Chapter 321 Fairy Ganoderma Appears

After giving Xiao Jingren the injection, Xiao Jingren suddenly felt that his brain was much more relaxed, and his whole body seemed to be much clearer.

He looked at the little breast dumpling with some surprise.

"Ranran, who did you learn your medical skills from? After you gave me the injection, I felt a lot better instantly! Even my eyes felt a little brighter." Xiao Jingren said excitedly.

"I learned from my master." Xiao Naituanzi replied, then took a box of medicine and handed it to Xiao Jingren, "Third uncle, take this, just take one pill every day~"

Xiao Jingren reached out to take it, put it away, and asked impatiently: "Ran Ran, do you have a way to help me quickly recover my memory?"

"Well... yes, there is, but... it will take some time!"

Xiaotai Tuanzi hesitated for a while and said.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingren was not very disappointed and nodded slightly.

Wang Wanqing was about to come in when she happened to hear these words, "Husband, don't be too anxious. Let's take it slow. I believe you will recover soon. If there is anything you want to know, feel free to ask. We are."

"Ask me, ask me!"

After Wang Wanqing finished speaking, Xiao Xiaoqi said from the side.

Seeing his appearance, Xiao Jingren laughed out loud again.

If his wife and son were always by his side and lived such a happy life, it wouldn't matter whether he could remember those times in the past, but...

Thinking of Lin Cuihua and his other son, he was eager to remember what happened to him back then!
"Okay, let me ask you!" Xiao Jingren smiled.

Xiao Jinghan stayed in the medical center for a while and then left. Now that he is helping to supervise the affairs of the free school, he needs to watch carefully.

After Xiao Naituanzi had lunch at the hospital, she planned to visit Min's house again.

As she was preparing to go, her eyes suddenly lit up, and there was a vague aura floating between her nose.

This spiritual energy was very pure, which surprised her.

Following the place where the spiritual energy spread, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly walked to the door of a drug store.

By chance, a man who looked like a scholar in simple clothes was pushed out by the boy inside. He stumbled and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Hey, what the hell? Our medical clinic is not a place that collects waste. How dare you say that a black thing is Ganoderma? Is it blinding you?"

The young man sneered, then threw up his sleeves and left.

The scholar slowly got up from the ground, looking at the dark "Ganoderma lucidum" on the ground and feeling a little discouraged. When he saw that no one was looking at him, his face turned red with embarrassment.

He picked up the "Ganoderma lucidum" on the ground and patted it, then blew the ash on it with his mouth, and then carefully prepared to put it away.

"Little brother, I want to buy the Ganoderma lucidum in your hand!" Xiao Naituanzi walked up with a smile and stopped in front of the scholar.

The scholar lowered his head and saw a cute little dumpling with soft and glutinous breasts. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Little girl, this thing about me..."

"I have money!"

The scholar was about to say that his thing might really be an ordinary thing, but he was interrupted by the little breast dumpling.

"Brother, do you have enough money?" Xiao Nai Tuanzi handed out ten silver notes worth one hundred taels, which immediately attracted the attention of many people. Even the doctors in the medical clinic came out.

The scholar couldn't help but take a breath when he looked at the banknotes, and a look of extreme confusion appeared on his face.

He really needs money now, but...

"Little girl, do you know what this is? You..."

The scholar felt that he needed to make this matter clear. He could not lie to a child, otherwise his conscience would be troubled. But as soon as he asked, he was interrupted by the childish words of Xiaotai Dumpling.

"I know, this is Ganoderma lucidum! I just want to buy Ganoderma lucidum!" After Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, someone next to him said: "Little girl, don't be fooled. The doctors at this medical center said this is not Ganoderma lucidum. !”

"That's right, whose little girl is this? She's really stupid and has too much money."

"Even so, I don't know who allowed a little baby to hold so much money in his hands!"


The scholar heard the conversation of the people beside him and couldn't help but said: "Little girl, this may not be Ganoderma lucidum. If you want to buy Ganoderma lucidum, you should buy it elsewhere!"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

What she has is money. Why can’t she buy something she wants?

Xiao Naituanzi blinked her big innocent eyes and said, "But what you have is Ganoderma lucidum. I don't want other Ganoderma lucidum, I just want the one in your hand!"

Other Ganoderma lucidum is not like this Ganoderma lucidum and exudes a spiritual energy.

And smelling the richness of the aura, I'm afraid it's the one she wants!

"Little girl, if you want to buy Ganoderma lucidum, we have a thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum in our shop. His Ganoderma lucidum is fake. Although it looks real on the surface, it is actually fake. Whose Ganoderma lucidum is so black? Yes!"

The doctor from the medical center also stood up and said.

"Yes, yes!" Many people around him nodded in agreement, trying to persuade Xiao Naitanzi.

Some people even started to accuse the scholar, saying that he was selling fake goods and deceiving people!
The denunciations grew louder and louder, constantly lingering around Xiao Naituanzi and the scholar.

The small breasts are covered with black lines.

The scholar's face was flushed, and he really wanted to bury his head in the ground.

"Let let, let let!"

At this time, I saw two well-dressed men, Young Master, pushing their way in from the crowd.

When the little girl saw these two people, her eyes lit up and she was about to call someone when she heard the younger one say: "Who is selling fake goods here?"

"It's him, this scholar. He looks like a dog, but he didn't expect that he would dare to lie to a child."

"That's right, this kind of person should be locked up in a dungeon."

Scholar: "..."

"I didn't, I didn't sell fakes! Isn't it okay if I don't sell them? You...just let me go!"

The scholar said that he was about to push aside the crowd and escape from here.


At this moment, Xiao Naituanzi and one of the young masters grabbed the scholar's sleeves from left to right and spoke in unison.

"Selling fake medicine, come to the Yamen with me."

"Little brother, you can't leave, I want your Ganoderma lucidum!"

After saying that, Xiao Naituanzi and the young master looked at each other.

The little girl curled her lips. This little brother was carrying a piano on his back. He looked similar to his mother, so he must be her fourth brother Xiao Jingrui.


My mother and father both have good brains, so why do I feel like this fourth brother’s brain is not so good?
How can you just listen to what others say and do whatever you want?

(End of this chapter)

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