Chapter 318 Xiao Jingzhe’s plan

Xiao Jingzhe said one word calmly.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Isn't it too arbitrary for you to make such a judgment based on just an eagle?" Xiao Jingyao said in disbelief.

That eagle was specially trained by Xiaoyao Sect and cost a lot of money.

Just because he is more convenient and faster than pigeons.

But in the eyes of the fourth child, why did it become evidence that exposed his relationship with King Li?
"Of course I wouldn't make such a guess based on just one eagle. First, the same eagle has appeared in the same place where the Xiao family and King Li have appeared in the capital. Second, with your temper, I won't say I’d like to know more, but I still know a little about your habit of making friends.”

"Third, you hid from us that you knew martial arts, and you were injured. You were smart last time, and what you said was half-truths and half-falsehoods, but you were able to escape from Ye Zhengyong. If no one helped you, In your words, it’s basically impossible.”

"Fourthly, Ye Zhengyong wrongfully accused my Xiao family. His ruthlessness would not give us any chance to breathe. However, there were such big flaws in the important evidence that brought down our Xiao family. I had That’s what I was thinking about, but you hid it so well.”

"Based on the above four points, I guess it is more likely that it is him. Coupled with your trust in us, you will admit it if I blow you up casually."

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Xiao Jingxuan: "..."

"All right!"

After hearing this, Xiao Jingyao raised his hand in admiration towards Xiao Jingzhe, and then stood up.

He was struck and wanted to go back and die.

As soon as he left, Xiao Jingxuan asked: "How much can you trust this King Li?"

"He sent his only son to our Xiao family without any intention of surrender!"

"Even if I don't expose this matter today, Lao Wu will explain it himself soon."

"So we might as well trust the royal family again!"


Xiao Jingxuan nodded, then rubbed his brows and said: "Here at the Yamen, the new county magistrate has arrived, and he happens to be from Yonglin. I asked Zhang Hu to investigate. He is Lin Xiang's student."

"But the good news is that Mrs. Xu Sanniang's husband has gone to the underworld of Wu Zhifu!"

Xiao Jingzhe thought for a while and said: "Since the county magistrate is someone else's, then the position of chief registrar must be ours. For this might as well go find Mr. Wen."

"Yeah." Xiao Jingxuan nodded slightly after hearing this.

"The Li family has donated a lot of money to the free school. With the Li family's presence, those who want to make small moves behind the scenes should restrain themselves."

Hearing this, Xiao Jingzhe smiled and said, "Maybe it's time to marry off the fifth child."

Xiao Jingxuanhan glanced at him, there was something he didn't know whether to say or not.

You've been a bachelor for ten thousand years, don't you feel guilty when you say this?

My daughter-in-law is...

Sigh... forget it, if I talk too much, the fourth child will fall into self-blame and pain again.

"Is there any action from the Lin family?" Xiao Jingzhe asked.

Xiao Jingxuan shook his head, "Since the last period, the Lin family seems to have shrunk. It's nothing special! Could it be that we thought wrong?"

"If you can let your niece seduce Lao Wu, if you say there is no intention, I won't believe it!"

Xiao Jingzhe always felt that something was wrong with Lin Xiang, but he hadn't noticed what was wrong yet. But since he had disturbed his snake, how could he give up until he caught the prey?
The next day, when Xiao Naituanzi went to the front hall to have breakfast, he saw Lin Cuihua, mother and son.

When the naughty kid named Lin'er saw the little breast dumpling, his little body clearly shrank.Hehe~
When the little girl saw this, she bared her teeth at him.

"Sister, come and sit here, brother!" Xiao Xiaoqi was in a good mood, waving to Little Nipple Dumpling with a smile.

The little girl looked at his big dark circles and her brows furrowed.

"Brother Xiao Qi, did you go fight monsters yesterday?" Xiao Naituanzi asked.


Xiao Xiaoqi didn't understand what a monster was, so she smiled innocently, and whispered in her ear: "I endorsed books last night, and I memorized a lot of them!"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

When she heard the word book, her whole body resisted.

Although I have learned a lot of characters from Xiao Xiaoqi, if I want her to write...

Forget it, just mentioning it brings tears of sadness.

"Hmph, so what if you carry more? Daddy only likes me, not you!" said the naughty kid over there with disdain.

The smile on Xiao Xiaoqi's face suddenly faded, "Nonsense, I am daddy's child, daddy must like it! But you... you don't know where you came from, a wild child!"

"Wow! I'm not a wild child, I'm not!" The naughty child burst into tears upon hearing this.

"Little Seventh Young Master, did your mother teach you to say this? If you don't like us, just say it directly, why do you have to say it like this? Lin'er is your brother, your biological brother!" Lin Cuihua stood up and shouted loudly.

She said what your mother taught you very seriously, so that all the servants outside would listen.

"No, he is not my brother. The youngest brother in our family is Xiaoba from the second uncle's family. Who is he?" Xiao Xiaoqi was not to be outdone, and raised his neck and said loudly.

If his grandmother hadn't persuaded him to let him, he wouldn't have let him!
He must be beaten until he has teeth all over the floor.

"Little Seven!"

Xiao Jinghan, who was also sitting next to him, called him with a straight face and motioned him to calm down with his eyes.

"elder brother!"

Xiao Xiaoqi was a little unconvinced and snorted, not wanting to pay attention to him.

"Xiao Qi is the most polite child. Why should we shout loudly with those rude and uncultured people? It will appear that we have no style. After all, if the dog bites you, will you bite it back?" Xiao Jinghan advised.


Xiao Xiaoqi laughed instantly when he heard this, raised his neck and gave the naughty kid a provocative look.

Even though Lin Cuihua didn't understand anything, she could tell that Xiao Jinghan was trying to persuade Xiao Xiaoqi on the surface, but in fact he was calling them dogs.

"Third Young Master, you called us dogs, then who are you?" Lin Cuihua said sharply.

Xiao Jinghan didn't even bother to say anything to her. He reached out and took a big meat bun for Xiao Naituanzi, "Ran Ran, eat this, it's delicious!"

"Yeah, thank you third brother!"

The little breast dumplings were soft and glutinous as they thanked her.

Xiao Jinghan smiled cheerfully and rubbed her little head.

Lin Cuihua was ignored: "..."

She was going to explode!
"Wow~, I want to eat meat buns too, I want to eat too!" The naughty kid started crying immediately when he saw this.

(End of this chapter)

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