Chapter 301 Xiao Jingren slandered

As soon as the little girl heard this, she jumped off the stool without saying a word and followed the little guy downstairs.

Mr. Li and Li Qingyi in the room looked at each other, stood up, and left the hospital first to go back.

When Xiaotiao Tuanzi came downstairs, he saw a man lying on the couch next to him.

There was a sharp stone stuck in the man's chest. It looked like the wound was very deep. At this time, the clothes in front of him were more than half soaked in blood. His face was pale. He was already in a state of exhaling more air than inhaling. .

When the little girl saw the man, she frowned and was stunned for a moment.

The reason is……

There was actually a weak connection between this man and her.

Third uncle!
He is the third uncle!
With this thought in mind, Xiao Naituanzi hurriedly walked over and started to feel his pulse.

After a while, she let go, took out a pill from the Qiankun bag and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Uncle Douya, help me carry the person to the second floor and ask Brother Xu to help me!" Xiao Naituanzi ordered with a serious face and a calm tone.

At this time, many workers came to the Huichun Hall, and all of them were seriously injured. Among them, the third uncle was the most serious and fatal.

After hearing Xiao Naituanzi's instructions, the boy quickly called the two workers who had just sent him to carry him to the second floor.

The two people did not dare to delay and hurriedly carried the person upstairs carefully.

When Xu Yan heard the noise, he had already found a series of tools and was waiting in the room.

When someone came in, Xu Yan's face turned pale when he saw a familiar face.

"This...this is..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Listen to my orders!" Xiao Naituanzi looked at Xu Yan seriously and quickly explained his management plan.

Xu Yan sat by the bed and after listening to Xiao Naituanzi's instructions, he immediately regained his composure. He quickly took out the silver needle without daring to be careless and started injecting needles into Xiao Jingren's body.

Xiao Naituanzi took the wolf cents, cinnabar, and yellow paper from his pocket and squatted on the ground to draw one by one...

A quarter of an hour later.

After Xu Yan's silver needle fell, there were already large beads of sweat on his forehead.

And similarly, after Xiaonuituanzi finished drawing the talismans on the ground, his little face turned slightly white.

These talisman seals used to defy the heavens and change one's fate are different from the talisman seals that pop out. Each one needs to be instilled with its own inner strength.

After drawing a total of 36 talisman seals, Xiao Naituanzi raised his hand, and the talisman seals quickly floated in mid-air, forming a circle around Xiao Jingren.

This is not the first time Xu Yan has seen Xiao Naituanzi use this almost weird method to treat an illness, but when he saw it, he was still a little shocked.

But seeing the serious little face of Xiao Naituanzi, he subconsciously held his breath, not even daring to take a breath.

At this time, Xiao Naituanzi spread his legs apart, and his left foot drew a semicircle from front to back, and his right foot drew a semicircle from back to front. Then he could be seen closing his eyes, mumbling words in his mouth, and using hand gestures on his hands. It is also constantly changing.

And with her series of movements, the talismans surrounding Xiao Jingyao began to emit golden light bit by bit.

Under the shroud of golden light, the expression on Xiao Jingren's face became even paler. Looking at the man who seemed to be dead with almost no breath, Xu Yan's heart rose to his throat.

If Ran Ran hadn't been here today, they would have never been able to save a seriously ill patient like Xiao Jingren.

Time passed bit by bit, and a steady stream of inner energy was transferred to these talismans. Xiao Naituanzi's complexion became paler and whiter, but Xiao Jingren's complexion visible to the naked eye turned slightly rosy, and there was a constant flow of blood on his chest. Ups and downs.Seeing this, Xu Yan felt happy, but he didn't dare to speak easily.


It's really a miracle!

"call out!"

At this time, the talismans surrounding Xiao Jingren fell one by one, quickly disappeared into Xiao Jingren's body, and then disappeared.

And as the talismans disappeared, Xiao Jingren couldn't help but breathe a little heavier.

When the last talisman was introduced into Xiao Jingren's body, his chest rose and fell violently, and then the sharp stone stuck in his chest was ejected.

At the same time, a stream of bright red, warm blood shot out unexpectedly and sprayed Xu Yan's face.

Xu Yan: "..."

"Tianyin point, Rouhe point, Sanchayin..."

At this time, Xiao Nai Dumpling's soft and glutinous voice kept ringing in his ears. Xu Yan didn't care about anything else. He stretched out his hand and casually wiped the blood on his face, and then followed Xiao Nai Dumpling's instructions and used silver and silver respectively. The needle penetrated into several places she mentioned.

There were more than twenty acupuncture points, and it was not until the two of them dropped the silver needles that the blood spurted out gradually stopped.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Xiao Naituanzi ordered again to remove the previous silver needles one by one, and then began to sew up the wounds on Xiao Jingren's chest, apply medicine, and bandage them!

After waiting for a long time, until the sky became dark, Xiao Naituanzi took out the remaining silver needle.

Seeing that Xiao Jingren's face had regained some rosiness and his breathing had gradually calmed down, the little breast dumpling breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Yan reached out and rubbed her little head.

"Are you hungry? I'll have someone prepare a meal for you and take care of this room."

With that said, Xu Yan stood up and limped out of the door on crutches.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Yu Pingting standing at the door supported by the girl, with a big food box beside her.

Xu Yan frowned slightly when he saw her, "Why are you up? Your injury..."

"It's okay! Your medicine is very good, and the wounds have scabbed over. I want to go out for a walk." After saying that, Yu Pingting looked at the food box again and said, "I know Ranran gets hungry easily, so I just asked the girl to go out and buy some." It’s still hot when you come back!”

"Thank you." Xu Yan didn't show any pretense. He said thank you and carried the food box into the house. He first lit the candle and then called Xiao Naituanzi over.

Yu Pingting gave a few instructions to her little girl and then returned to the house.

Not long after, the little girl came up with the boy downstairs.

The little girl was holding water, and the boy was holding tools for wiping and cleaning.

In the house, after cleaning, Xu Yan and Xiaonai Dumpling also did a simple cleaning, and then sat on the table not far away and started to feast.

After eating the little milk dumplings, I felt a little sleepy, and my little head was pounding little by little.

Xu Yan arranged for her to sleep in a room not far away, and then ordered someone to go to Xiao's house to report, and then guarded Xiao Jingren.

Although Xiao Jingren was out of danger at this time, the wound was very deep after all, and with the loss of a lot of blood, it could easily cause a high fever. If no one was watching, the fever would burn him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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