Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 307 A daughter-in-law is naturally more important than a son!

Chapter 307 A daughter-in-law is naturally more important than a son!

"Who do you think you are? You dare to call yourself my third sister-in-law?"

"I, Xiao Jingyao, only have one third sister-in-law, and that is Wang Wanqing! Even if you are my third brother's woman, you are nothing more than an outlaw at best! Even worse than a servant in the house."

"You've just entered the house and you're so unruly, showing off your power, you really think you're a person."

"As for this little guy next to you... Ha! I don't want such an uneducated thing in the Xiao family!"

After saying that, Xiao Jingyao coldly threw down his bamboo stick and warned, "If I see him hitting someone's head with a ball again, I won't be able to get over it so easily like today."

"Where's that bastard Xiao Jingren? Let him come out. How dare you disrespect my third sister-in-law and two eldest nephews? Look at me, I can't teach him a lesson!"

Hearing Xiao Jingyao's remarks, Lin Cuihua turned pale with fright.

The servants nearby felt relieved.

But within one morning, the mansion was in a state of chaos. Which of the servants around her had not been criticized by her?
They have been in Xiaozhai for so long, and they have never been like this.

Because of their status, they dare to be angry but dare not speak out!

But a few words from Master Wu instantly made them understand how to treat the mother and son in the future.

Over there, Butler Sun heard Xiao Jingyao's yelling and ran over in a hurry.

"Fifth Master, Third Master's child is now at the Hui Chun Hall!"

"In the Huichun Hall?"


Butler Sun hurriedly recounted what happened yesterday.

After listening, Xiao Jingyao understood instantly. Seeing Butler Sun's injured appearance, he couldn't help but ask, "Did those assassins succeed last night?"


Butler Sun nodded slightly.

Although the iron box thing is just a show, it cannot be obtained so easily, otherwise it will arouse suspicion.

Xiao Jingyao rolled his eyes and ordered: "Pour this dirty water on the Ye family's head!"

Butler Sun: "..."

It’s really not like a family doesn’t live in a family.

The fifth master and the fourth master even paid the same attention.

"Replying to the fifth master, the fourth master already ordered this yesterday."

Xiao Jingyao raised his eyebrows and curled his lips into a smile.

Sure enough, in terms of bad attention, it depends on his fourth brother.

"Keep an eye on the two new ones! I'm worried that others will take advantage of them." Xiao Jingyao reminded.

Nowadays, these people in the Xiao family are all carefully selected and have signed the death penalty. It is not easy for some people to bribe them, but the mother and son are different. Especially the woman, she doesn't look like that at first glance. The kind of calm one.

The Xiao family has finally made some progress, and he must not let others destroy it easily.


Butler Sun responded.

"In addition, arrange a yard for them, a little more remote! The further away from my third sister-in-law, the better."


After giving these instructions, Xiao Jingyao returned to his yard, washed up, and had lunch before going out.

Xiao Jingyao went directly to Huichun Hall.

When I went there, I happened to meet Mrs. Xiao at the door.

"Mom, is it really the third brother who is back?"

"Yes." Madam Xiao, with a sad look on her face, shook her head slightly, and sighed, "The third child was seriously injured and he hasn't woken up yet."

"Third sister-in-law is taking care of you?"

"Yes." Mrs. Xiao nodded, and instantly thought of the Lin Cuihua she met yesterday.I really don’t understand. Is the third child blind?He actually married a woman like that.

Her husband was so seriously injured that he didn't see her caring at all. This morning, when it was still bright, he led his son to the door. It can be seen that after returning yesterday, he was already planning to go to Xiao's house.

"Lao Wu, you must have met your third brother's woman and son, right? You should investigate her secretly and ask her neighbors how your third brother gets along with them."

After all, Mrs. Xiao still couldn't accept her son marrying such a woman!
The Xiao family can't accept a daughter-in-law like that!

Not even if it's just an outer room.


Xiao Jingyao responded, and then told what happened in the house again, "Mom, it's not easy for my sister-in-law to get involved in third brother's affairs. Third sister-in-law is also weak, so some things have to be done by you. .”

When Mrs. Xiao heard Xiao Jingyao talking about the behavior of the mother and son, her face was full of displeasure.

"Don't worry, leave it to mom. Mom won't let them harm your third sister-in-law!"

"What if the third brother wakes up and protects the mother and son?" Xiao Jingyao asked.

When asked, Mrs. Xiao couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "In this mother's mind, your third sister-in-law is more important than your third brother."


Upon hearing this, Xiao Jingyao laughed.

Xiao Jingyao went up to the second floor and took a look at Xiao Jingren. Seeing that he was sleeping soundly, he left without staying to investigate Lin Cuihua.

But when he came to Dashan Village where Lin Cuihua lived, Xiao Jingyao saw the two brothers Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Xiaoqi at a glance.

Got it!

These two boys were much more anxious than him.

"Uncle Five!"

As soon as Xiao Xiaoqi saw Xiao Jingyao, he rushed up to him and threw himself directly into his arms. His eyes were red, and he obviously looked wronged.

"Hey, my little darling? What's going on? How have you been wronged?"

"Wow... I don't like dad at all, I don't like him anymore!"

Xiao Xiaoqi has been closest to Xiao Jingyao since she was a child. When she saw that he seemed to want to vent all her grievances, she burst into tears.

"Stop crying, stop crying! My fifth uncle is feeling distressed!"

Xiao Jingyao patted his back repeatedly and comforted him softly.


Everyone knew how much Xiao Xiaoqi had been looking forward to seeing his father, but he didn't expect that the person he had been looking forward to for so long would have another child. The most important thing was that the child he hated the most people.

That nasty guy who wants that ball to hit him.

And people in the village said that his father doted on him very much.

How can a father pamper other children?

Xiao Jingyao was also very helpless. The appearance of the third brother was undoubtedly like dropping a depth bomb into their peaceful home.

The Xiao family has always been monogamous. Third brother, this is really...

"Uncle Five!"

Xiao Jinghan walked slowly and leisurely, and the expression on his face was not so good-looking.

"But what did you ask?" Xiao Jingyao asked.

"It's almost the same as what the woman said! As for many people in other villages, they don't know much about it!" Xiao Jinghan sighed, with a somewhat frustrated expression on his face.

"Didn't you ask anything else?"

Xiao Jingyao asked doubtfully.

"What else?" Xiao Jinghan was confused.

"Of course it's the relationship between your father and that woman. You may not know your father very well. He has been very hairy since he was a child. Because he is a young hero and has good looks, he is a Delicious food."

(End of this chapter)

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