Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 305: Don’t even give up the bottom line for money?

Chapter 305: Don’t even give up the bottom line for money?

"Hey, why don't you say anything? Could it be that your poison hasn't been released yet?"

Xiao Jingyao was confused, took two steps forward, and waved his hand in front of Li Qingqiu's face.

Li Qingqiu frowned, "What kind of poisoning, you..."

Before she could finish her words, she saw the back of his big hand suddenly touching her forehead.

The cold touch made her freeze on the spot, and she forgot to react for a moment.

"Well, it's not burning anymore!"

Soon he put his hand down, muttered something, then grinned and said: "Since it's not burning, should we calculate the general ledger?"

"What ledger?"

Li Qingqiu didn't know why and was full of doubts.

Xiao Jingyao's mouth twitched, "You haven't forgotten, have you? After you ate mushrooms yesterday..."


Following his words, Li Qingqiu carefully recalled what happened yesterday.

The pictures in her mind flashed one by one like a movie, making her face turn red and white.

She actually did such a shameful thing yesterday!
In the end, he even touched some people and even started to have a high fever...

Lose your face!

What a shame!


This cannot be admitted!
As long as she doesn't admit it and pretends that she can't remember it, what can Xiao Jingyao do to her?
"How do you remember?"

Xiao Jingyao asked with raised eyebrows.

After saying that, he rubbed his hands, and then looked at Li Qingqiu with a smile, "If I hadn't taken care of you all night, you would have burned to death last night! So... shouldn't you express your gratitude?"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word? What happened to me last night? I slept well. Where is the fever?"

"Hey, Xiao Jingyao, are you crazy about being poor? I used to look at you... I thought you were a bit stingy and greedy, but you were still a person with a bottom line. What? Now you don't even have a bottom line. No more?"

"Tsk tsk... I didn't expect you to be such a person. I must have misjudged you!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Did you really forget it or was it intentional?

Xiao Jingyao glanced at her tentatively, but... he couldn't see anything. There were still two eyes, a nose, and a mouth!
never mind!

never mind!

Forget it and forget it!

You just don't know what stupid thing you did yesterday!
Thinking about it, Xiao Jingyao breathed a sigh of relief again!

What a pity!
But looking at Li Qingqiu's completely forgotten expression, I don't know why but I feel a little disappointed!
Xiao Jingyao shook his head and discarded the distracting thoughts in his heart.

But in order to cover up his guilty conscience, he immediately changed the subject, "What if we can't get out now?"

Originally, he wanted to follow his pink butterfly out last night, but unfortunately, Li Qingqiu was poisoned by mushrooms and had a fever at night and talked nonsense, so he had no choice but to take care of her for the whole night.

If you still can't get out today, you can only stay for another day.

And the fact that he has a pink butterfly on his hand will definitely be exposed to Li Qingqiu!
"I have this!"

At this time, Li Qingqiu suddenly took out a signal bomb from his waist and sounded it instantly!

"call out!"


The signal bomb exploded in the air and then disappeared!
Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"You have this thing, why didn't you take it out yesterday?"

Xiao Jingyao was going to be depressed to death. If he had known about this thing earlier, would he have had to take care of her so hard last night?
Do you know that because of her last night, he almost lost his life insurance?

"This signal flare is used at the most dangerous time, you? You can't beat me!" Li Qingqiu said arrogantly.Xiao Jingyao: "..."


Outright contempt!

Can't he beat him?
It’s just that good men don’t fight with women!
"Okay! As you like!"

With that said, Xiao Jingyao lay down on the ground again.

It's so sleepy!

Li Qingqiu remembered that he took care of him all night long and didn't sleep a wink last night, so he let him go!

She sat down obediently on the edge and stared at him for a moment.

Judging from his appearance alone, Xiao Jingyao is quite good.

The atrium is plump, the facial features are handsome, and even the skin is like that of a girl, as white as jade.


How could there be such a soul hidden under such a good-looking face?
Recalling every bit of time since she met Xiao Jingyao, she couldn't help but curl her lips.

When we first met, we were so excited that we chased him all over the street.

They were quarrelsome when they saw each other again, they didn't like each other, and he didn't hesitate when he cheated on her.

She thought that they would never see each other again after that time, but she seemed to fall from the sky when she was in danger and saved her from danger. At that moment, she had to change her inherent impression of him, but...

But this person only saved him for the money in her pocket.

This really refreshed her bottom line again and again.

But for some reason, she gradually had such thoughts about him.

She took her to catch mice that night, and she sprained her foot. She was angry at what he said, but then he lured away the guards alone, and finally hid behind her and sent her home silently. She was very sad in her heart. move.

But that night he said that he only regarded her as a brother.

She, a girl, wants him to be her brother?
What's the difference between this and mocking her?
After she went back that night, she swore that if she talked to him again, she would strangle herself to death, but when she saw her yesterday, she couldn't control her temper for some reason and ran out after him.

In fact, she thought about her flare yesterday when she was awake, but for some reason she just didn't want to take it out.

So much so that he was poisoned later and developed a fever.

Thinking of the scenes last night, Li Qingqiu's face suddenly burned.


This person doesn't seem to be so indifferent to her~

Thinking like this, a little smile overflowed from the corners of her mouth.

Xiao Jingyao, you dared to bully my aunt and grandma while she was having a fever, so don't blame me for being rude.

You will never escape from my aunt's clutches for the rest of your life.

About a quarter of an hour later, the Li family's guards came.


"Well, I'm fine. It's just that we're lost. We can't seem to get out of this place no matter how we walk."

"Don't worry, Miss. When we came, we were afraid that Miss would be in danger, so we marked the place along the way. Follow the marks. It shouldn't be a problem."


Li Qingqiu breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Xiao Jingyao who was still sleeping soundly over there, thought for a while and said, "Let's wait a little longer!"

The guards glanced at Xiao Jingyao subconsciously, and did not dare to have any objections. They said "yes" and rested on the edge.

Near noon, the sun gradually became brighter, and Xiao Jingyao woke up.

"Are you awake?"

Seeing Xiao Jingyao waking up, Li Qingqiu showed him a faint smile. Maybe it was because of the sun. At this time, her face was red and soft, making people want to bite her. The feeling of the last bite.

(End of this chapter)

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