Chapter 322 The eldest brother and the fourth brother!
While Xiao Jingrui was sizing up Xiao Jingrui, Xiao Jingrui was also sizing up Xiao Naituanzi.

Looking at the small face of Xiaonuituanzi, Xiao Jingrui felt as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

When the little girl saw him looking at her face, she thought he recognized her. She pinched her breasts deliberately and winked at him.

Xiao Jingrui frowned, and then persuaded her earnestly:

"Little girl, where are your parents? Why did you come out alone? Do you know that it is very dangerous to be like this? And you have so many banknotes on you. Don't take them out easily. Don't expose your wealth to others. Do you know?"

Listening to Xiao Jingrui's respectful teachings, Xiao Naituanzi felt like a flock of crows were flying overhead.

After he finished speaking, he said to his elder brother Xiao Jingyan: "Brother, take this little girl with you and go back to the Yamen first and then help her find her parents."

"I don't know which parent is so irresponsible. A little baby is running around on the street, and he is not afraid of attracting thieves with so much money! When I see those parents, I will give them a good lecture. OK."

Little milk dumpling: "..."

She just wants to see which one is daddy and mommy's feather duster, or the fourth brother's butt that is thicker in the end!
But now that there are so many people here, she really doesn't like Ganoderma, so she might as well just listen to her fourth brother and go to the Yamen first!

I just have to work hard for this little scholar brother first, and I have to be scared first!

Just as Xiaotuanzi was thinking this, she heard her eldest brother Xiao Jingyan, who had been silent but staring at her, suddenly asked, "Ran Ran?"

Xiao Tuanzi’s eyes lit up, it turned out that there were some smart ones among the brothers~
"Hehe~ Hello, big brother, I am Ran Ran!" The little girl raised her little head and showed a soft and cute smile to Xiao Jingyan.

Xiao Jingyan's heart skipped a beat when she looked at such a naughty little girl.

After a moment of silence, the face that looked exactly like Xiao Jingxuan slowly showed a smile.

The little girl looked at her elder brother's stiff smile: "..."

Could it be that the eldest brother hasn’t even learned to laugh?

The little breasted dumpling thought this way, bulging her little face and blinking her big eyes, looking at Xiao Jingyan with doubt.


Brother, please stop laughing!Weird!

"Do you need a hug... a hug?" Xiao Jingyan asked uncomfortably. When he came to the word "hug", he added a special refrain in order to make his tone less stiff.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Seeing the fourth brother Xiao Jingrui who had already led the scholar away and left them behind, Xiao Naituanzi wanted to say: "Brother, do you need my sister to fly with you?"

In order not to scare the only eldest brother who looked smart, Xiao Naituanzi smiled and took the initiative to put her little hand in his big hand.

"No need, brother, just hold my hand and go!" Xiao Naituanzi said sweetly.


The moment her little hand was put into Xiao Jingyan's big hand, Xiao Jingyan's body suddenly stiffened, and the expression on his face seemed to be contaminated with something disgusting!

He is born with...

Don't have too much contact with others. Once you have contact, you will feel uncomfortable all over!


It seemed that the uncomfortable feeling suddenly disappeared when he looked at Xiao Naituanzi's clear and innocent eyes!

This feeling made him a little novel and a little surprised!
He subconsciously squeezed the small hand of the little breast dumpling and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing his pleasure, "Let's go!"

"Look how your fourth brother teaches your father and mother!"

The little breasted dumpling laughed and asked, "Big brother, do you think it's the fourth brother's butt that's harder or the feather duster in my mother's hand that's harder?" "Pfft!"

Xiao Jingyan raised her eyebrows slightly, thought about it carefully and said, "They are probably just as hard!"

"By the way, what was that scholar... in his hand just now???" Xiao Jingyan asked curiously.

He knew that this sister was different, but... the doctor at the medical center seemed to be an old doctor with decades of medical experience.

Since the old doctor said it was not Ganoderma lucidum, but this sister came to buy it with 1000 taels of silver, so he was curious about what it was!
"That's Ganoderma lucidum! But... the old man at the medical clinic just now didn't know his stuff!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

Fortunately, I went out today, otherwise this once-in-a-thousand-year-old fairy lingzhi would have been thrown into a corner!
Is it really Ganoderma?

Xiao Jingyan was still dubious when he heard this.

He had heard too many things about how powerful this sister was, but he still didn't believe it since he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

"Yeah!" Seeing that he didn't seem to believe it, Xiao Naituanzi chuckled, "How about I make a bet with big brother?"

Xiao Jingyan: "..."

"What are you gambling?"

"Hmm... thirty... how about fifty big chicken drumsticks?" Xiao Tuanzi licked his lips, like a greedy little cat.

Xiao Jingyan: "..."

Can such a small body and small belly eat so much?
But looking at her determined look, Xiao Jingyan thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "Okay, let's bet!"

"Big brother promised this himself, don't lie!"

"A true man keeps his word and admits defeat!" Xiao Jingyan said righteously, holding her neck high.

The little breasted dumpling puffed up his cheeks and muttered: "Uncle Five is not like that!"

Xiao Jingyan: "..."

It seems that the fifth uncle is still the same careless person as before. He just doesn't know if his martial arts has improved!
Don't ask him how he knew that his fifth uncle knew martial arts. It was an accident.

But just when he was about to tell his parents, his fifth uncle tricked him!
I just hope this matter never gets revealed!

Otherwise, his ass is not as thick as the fourth brother’s ass!
When Xiao Jinyan and Xiao Naituanzi arrived at the Yamen, Xiao Jingrui had already drank a pot of tea!
Sitting next to him were Jin Ling and Xiao Jingxuan.

Xiao Jingxuan still had no big expression as always, and he didn't seem to have much expression on his son whom he hadn't seen for several years, even...

Seeing his son occupying his wife as soon as he came back, the expression on his face was still very disgusting!

"Father, mother, I'm back!"

As soon as the little breasted dumpling arrived at the door, he shouted into the room, and then he threw himself into Xiao Jingxuan's arms like a little cannonball.

Xiao Jingxuan immediately picked up her round little body, and gently scraped the tip of his nose with his fingers.

"Where did you go? How did you come back with big brother?"

Xiao Jingxuan's gentle tone almost shocked the jaws of Xiao Jingyan brothers!
But what surprised Xiao Jingrui even more was...

The little girl called Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling father and mother! ! !
When I think of what I just said in front of my father and mother when I came back, that I should educate them well...

He suddenly felt that his butt hurt so much! ! !

Just as I was thinking about it, I felt a pain in my ears!
(End of this chapter)

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