it!"

Hearing this, Li Qingyi smiled and saluted Mr. Li, "On behalf of the poor people in Yonglin, Qingyi would like to thank my fifth uncle."

Seeing this, Xiao Nai Tuanzi also followed Li Qingyi's example and bowed to Mr. Li, saying softly: "Thank you, Grandpa." Seeing Xiao Nai Tuanzi's crooked salute, several people in the room They couldn't help but laugh.

"Why hasn't Qingqiu come back yet?"

At this time, Li Qingyi shook her head helplessly, "This girl is getting more and more out of tune."

When Mr. Li heard this, he smiled, but did not reply.

The little girl rolled her eyes and suddenly asked: "Grandpa, what do you think of my fifth uncle?"

Looking at the sparkling eyes of the little breast dumpling, Mr. Li's slightly cloudy eyes burst out with a gleam of light. He took a sip of the tea placed beside him, as if he was thinking about it...

After a while, he shook his head pretending to be profound...

"not good!"

When Xiao Naituanzi heard this, he snorted coldly.

"Grandpa is right, my fifth uncle is a bastard! Even my own mother, my grandmother, despises him!" Xiao Naituanzi agreed, and then sighed again, while observing Mr. Li's expression, he acted like a little adult. She looked worried about her children, "Hey... I can't get married at this age... My grandmother is also very worried!"

Mr. Li: "..."

this little girl...

Could it be that you saw what he was thinking?
Mr. Li agreed with a straight face, "It's true!"

The main thing is greed for money!

But why did he fall in love with that kid at first sight?

"That's right!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded in agreement, and then continued: "I told my fifth uncle a fortune teller, he was born to marry someone more fierce than him!"

Hearing this, Mr. Li glanced at Xiao Naituanzi.

little girl!
At such a young age, one’s mind is quite big!
This is the first time I have seen this niece looking for a match for her uncle.


Although he was quite optimistic about Xiao Jingyao, he could also see that the boy was inexperienced and that his character had not yet been settled. The Li family, the only daughter of Boss Qingqiu, was very enlightened.

Whether it can work or not depends on how the young people get along with each other.

After thinking for a while, Mr. Li looked at the little breast dumpling and said with a smile: "So Ran Ran means to say that your fifth uncle is a weakling?"

The little breasted dumpling blinked...and then blinked...

Weak chicken?

What is a weakling?

Li Qingyi, who was standing next to him, suddenly laughed out loud. He bent his fingers and gently scraped the bridge of Xiao Tuanzi's nose, and said helplessly: "You are not a big person, but you have a lot to worry about!"


The little breasted dumpling sighed deeply, pouted her lips and said, "Who told me to have an uneasy fifth uncle!"

Li Qingyi: "..."

Mr. Li: "..."

"Dong dong dong... dong dong dong..."

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps at the door, and then the boy on the first floor appeared panting in front of everyone.

"Miss Ranran, there is a very serious patient in the hospital. The other doctors don't dare to take action. It's inconvenient for you, sir, can you please go down and have a look?"

The young man spoke very anxiously. It seemed that the patient was very seriously injured.

(End of this chapter)

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