Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 306 The 9th Young Master of the Xiao Family?Xiao Jingyao trains people!

Chapter 306 The ninth young master of the Xiao family?Xiao Jingyao trains people!
Xiao Jingyao looked around and looked at her doubtfully, "Why didn't you wake me up? And why didn't you hide under the tree over there?"

Isn’t it said that women all love beauty?
She's not afraid of getting tanned anymore?

Do not!
Don't men have sex?

What woman is like her?

Hearing his words, Li Qingqiu curled his lips and said, "Do you think I'm not afraid of the sun? Isn't it because I'm afraid that some people sleeping here will suddenly be bitten to death by snakes!"

After all, summer has arrived, the season when snakes and insects appear.

After saying that, Li Qingqiu was observing his reaction.

Now that she was sure of her intention, she was bound to take down the pig Xiao Jingyao.

Everyone would be moved by the fact that she guarded him regardless of herself, right?


When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he chuckled, his tone mixed with disdain, "What a joke, those snakes have to go around when they see me, dare to bite me?"

Li Qingqiu: "..."

This man is simply...


She endures!

Let's see how she handles him when she takes him down!
"Now that you've woken up, let's go!"

Li Qingqiu snorted lightly, turned around and left.

Why didn't this woman glare at him today?Conscience discovered?

Xiao Jingyao touched his nose, was he being a bitch?Isn't he still uncomfortable if she doesn't glare at him?

With these guards around and signs posted, he walked out quickly.

As soon as they returned to the city, Xiao Jingyao and Li Qingqiu separated and went back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.


As soon as Xiao Jingyao returned to Xiao's house, an oncoming ball hit him in the face with a bang, which made him feel dizzy.

"Oh, hit, hit!"

"I hit one!"

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a little furry child pointing at him and jumping happily.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Who is this?
How come there are so many people in the house after he has only been out for a day?
Look at this little kid's age?

Is it Xiaoba?
The second brother's little boy is five years old.

"Slave dog, why are you still standing there? Why don't you pick up the ball for me quickly?"

Xiao Jingyao was stunned for a moment when he heard this!
dog minion?
Did you mean him?

Didn’t I hear that the second brother, Xiaoba, is a little old man?how……

"Five masters!"

At this time, a boy ran over in a panic and called out cautiously.

"he is?"

Xiao Jingyao asked doubtfully.

"He is the new Ninth Young Master in the house!" the young man replied in an incomprehensible manner.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."


Why didn't he know when there was such a person in the family?

"Yes!" The boy nodded and whispered, "I heard from my master that he is the third master's child!"

"Third...Third Master? You mean my third brother? My third brother is back?"

Without waiting for the boy to answer, the children over there started shouting again, "Hey, you two slaves, what are you talking about? Why don't you come over quickly and play ball with me? Believe it or not, I'll tell my father and mother Beat you to death!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

yo! ?
I've never seen anything so arrogant!
Xiao Jingyao likes to treat all kinds of dissatisfaction!

After smoothing his sleeves, Xiao Jingyao stepped forward, reached out and picked up his collar, hung the little kid in the air, and slapped his fleshy butt. "Wow……"

The little kid burst out crying, "You bitch slave, if you dare to hit me, I will kill you! Wow... Mother, save me? Wow..."


Xiao Jingyao raised his hand and slapped him down again.

"Cry, cry hard! You don't know how to respect others at such a young age. See if I don't spank you! Let you know the rules of my Xiao family."

What's the matter with the third brother? He hasn't come back for several years, but when he comes back he brings something like this!

At a young age, he is a dog slave. At first glance, he looks like a spoiled creature with little education.

How could the Xiao family ever produce such a thing?

Since the third brother is unwilling to teach a lesson, here he comes!

"Go, give me a rope, young master!" Xiao Jingyao ordered.

"This..." The boy hesitated and persuaded: "Fifth Master, wouldn't this be bad? After all, he is still a child!"


Xiao Jingyao sneered, "So you spoil him just because he is a child? Let them hit you with a ball? Although you are good slaves bought by my family, how have I, the Xiao family, ever looked at you without you?"

"He dares to do this as a child. If word spreads, will he care about the reputation of our Xiao family?"

"At such a young age, my mind is not clean! Will I pay it back when I grow up?"

Hearing this, the boy didn't dare to say anything more and hurriedly went down to find the rope.

After a while, Xiao Jingyao tied the little kid to a tree trunk in the yard and taught him a harsh lesson.


Heartbreaking cries resounded throughout the hospital, and soon attracted the attention of Lin Cuihua, the mother who wanted to have a baby.

"Stop, stop, you little slave, what are you doing?"

Lin Cuihua looked at her child, and her heart almost broke.

After she went back last night, she quickly packed her things, thinking of bringing her son to enjoy the occasion!After inquiring about the location of the Xiao family, she directly asked someone to send her here. It happened that the old lady of the Xiao family was leading people to the hospital, so she asked the servants in the mansion to arrange for them.

There are no tigers in this mountain, and monkeys rule the roost.

Lin Cuihua instinctively felt that she was the most noble person among them.

So he arrogantly ordered a few boys to take care of his son, while he took a few girls to wander around the Xiao Mansion.

I was imagining a happy life living here with crowds of slaves and slaves in my future, when I unexpectedly heard the cry of my son.

He hurried over and saw his child tied to a tree trunk. He yelled at Xiao Jingyao without thinking.

"You bitch slave, do you know who I am? I am your third wife, and my child is the young master of this house!"

Lin Cuihua put her son down distressedly and glared at Xiao Jingyao.

Xiao Jingyao was dressed more casually and low-key today. In addition, he was lost in the forest yesterday and took care of Li Qingqiu. He looked a little embarrassed. Although his face looked very good, Lin Cuihua did not regard him as a The master of this house is only treated as a slave.

after all……

The steward Sun she had met was very good-looking.

In addition, she had met everyone from the Xiao family yesterday at Huichun Hall.


"Third Madam?"

Xiao Jingyao snorted disdainfully, "I don't remember when I got such a third sister-in-law!"

"You... are you?"

Lin Cuihua's expression changed slightly when she heard Xiao Jingyao's words.

The little girl next to her kindly reminded her, "Mrs. Lin, this is the fifth master of the house."

"Five...Five masters?"

A flash of embarrassment flashed across Lin Cuihua's face, and then she laughed awkwardly.

"So it's the fifth brother. It's true that one family doesn't belong to the same family. I'm your third sister-in-law. My name is Lin Cuihua! This is your nephew's name, Lin'er."

(End of this chapter)

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