302 Blackmail
After the Xiao family heard the notice from Huichun Hall, the whole family hurried to Huichun Hall to visit.

Along the way, Wang Wanqing's hands were clasped together tightly, clenching tightly.

Although she had long known from Ran Ran that her husband was still alive, she was about to see someone at this moment, but she felt uneasy in her heart.

She wants to see him!

Afraid of seeing him again!

"Mother, mother, that's great! Daddy is really coming back!"

Compared to Wang Wanqing's nervousness, Xiao Xiaoqi's face was full of excitement, her little face was flushed with happiness, and her eyes were bright.

When Wang Wanqing heard his words, the corners of her eyes turned red and she nodded with tears in her eyes.

Xiao Jinghan said: "I haven't seen my father for many years, and I have forgotten what he looks like!"

"I just don't know why dad hasn't come back to us for so many years."

After Xiao Jinghan finished speaking, the worry on Wang Wanqing's face became a little deeper.

"You'll know what's going on when you see your father later." Wang Wanqing patted Xiao Jinghan's hand.

She had thought about this question countless times since that day when Xiao Naituanzi confirmed that her husband was not dead.

There's just no definite answer.

The distance from Xiao's house to Huichun Hall is not too far, but for a few people who are eager to see Xiao Jinghan, it seems as long as a century.

On the other side of the carriage, Xiao Jingxuan and his wife, Xiao Jingzhe and Mrs. Xiao were also very nervous.

Especially Xiao Jingzhe, he wanted to fly to his third brother Xiao Jingren immediately and take a good look at him.

If it hadn't been for him, I'm afraid he would have turned into a pile of loess.

After a stick of incense.

Two carriages stopped at the door of Huichun Hall at the same time.

At this time, although it was already dark, the lights in the Huichun Hall were still brightly lit, and there were still many patients in the medical center.

As soon as a few people got off the carriage, the boys from Huichun Hall came out to welcome them.

The boy recognized them and led them upstairs.

But just as he was about to go upstairs, a sharp and somewhat hysterical voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Where is my husband? Where is my husband?"

The woman's condition was not very good, her hair was messy and she looked dusty.

As soon as he came in, he grabbed the boy who was about to take them upstairs and asked.

Seeing this, everyone stopped.

When Wang Wanqing saw the woman's face clearly, her brows furrowed.

At the same time, the familiar figure from yesterday flashed through my mind.

A bad premonition quietly arose in his heart, and the hand holding the handkerchief tightened subconsciously, and even the biting lip smelled of blood.

Do not!
It will not be such a coincidence!

Wang Wanqing looked at the woman's face and comforted herself in her heart.

However, at this moment, a patient not far away replied, "Sister-in-law, Brother Amu is upstairs! Go take a look at Brother Amu. Brother Amu was pierced through the chest by a sharp stone. The most serious injury.”

Upon hearing this, the woman threw away the boy and hurried to the second floor.

Wang Wanqing took a few steps back in a daze. The mist in her eyes couldn't help but rise up and cover her entire eye sockets, and her nose was also very sore.

"Three siblings!"

Everyone in the Xiao family knew that Xiao Jingren was pierced through the chest by a sharp stone, and when they heard these words, they had some vague guesses in their hearts.Jin Ling had been walking beside Wang Wanqing since she entered the house. At this time, she noticed her expression and felt worried.

Everyone in the Xiao family also turned to look at her.

"I'm fine!"

Wang Wanqing forced out a smile with difficulty. The expression on her face was uglier than crying, but she shook her head firmly at everyone.

"It's that bad woman!"

"Hmph! It's so annoying!"

"I will see Daddy later. I want to tell Daddy that that bad woman bullied me and my mother!"

Suddenly, Xiao Xiaoqi's displeased and childish words spilled out of his mouth.

"Little Seven!"

Wang Wanqing called Xiao Xiaoqi and shook her head at him.

If everything is really what she thinks at this time, then...

Xiao Xiaoqi didn't understand what Wang Wanqing meant, and pouted her mouth a little aggrievedly.

At this time, he still didn't understand that his father had married someone else.Not only that, but there are other children.

Just because he doesn't understand doesn't mean others don't understand.

Especially Xiao Jinghan, who immediately spoke, "Mom, if dad really marries someone else, we don't want such a dad. With my brother and me, why are we afraid that we won't provide for mom in her old age?"

"Third brother!" Jin Ling glared at Xiao Jinghan. He couldn't be so arbitrary before the matter was fully understood.

"Third brother and sister, please relax. We will always be on your side. No matter what, we are a family! Finally, we have the news about the third brother. Let us first find out what is going on before we can make a decision. .”

"That's right, third sister-in-law, don't worry, we should trust third brother!" Xiao Jingzhe also said.

Wang Wanqing reluctantly withdrew her lips and said calmly and softly, "Let's go upstairs first!"


Everyone nodded in unison.

The family climbed up to the second floor step by step.

Before he even reached the door of the room, he saw the woman sitting on the ground rolling around, and her words were very vulgar and unpleasant.

Standing in front of her were Xu Yan, who was leaning on crutches and supporting his forehead with a headache, and Yu Pingting, who was still a little weak but stood upright.

Both of their faces were very ugly.

Yu Pingting's little girl even tried to help the woman up, but the woman couldn't get up no matter what.

Seeing this, the Xiao family frowned fiercely.

The woman didn't see Wang Wanqing and Xiao Xiaoqi clearly behind her. When she saw so many people suddenly appearing not far away, she howled even harder.

"Oh my God... open your eyes and take a good look! This medical clinic is a black-hearted medical clinic! They treated my husband to death and they still refused to pay for it! What kind of justice is this!"

Xu Yan & Yu Pingting: "..."

"Madam, you have finally told the truth now, right? You came to us just to extort a sum of money, right?" Xu Yan was really speechless.

This woman barged in as soon as she came up. He didn't know the relationship between this woman and Xiao Jingren at first, but he just asked one more question.

As a result, after she glanced at the unconscious Xiao Jingren, she sat on the ground and cried bitterly. Not only that, she also wanted to beat her husband up and said that the medical center had killed her husband and she needed to claim 1 taels from the medical center.

1 taels is nothing to their medical clinic, but why should he?
"Madam, you'd better get up and talk first!" Yu Pingting persuaded her kindly, then slowly stepped forward and saluted everyone in the Xiao family, "I've seen Mrs. Xiao, Mr. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao... …”

(End of this chapter)

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