Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 309 This is not what happened when you tricked Sister Qingqiu!

Chapter 309 This is not what happened when you tricked Sister Qingqiu!
"Sister-in-law, I'm fine!" Wang Wanqing shook her head, but her eyes were looking straight in the direction of the little breast dumpling.

"You even fainted and you still said you're fine? I heard Mr. Xu said that the third brother had a high fever, and you worked hard all night and didn't sleep! You won't be able to bear it even if you have a tough body!" Jin Ling's face was filled with distress. said.


"Mother is right. Don't worry, Third Aunt. Ranran will cure Third Uncle! But Third Aunt must be obedient and have a good rest! Third Aunt is sick, and Ranran's here will be painful. "

As the little breasted dumpling spoke, he pointed at the position of his heart with his chubby little finger.

"Third aunt likes Ran Ran so much, so she won't make Ran Ran feel bad for her, right?"

Wang Wanqing: "..."

"What Ran Ran is saying is, stop worrying about it! Listen to us and take good care of your body first. You are in the room next to the third child. If he makes any movement, you can also listen. You can see it.”

Jin Ling persuaded her while putting a pillow behind her to make her sleep more comfortable.

"Besides, I will stay here tonight, and Ran Ran will not go back yet, so the third brother and sister should be reassured!"

Hearing this, Wang Wanqing's eyes turned red with emotion, "Thank you, thank you sister-in-law. If it hadn't been for you and mother over the years, I wouldn't have known how I would have lived my life!"

"Idiot, we are a family, what are you talking about?" Jin Ling glanced at her and wiped her tears with a handkerchief, "What you said is not treating us as a family! From now on! If you say such things again, I will be angry."

"it is good!"

Wang Wanqing nodded with a smile.

"By the way, that mother and son..."

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Wanqing still asked and looked at Lai Jinling doubtfully.

"Don't worry. Although the mother and son are temporarily living in the Xiao family, if they are not recognized, they will be nothing in our hearts. Third brother and sister, let me remind you that if you go back, you should harden your heart. Don’t be soft-hearted.”

"Otherwise, that mother and son won't be able to ride on your head!"

"The mother and son started acting like monsters as soon as they entered Xiao's house today. The child named Lin'er bumped into Lao Wu's hand and was taught a lesson by Lao Wu."

Wang Wanqing: "..."

"By the way, I don't believe everything that the woman said yesterday. Mom has already asked Lao Wu to investigate, and Lao San and Xiao Qi should also go!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Jingyao's somewhat off-key voice sounded at the door.

"I heard my two sisters-in-law praising me from afar!"

Jin Ling: "..."

Wang Wanqing: "..."

"Chicken legs! So delicious~"

The little girl who was eating rice smelled the aroma of chicken drumsticks as soon as they entered the room. Her eyes suddenly lit up. She jumped off the stool and rushed towards Xiao Xiaoqi.

“Bought specially for my sister~”

Xiao Xiaoqi saw the smiling face of the little breasted dumpling, and she also started laughing.

When he saw his sister smiling, he felt that all his unhappiness had disappeared.

"Thank you, Brother Xiaoqi!"

The little girl thanked him softly, and then kissed him on the cheek.

Being kissed like this by Xiao Xiaoqi's face showed a silly smile!

When we first met, my sister also loved to kiss him, but every time her uncle and fourth uncle saw her, she always had to teach him a lesson, so Xiaotai Tuanzi never kissed him anymore.

He decided not to wash his face for the next few days!
Hee hee... The little breasted dumpling was happily eating chicken drumsticks. Over there, Xiao Jinghan had already told Jin Ling and Wang Wanqing what they had found out in Dashan Village.

"It's thanks to my fifth uncle that I was able to find out about this this time." Xiao Jinghan said without forgetting to praise Xiao Jingyao.

Xiao Jingyao, who was sitting opposite the little breast dumplings, was a little sleepy. Hearing these words, he sobered up a little and said funnyly: "Now you don't blame me for cheating you?"

"Don't dare!"

Xiao Jinghan waved her hands hurriedly.

This time he paid for it willingly.

If it hadn't been for Uncle Wu's intervention, he and Xiao Qi wouldn't have been able to find out so much information.

"Although I'm a little bit greedy, young master, I still understand the principle of a gentleman's love for money and the right way to get it! I don't even make a penny, but it's all worth it! Hiccup..."

When the little girl heard what he said, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "That's not what you did when you tricked my sister Qingqiu!"


Xiao Jingyao: "..."

little girl!
If you don't dismantle him, he will die!

Xiao Jingyao didn't want to reply to her words, so he burped and pretended to be dead.

Over there, Jinling fell into deep thought after listening to Xiao Jinghan's words.

Wang Wanqing raised a nice eyebrow, and after a while she said, "We met the mother and son when we were in my shop the day before yesterday. That day, the child wanted to hit Xiao Qi with a kick, but Ran Ran was taught a lesson."

"Then the child made a noise, and the woman came. She wanted us to pay compensation, both inside and outside."

"Not only that, in order to blackmail us, she also said that the ball was given to the child by her deceased husband... So could the child really be the child of someone else?" Wang Wanqing said.

In her opinion, no one would make fun of their husband's life or death.

Although this possibility is very small, what if?
After all, she still hopes that her husband will be the only one for her from beginning to end, right?
"Mom, you are too kind to think so!" Xiao Jinghan said.

In his opinion, that woman was a vain woman, and she could tell lies so easily that she didn't even need to go through her brain.

What can't that kind of woman do to extort money?


Wang Wanqing wanted to say something else, but Jin Ling said: "I don't know whether what she said at that time was true or false. When the time comes, we will find a way to have both ends and blow her up."

"If that child is really the third child, he will never be allowed to be with that woman again in the future."

"If not, then it would be easier to deal with it! We, the Xiao family, who are wise, will give their mother and son a decent treatment because she has taken care of the third child for many years. If she persists and stalks her, then don't It’s our fault that we don’t show any mercy.”

"If she is really smart, I believe she will make the right choice."

"Not bad!" Xiao Jinghan nodded in agreement, held Wang Wanqing's hand and said, "Mom, just relax and don't think too much about anything! Leave the rest to us."

"it is good."

Wang Wanqing nodded.

That night, Jin Ling and Xiao Nai Tuanzi stayed at the village hall.

Xiao Jingren's side was fine that night, and there were still faint signs of waking up at twilight hours the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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