Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 304: The iron box is stolen, dog bites dog

Chapter 304: The iron box is stolen, dog bites dog

"What about the child now? Where is he?" Mrs. Xiao asked.

"He's at home. It's already dark. How can I dare to take him out? I'll let the resident help take care of him."

"Yes." Mrs. Xiao hummed softly and winked at Jin Ling beside her, gesturing for her to ask.

Hearing this, Jin Ling nodded slightly, thought for a moment, and asked: "You just said that your child is five years old. How did you meet my third brother? Where did you meet me? Where are you from? ?”

"I...we escaped from northern Fujian, and we met there too!"

"He was injured before, and I saved him. After he woke up, he acted a little silly, but I didn't dislike him, so we got married soon and had a child."

After her words fell, everyone in the room fell into silence.

Xiao Jingren disappeared on the battlefield in northern Xinjiang. A place very close to there was what the woman said was northern Fujian. After that battle, there was indeed a famine there.

And this also explains why the third child has not come back to look for them even though he is still alive.

"Since the third child is a fool, why did he get hurt?" Xiao Jingxuan asked in a deep voice.

He had inquired very clearly before that the people who were sent to the hospital today all had accidents at the same construction site.

This woman in front of me actually let a fool work on the construction site, which is simply unforgivable!
Xiao Jingxuan's voice was deep, and when he had a straight face, people instinctively felt a chill.

As soon as the deliberately coercive aura appeared, the woman didn't hold back, and knelt down with a "pop", and explained in a panic: "No, no, Brother Amu's stupid illness was cured two years ago. It’s just that he doesn’t remember what happened in the past.”

"Now he looks like a normal person!"

After hearing this explanation, the Xiao family finally felt much better.

Jin Ling stepped forward and helped the person up, saying: "Our surname is Xiao, my husband is our Yonglin County Magistrate, your husband... your husband is our third brother, we will take good care of him next, you Let’s go back for now!”

"The child is still waiting for you at home. When the third child wakes up, we will go find you, or you can bring the child to the Yamen to find us!"

After hearing this, the woman's body froze obviously, and she looked at the family in front of her as if she was in a dream.

County magistrate!
That's the biggest official in this place.

She never dreamed that she would be able to have a relationship with the county magistrate in her life.

It seems that God is about to open his eyes.

Look at what the husband in front of you is wearing and on his head...

Then when you enter the Xiao family, wouldn't it mean that you are going to fly up a branch and become a phoenix?

Thinking of this, the woman's heart blossomed with joy.

The joy on his face and the sparkle in his eyes could not be concealed no matter how hard he tried.

Everyone in the Xiao family looked at her greedy and philistine face and showed displeasure.

"You are the sister-in-law, right? Now that my husband has recognized us, we will be one and the same from now on! I will take the child to the county government office tomorrow so that you can all meet him!"

Jin Ling: "..."

After the woman left, the Xiao family fell into silence for a while.

"Fourth, what do you think?" Xiao Jingxuan rubbed his eyebrows and asked.

The Xiao family has finally been stable for some time. If there is such a troublemaker, you can imagine... what kind of chaos will happen.

The most important thing is how the third brother and sister can bear it.

"Let's wait until Third Brother wakes up to see what's going on! Also, Third Brother has forgotten what happened in the past. Let's see if there is any way Ran Ran can make him recover!"

"If the third brother can recover, then it depends on how he handles it. If he cannot recover, our Xiao family cannot afford to support two idle people!"

"If the mother and son can live in peace, that's all. If they can't live in peace, then the family will take care of them."


When everyone heard this, they all nodded in agreement.

"Sir, Fourth Master, something happened in the house!" At this time, Lu Qing walked in and reported.

"What happened?" Xiao Jingxuan raised his eyebrows and asked nonchalantly. "The iron box was stolen and Butler Sun was injured! Two men in black were arrested and they both committed suicide!"

"Any clues?" Xiao Jingzhe asked.

"They look like people from the Imperial City!" Lu Qing replied.

"Is it the Imperial City, not Southern Xinjiang?"


"Ha!" Xiao Jingzhe chuckled and moved the ring on his finger, "That will be interesting!"

"Lu Qing, let the news out that the iron box was stolen, and finally pour this basin of water on the Ye family!"

Lu Qing: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Then it’s time to watch dog eat dog.

"Is this too obvious?" Jin Ling asked slightly worriedly.

"Anyway, our Xiao family, Ye Zhengyong will always find ways to deal with our Xiao family. It's better to find something for him to do. We will act more safely." Xiao Jingxuan said.

The Xiao family may have attracted too much attention these days, and it may be an eyesore.

This is just right!

What's more, the iron box issue has been discussed long ago.

Tonight was just an opportunity they deliberately gave.

That night, Wang Wanqing stayed down to take care of Xiao Jingren, while everyone else went back first.

At night, Xiao Jingren had a high fever and started talking nonsense.

Wang Wanqing stayed up almost all night, giving him medicine to help reduce fever...

After repeating it several times, Wang Wanqing turned pale from exhaustion.

Xu Yan didn't sleep all night. Watching Wang Wanqing busy for Xiao Jingren, he felt very envious.

The next day, early morning, in the suburbs.


A sharp sound pierced the sky, and all the birds in the forest disappeared.

"Xiao Jingyao, you are shameless!"

Li Qingqiu got up from Xiao Jingyao's arms in a panic, looking at his messy clothes, his face was full of embarrassment, and his porcelain white face turned red.

Xiao Jingyao frowned, moved his body casually, a hint of impatience flashed on his face, turned around and went back to sleep.

When Li Qingqiu saw him like this, he kicked him up.


Xiao Jingyao screamed, holding his butt and getting up from the ground, his deep eyes showed a hint of murderous intent at that moment.

Li Qingqiu was startled and felt a chill in his heart.

very scary!
She had always thought that Xiao Jingyao was a careless, uneducated and money-grubbing person, but at that moment, she realized that she had never seen through him!
"Hey, do you know that disturbing people's dreams is equivalent to seeking money and killing people?"

Xiao Jingyao looked unhappy, his eyes were dark, and he looked extremely sleepy.

After saying this, he yawned loudly.

Li Qingqiu blinked his eyes, and when he looked at him again, he still looked like he was in need of a beating, no different from usual.

It was as if he had just been dazzled.

(End of this chapter)

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