Chapter 310 Xiao Jingyao wakes up

"Fourth brother, run quickly, fourth brother..."

Listening to the nonsense he said, Xiao Jingzhe, who had just arrived at the medical clinic, had a frown on his face, and a slight trace of anger rose in his eyes.

Only those who have experienced it personally know how dangerous the Battle of Northern Xinjiang was back then.

If the third brother hadn't thrown him out and diverted the pursuers by himself, he wouldn't have survived that battle.

"Third brother, wake up, wake up!"

"I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Xiao Jingzhe grabbed one of his hands to restrain his emotions and called him in a low voice.

But Xiao Jingren, who was lying on the bed, seemed to be in a nightmare and couldn't extricate himself at all.

Wang Wanqing wiped her tears secretly and said with a distressed face: "He kept mumbling these words when he had a fever the night before yesterday!"

While saying this, he reached out and touched Xiao Jingren's forehead.

"It's not burning!"

"Third Aunt, let me take a look!"

As soon as the little breasted dumpling got up from the bed, she heard the noise here and ran in hurriedly.

When Wang Wanqing and Xiao Jingzhe saw her coming, they quickly made way.

The little girl's little hand gently touched Xiao Jingren's wrist, then took out a few silver needles and inserted them into several large acupuncture points on his head.

However, after a short while, Xiao Jingren calmed down, but there was a layer of fine beads of sweat on his forehead, and his eyebrows were tightly locked.

Wang Wanqing and Xiao Jingzhe watched nervously from the side.

And just after the silver needle of the little breast dumpling was taken off, Xiao Jingren's eyes opened.

"Aren!" Wang Wanqing looked at his opened eyes and cried with joy.

"Third Brother!"

Xiao Jingzhe also called out, as if something was stuck in his throat, causing him to choke.

"Hello, third uncle, I'm Ran Ran." A big smile appeared on the face of the little breast dumpling, and he waved his little hand towards Xiao Jingren like a lucky cat.

Compared to the moods of Wang Wanqing and Xiao Jingzhe, she seemed much more relaxed and happy.


When Xiao Jingren woke up, he saw three faces that were unfamiliar to him. He couldn't help being startled. In excitement, he moved his body and touched the wound. The pain made him gasp.

"Aren, are you okay?"

Wang Wanqing took a step forward and wanted to check his wounds, but he dodged him.

"who are you?"

Xiao Jingren looked at their strange faces, and his eyes looked at them defensively.

Although Wang Wanqing had long been prepared in her heart that he would not remember her when he woke up, but listening to his cold words and defensive movements to avoid him, she could not help but feel her heart being stung. .

"Third brother, I am the fourth child!" Xiao Jingzhe said, "Didn't you keep calling me to run in your dream? I am the fourth child in your dream!"

"Fourth? Are you the fourth?"

Xiao Jingren looked at Xiao Jingzhe in confusion. After sizing him up a few times, he couldn't help but frown.


The tingling feeling coming from his brain made him very uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but hit his head with his hand. "No, I am Amu, I...I know you."

"I don't know you..."

Seeing this, Wang Wanqing's eyes became even redder. She wanted to reach out and grab his hand to stop him from doing this again, but she was afraid that it would irritate him even more, so she had to swallow back all her emotions.

"No, you just don't remember what happened in the past. Your name is Xiao Jingren. You are the third eldest child in our family. You were once a general. The person next to me is your wife Ming Yuan is marrying. Her name is Wanqing!"

Xiao Jingzhe didn't have so many scruples and told the matter in one go.


Xiao Jingren murmured the name and looked at Wang Wanqing's watery eyes, and his heart couldn't help but tremble.

An inexplicable clarity overflowed from the bottom of his heart, making his heart feel uncomfortable.

" can you prove that what you said is true?"

"Back then, my Xiao family army was framed and was defeated in Northern Xinjiang and was almost wiped out. You risked your life just to save me, and finally disappeared on the battlefield. But I know that before you disappeared, you had a lot of pain in your waist and abdomen. There has been a stab wound at the location, and if nothing unexpected happens, there will be scars.”

"In addition, you also have many large and small scars on your body, which are all left by you on the battlefield. These cannot be faked."

"Besides, you are just an ordinary citizen now, and there is nothing about you worth deceiving."

After the words fell, Xiao Jingzhe stopped talking, and Xiao Jingren also fell into silence.

For a long time, when everyone was silent, Xiaotai Tuanzi puffed up his little face and said, "Brother Xiao Qi looks a lot like my uncle. Maybe Third Uncle will know when he sees Brother Xiao Qi!"

Hearing these sweet words, Xiao Jingren's eyes moved again and looked at Wang Wanqing.

Although he felt that Wang Wanqing was a bit strange, he, who had always hated being close to women, didn't seem to have much repulsion towards her.

On the contrary, seeing tears in her eyes, he actually felt distressed.

Wang Wanqing saw him looking at her, as if asking who Xiao Qi was, so she spoke softly, "Xiao Qi is our son. He is over six years old. He was not born when you left. You also have an older son." My son is the third among the younger generation, his name is Jinghan, he is just over sixteen."

After listening, Xiao Jingren fell into silence again.

But those eyes were full of confusion.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xiao Jingzhe thought for a moment and said, "Let's go out first and let the third brother have some peace and quiet."


Wang Wanqing glanced at Xiao Jingren with some reluctance, nodded slightly, and walked out.

The little girl followed up with a clatter, put her little hand into Wang Wanqing's hand, and said softly: "Third aunt's hands are so soft, Ran Ran likes to be held by third aunt!"

Wang Wanqing paused and looked down at Xiao Naituanzi's sweet smile, feeling slightly warm in her heart.

This little girl acts like a little adult sometimes.

"Since Ran Ran likes to hold Third Aunt's hand, then let's hold her hand."

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi smiled sweetly.

When Xiao Jingren saw the two of them walking out, he looked at their backs with some reluctance.

"I know you still have many questions in your mind, and you won't completely believe our words, but I hope that the third brother will not do anything to hurt the third sister-in-law before he remembers the past."

"When the news of your death came back, the third sister-in-law happened to be giving birth to Xiaoqi, and she almost didn't make it through."

"In recent years, I have been taking care of Xiaoqi by myself!"

"By the way, your current wife has taken your son to Xiao's house. You were in a coma for two days, and you came here only the night before yesterday. You were still causing trouble in the medical center, trying to make the medical center pay compensation."

(End of this chapter)

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