Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 308 A trio of Xiao family members inquire for information!

Chapter 308 The Xiao family trio inquire for information!
"At that time, I don't know how many noble ladies he was fascinated by! But he couldn't look down on any of them, saying that those people were just vulgar fans."

"If I hadn't met your mother later, I'm afraid my whole life would have been like that."

"For people like him, even if there is something wrong with their brains, I always feel that some habits cannot be changed so easily."

"I've seen that woman before, most people don't like her, let alone anything else!"

"Really?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Jinghan's eyes lit up, and Xiao Xiaoqi immediately stopped crying.

"Of course." Xiao Jingyao pinched Xiao Xiaoqi's face and said.

"Wait, I'll go find out!" After putting down Xiao Xiaoqi, Xiao Jingyao stretched out a hand towards Xiao Jinghan, palm facing up.

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Xiao Jinghan rolled her eyes, took out the ingot of silver from her pocket and put it in Xiao Jingyao's hand.

Xiao Jingyao happily took it, reached out and patted Xiao Jinghan's shoulder before striding toward the village.

Brothers Xiao Xiaoqi and Xiao Jinghan were waiting at the entrance of the village. They waited for nearly an hour before they saw him staggering out of the village.

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Xiao Xiaoqi: "..."

"Drink, keep drinking!" Xiao Jingyao's face turned red, and the road he walked turned into an S-line. Not only that, he kept shouting while walking.

Xiao Jinghan's head was covered with black lines.

Now that I'm drunk like this, I'm asking if the information I got from you is accurate enough?
Xiao Jinghan had no choice but to step forward and help him.

"Fifth Uncle, please slow down!"

"I'm not drunk, I can keep drinking. Come on, come on, after this drink, there are still three more, um..."

After finally helping the person onto the carriage, Xiao Jinghan was so tired that he was sweating profusely.

"Master, go back!" Xiao Jinghan ordered.

"Okay, sit tight." The driver shouted and left with the carriage.

As soon as they drove out of the village, they saw the man who was drunk and unconscious just now. He suddenly sat up, with a red cheek, and said seriously: "I guessed it right, your father doesn't like that at all. Of green flowers.”

"If it weren't for that child, your father would have left long ago."

"I heard that your father and that woman seem to be inseparable!"

" don't have to worry!"

After hearing this, the brothers were not too happy.

This undoubtedly confirmed that the child was their biological brother, and that their father still cared about the child very much.

"What? Are you unhappy?" Seeing Xiao Xiaoqi pouting and looking unhappy, Xiao Jingyao smiled and pinched his smooth little face before continuing: "There is a family in this village. They, like your father and others, fled from northern Fujian!"

"It is said that your father's son is not his biological son. Of course, this has not been confirmed! The woman insisted that he is your father's! It's just that the child looks neither like your father nor his mother, so that's why There would be people who would be so suspicious.”

"A lot of people used to say that when your dad was crazy and stupid, but now that your dad has gotten better, he is very popular among people when he is looking for a job outside. Gradually, fewer people say this, and in the end it was because of you. Dad also took others out to work, so over time, people in this village respected him."

"As for the little one, she was spoiled by her mother!"

"So, that child may be your father's child!"

After hearing this, Xiao Jinghan and his brothers finally looked better.

"He is definitely not my father's biological child." Xiao Xiaoqi squeezed her little fist and said fiercely.

He wouldn't have a brother like that, it's so annoying!
"Whether it is your biological child or not, let Ran Ran know clearly at a glance, but... I am afraid that woman will not admit it so easily, not to mention that it should be a fact that she saved your father. If it is not handled well, our Xiao family is afraid You want to be blamed." Xiao Jingyao said.

"What good idea does fifth uncle have?" Xiao Jinghan asked impatiently.

"Well, of course there is a way, but... it's best to wait until your father wakes up... you should take good care of your mother these days!" "By the way, it's best not to get up after returning to the house. conflict."

"Especially Xiao Qi!"

Xiao Xiaoqi pouted and said, "If he doesn't cause trouble for me, I won't pay attention to him!"

Hearing these almost angry words, Xiao Jingyao laughed, rubbed his little head, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Hmm... sleepy! Call me when we arrive."

Xiao Jingyao yawned loudly. He seemed to be really sleepy or drunk. He fell asleep shortly after falling down.

Rejuvenation Hall.

When Xiaonuituanzi woke up, it was almost dinner time.

As soon as she got up, she went to the room where Xiao Jingren was.

"Third aunt!???"

Seeing Wang Wanqing sleeping next to Xiao Jingren's bed, the little girl stepped forward in confusion.

After calling her several times but getting no response, Xiaonuituanzi realized that Wang Wanqing's face was flushed, and it was obvious that she had a high fever.

Seeing this, Xiao Naituanzi hurriedly went downstairs and called the boy downstairs up, and then carried him to the room on the side.

After giving Wang Wanqing acupuncture and giving her medicine, Jin Ling came over.

"Mother, third aunt fainted."

The little breasted dumpling said crisply, with worry on her face.


Jin Ling looked at Wang Wanqing lying down, sighed, and rubbed the soft hair of Xiao Tuanzi, "Your third aunt is tired from taking care of your third uncle!"


Xiao Naituanzi shook his head and said, "Third aunt is obviously depressed."

Jin Ling: "..."

Little dolls are not easy to fool!

I finally got news about my husband, only to find out that he already has another woman and child. It would be weird if I didn’t feel depressed!
"There are some things you still don't understand. After your third uncle wakes up, maybe your third uncle will be fine!" Jin Ling said.


The little girl with big breasts blinked her big eyes in confusion.

"Yeah." Jin Ling nodded and changed the subject, "Are you hungry? Mom brought you delicious food, eat something first!"

As soon as he talked about food, the little breast dumpling's attention was immediately attracted. His little head was growing little by little, which was particularly cute!

"Ran Ran, when will your third uncle wake up? I heard that your third uncle was seriously injured before and became a fool. Will this affect his recovery?" Jin Ling was worried. asked.


The little girl thought about it carefully and then shook her head, "It's not very clear now! I showed it to the third uncle. There was a big blood clot in the third uncle's head! Although the third uncle hurt his chest this time , but he lost a lot of blood, and the blood in his head will naturally move!"

"So, until Third Uncle's father wakes up, everything is unknown!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Wang Wanqing's weak voice sounded from the other side of the bed, "I just hope he can live. Ran Ran is my third uncle, please, I must save your third uncle!"

"You are still very weak. What are you doing up? Lie down!"

Seeing her sitting up, Jin Ling hurriedly got up and walked over!
(End of this chapter)

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