Chapter 320 Everything comes true

Hearing Xiao Jinghan's words, Xu Yan giggled even harder, reached out and patted his shoulder, coughed twice and said: "The time is set in half a year, and I must come to the wedding banquet then!"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

He really wanted to say what the hell is going on?

"It's done?"

Xiao Jinghan asked in disbelief.

When I saw him two days ago, he looked confused. How long had it been?Are you about to get a wife?Is it a little too fast?
"It depends on Ran Ran. After I heard what I said yesterday, I went to exchange for a few boxes of gold! Hehe~ Then we talked about it. Originally we wanted to do it as soon as possible, but you also know Pingting He was injured and needs a good rest and recuperation.”

When Xu Yan said this, his face was filled with a happy smile, and you could tell that he meant it sincerely.

"Congratulations." Xiao Jinghan cupped her hands and gave her heartfelt blessing.

"Thank you, brother!" Xu Yan accepted the blessing with a smile.

"Brother Xu, don't forget what you promised me, and there's also a big red envelope from Ran Ran!" Little Nipple Tuanzi reminded him with a smile on his head.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, I can't lose anyone's without yours! My old man has already prepared it for you!" Xu Yan said angrily.

"Then Ran Ran can rest assured!" Xiao Naituanzi said happily.

Seeing her ghostly appearance, Xu Yan shook his head helplessly.

This little girl is obviously richer than anyone else, but everyone loves to make money.

"You guys go and see Uncle Xiao. I'll go back and get ready!" Xu Yan said.

The old man is no longer in Yonglin these days, so he needs to do the marriage proposal himself.

It would be better for him to do the marriage himself.

"Well, let's go!" Xiao Jinghan said.

Seeing Xu Yan happily going downstairs, Xiao Jinghan said with a smile: "Brother Xu Yan is a few years younger than our fifth uncle. He is about to get a wife. I don't know when our fifth uncle will be able to get married."

The little girl sighed helplessly and said softly, "It's hard to marry a guy who doesn't care about himself~"

"Ah Choo, Ah Choo~"

Xiao Jingyao, who was doing errands outside, felt that his nose was itchy for no reason, and he sneezed twice for no reason.

Some little girl must be thinking about him again!

After all, he is so handsome and charming.

In the house, when Xiao Jingren saw his two sons for the first time, his mood was very complicated. Especially when he looked at the younger son's face that was too similar to his own, his heart suddenly trembled.

For a while, he didn't know what to say.

In other words, he was not ready to meet these two children yet.

The relationship between Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Jingren's father and son was not too deep, but it still existed. After entering the door, he called daddy in a polite manner, and then asked about some of his mother's physical conditions.

Wang Wanqing couldn't help but feel funny when she saw her son's suddenly serious look.

He was obviously still nervous, but he pretended to be calm.

But even though she knew the awkwardness in her eldest son's heart, Wang Wanqing didn't expose him, and followed his words and replied: "Don't worry, my mother is in good health, she'll be fine!"

"That's good!" Xiao Jinghan nodded slightly and stood there as a wooden stake.

Xiao Xiaoqi's eyes seemed to be glued to Xiao Jingren's body from the moment he entered the room, spinning around non-stop.

Xiao Jingren was waiting for him to speak, but he just didn't speak.

Xiao Jinghan couldn't stand it anymore and pushed him, "Aren't you going to endorse your father? Why are you so indifferent?"

"oh oh!"

Xiao Xiaoqi nodded his little head, then tilted his little head and said with confusion: "Didn't you say that dad has forgotten what happened in the past? Then does dad still remember what books he read?"

"Since dad doesn't remember it, does dad know whether what I memorized is right or wrong?" "Well..."

"I was afraid that Daddy would misunderstand me and mock him for being uneducated!"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Wang Wanqing: "..."

"Hahaha!" Xiao Jingren was inexplicably amused by his words and couldn't help laughing.


Seeing her father smiling happily, Xiao Xiaoqi also giggled along with him.

"Good boy!" Xiao Jingren looked at his son's tiger-like appearance and reached out to rub his head.

One look at this child made him want to get close to him.

Xiao Xiaoqi could feel that her father liked her, so she smiled even happier.

Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but said sourly, "I don't know who it was, but he stayed up until midnight last night and kept endorsing it!"

"elder brother!"

When Xiao Xiaoqi heard this, he glared at him with an angry look, pouted and said sheepishly: "Aren't you so happy to see dad? You've forgotten all the things you carried~ Why did you say it? I don’t want to lose face?”

Everyone: "..."

Xiao Jinghan: He didn’t say anything, okay!
The little milk dumpling eating on the side: Brother Xiaoqi is so stupid!

After such an interruption, the atmosphere in the room became much more lively.

The conversation between father and son also became much more relaxed.

After chatting for a while, Wang Wanqing went downstairs to make medicine for Xiao Jingren.

When the little girl saw that it was almost time, she also walked over and put her chubby little hand on his wrist.

Xiao Jingren's hand paused and he touched the small breast dumpling in surprise.

Xiao Xiaoqi said with a smile: "Dad, sister Ranran is very powerful. Not only can she help people with medical treatment, she can also perform very powerful martial arts!"


Xiao Jingren couldn't believe it.

The little breasted dumpling smiled in a rare and modest manner, and said softly: "It's just so so~"

When Xiao Jingren looked at such a well-behaved little meat dumpling, it was really hard to imagine how powerful a little guy like her was.

After Xiao Naituanzi took his pulse, he let Xiao Jinghan help him lie down.

Xiao Jingren was still a little confused when he saw that his eldest son had followed Xiao Nai Tuanzi's instructions and asked him to lie down. Then he saw Xiao Nai Tuanzi taking out some silver needles from somewhere. Before he could react, Then he stuck one in his head.

Xiao Jingren subconsciously became nervous.

Xiaonuituanzi's little brows immediately frowned.

"Dad, don't be nervous, Ran Ran's medical skills are even inferior to Dr. Xu of this medical clinic." Xiao Jinghan said.

"Well... that's right, there was also the fourth uncle's leg, which was all cured by sister Ranran. Dad, don't you know that sister Ranran caught a lot of bugs and a lot of poisonous snakes, and put the fourth uncle in Just cook it in the pot, and just like that, Uncle Fourth’s legs will be fine!”

Xiao Jingren: "..."

Xiao Jinghan: "..." Are you sure this is comfort?Look at the look in your father's eyes, does he want to stab you?

Little milk dumpling: "..."

She finally understood the specific meaning of the phrase "It's terrible to be uneducated!"

It's probably like Brother Xiaoqi.

(End of this chapter)

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