Chapter 319 Xiao Jinghan’s test and warning

"Don't cry, don't cry! I'll give it to you, mother!" Lin Cuihua felt as if her heart was about to break, and hurriedly handed over the meat buns in front of her.

"No! I don't want yours, I want hers!" said the naughty kid, pointing at the small breast dumpling.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Xiao Xiaoqi & Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Lin Cuihua looked at Ran Ran, and just as she was about to speak, she saw Xiao Naituanzi stuffing the meat buns in front of her into her mouth in one bite, and took two bites.

"Do you want it? Do you want me to spit it out for you?" The little breasted dumpling smiled so hard at the naughty kid that he couldn't even see his eyes. The expression on his face was that he wanted to be beaten.

Don't think she didn't hear it, this woman just said bad things about her third aunt!

There's no way you can snatch his meat buns!
After eating, Xiao Naituanzi took the other untouched breakfast items on the table to him and ate them in big gulps.

Lin Cuihua mother and son: "..."

"Wow! Mom, I want it too! I want it too!"

Seeing this, the naughty child cried even louder, jumped off the stool, and then sat on the ground and rolled around!

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Xiao Jinghan & Xiao Xiaoqi: "..."

Such a scene really amazed them!

Xiao Xiaoqi thought to herself, if he did this, his weak mother would have to beat his ass with a feather duster!
But look what Lin Cuihua did!

The child she was holding in her arms started crying and howling along with her, calling out "Mother's little sweetheart" one after another.

"Cry, cry, cry. If you cry again, believe it or not, I will beat you!"

The little girl raised her little fist, threatening her fiercely.

"You little girl, what are you talking about? You are so young, why are you so evil? Lin'er is your brother, and he only eats food in one bite. Can you finish eating so much by yourself? ?”

"I heard that you were a child picked up by the Xiao family. Sure enough, you were a little bitch who had a mother but not a mother and was spoiled outside!"

"Shut up! I don't allow you to talk about my sister!"

Xiao Xiaoqi couldn't help it anymore. He clenched his little fists and stood on the stool, his eyes full of anger.

Xiao Jinghan's face also turned cold.

They couldn't bear to say a word about the little girl they loved so much, what she was!How dare you bully her!
"How dare you say something nonsense again? Ranran is my aunt's daughter, the daughter of our Xiao family! She is a serious young lady of the Xiao family and the benefactor of our Xiao family. Even my father is Ran Ran rescued her!"

"What qualifications do you, a woman who is nothing, have to say anything about her?"

"What's wrong with her eating something? She can eat whatever she likes!"

"Besides, don't you have those things in front of you? I, the Xiao family, have missed yours? You are eating what is in your own bowl and thinking about what is in other people's bowls! What kind of bad habit is this!?"

"You! You..."

Lin Cuihua was so angry that she sat down and said, "Oh, my God~ Well..."

She just shouted something, and the little breast dumpling pinched her hands, shutting up the clamoring mother and son.

"Brother Xiao Qi, Brother Three, eat it!"

The little breasted dumpling brought breakfast to his two brothers with a smile.

"Well, eat!"

Xiao Xiaoqi immediately smiled, what her sister brought was delicious.

The mother and son sitting on the ground looked at the three people, their faces livid with anger, but at this time they were more afraid.

Watching in horror as the little breasted dumpling ate everything he got, he was even more shocked that his jaw almost dropped. " full!"

The little breast dumpling had eaten and drank enough, and jumped down from the stool, touching her round belly with a satisfied look on her face.

After finishing eating, the three of them were ready to go out. Before going out, Xiaonuituanzi pinched her hands again.

As soon as the restriction was lifted, she heard Lin Cuihua muttering: "He's just a loser, but I'm a brother who can carry on the family line!"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."


Xiao Jinghan, who had already left the door, stepped back when he heard this.

"As a reminder, there are not many others in our Xiao family, only the boy you say can carry on the family line! In your heart, your son is a treasure, and in the hearts of our Xiao family, the daughter is a treasure. Otherwise, you can try to go to grandma Try filing a complaint there?"


Lin Cuihua was stunned and did not dare to say anything more.

That girl doll is very evil!

Seeing this, Xiao Jinghan laughed, "Also... you'd better make sure that your child, who doesn't look like my father and doesn't look like yourself, is my father's son, otherwise... I, the Xiao family, will definitely treat you well." Taste what it feels like to deceive people.”


For some reason, the child in front of her was clearly smiling, but it made her feel cold for no reason.

He... what does he mean?
Did they know something?
Do not!
No one knows about the child except her!
They can't possibly know!

"I...if it wasn't for me, your father would have died a long time ago! You should thank me! You..." Lin Cuihua stammered with her eyes widened, but even this could not hide her panicked look.


Xiao Jinghan laughed meaningfully, then turned and left.

Judging from Lin Cuihua's reaction, he was basically sure that her son was not his father's son, but what he couldn't figure out was how a vain woman like Lin Cuihua saved his father.

After walking out the door, Xiao Naituanzi said, "That nasty guy has no affinity with Brother Three or Brother Xiaoqi!"

Xiao Jinghan: "As expected!"

"Hmph! I'm going to tell my father and mother about this!" Xiao Xiaoqi said happily.

"Xiao Qi, just tell your mother about this. Don't talk to your father for now. We have no evidence. If the woman refuses to admit it, there is nothing we can do to her! And it is a fact that she saved her father!"

"If you say this rashly, I'm afraid she will bite you back and say that our Xiao family is ungrateful. It took a lot of effort for our uncle and fourth uncle to let our Xiao family gain a foothold in Yonglin. We can't damage Xiao because of such a trivial matter. The reputation of the family.”

"oh oh!"

The little girl nodded her head in confusion.

Anyway, as long as his mother won't be sad about this, it'll be fine~
Soon a few people arrived at Huichun Hall.

As soon as they went up to the second floor, they saw Xu Yan standing at the entrance of the stairs with a silly smile.

"Brother Xu, are you... collecting money?" Xiao Naituanzi asked with confusion on his face.

"Hey, it's you guys who are here!" Xu Yan seemed to have just seen them, the smile on his face was as bright as the flowers, "What's the fun in picking up silver?"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Xiao Jinghan & Xiao Xiaoqi: "..."

"Then what did you pick up?" Xiao Xiaoqi asked curiously.

"Look at that look, I guess he picked up his wife!" Xiao Jinghan raised his eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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