Chapter 324 Chu Yihe

"Since you are short of money, then sell it to me~" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said a little puzzled.

If it had been anyone else, I'd probably have wanted to take the banknote and leave immediately!
This little brother is so strange~
"I...I am short of money, but...I can't lose my conscience!" Chu Yihe had a firm look on his brows. Although there was struggle in his eyes, his tone was very sure.

He has lost a lot, and he doesn't want to lose what little conscience he has left!
If so, what is the difference between him and the beasts?
"So, little sister! Sorry!"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

"Well... this little brother is so complicated. He has to be conscientious when selling Ganoderma lucidum. If the fifth uncle was standing in front of him, he would probably raise the price and kill her, the little fat sheep that came to his door! "

Xiao Jingyao, who was wandering on the street, suddenly felt his ears burning!
"Little brother, yours is Ganoderma lucidum. If you don't believe me, take it out and I'll let you see it!"

The little breasted dumpling had no choice but to say this.

Finally came across the fairy Ganoderma lucidum, don’t miss it!

She won't take it unless absolutely necessary~
She is a cute and reasonable little fairy, and she would not do such dishonorable things!
"Mr. Chu, take it out and let me see it!" Xiao Jingxuan also spoke.

"This..." Chu Yihe hesitated for a moment and nodded, "Okay then!"

He took down the backpack he was carrying, first rummaged around inside, then took out two books inside, and then took out the Ganoderma lucidum!

Chu Yihe handed over Ganoderma lucidum with both hands, then rearranged his books and put them into the backpack again.

On the side, Xiao Jingxuan accidentally glanced at Chu Yihe's two books and raised his eyes.

Xiaotuanzi took the dark and gray Ganoderma lucidum from his hand.

Seeing the spiritual energy coming out of it, Xiaotiaoduanzi couldn't help but put it under the wing of his nose and took a deep breath.


So comfortable!

Immediately, he saw her chubby little hands pinching randomly, and with a "swish", she headed towards the Ganoderma lucidum.

This seemingly inadvertent movement was like a gust of wind.

And in the blink of an eye, a surprising scene happened in front of everyone's eyes.

I saw a layer of black powder falling on the originally dark and dark Ganoderma lucidum.

The little breasted dumpling puffed up the fat on his face, took a deep breath and blew towards the Ganoderma lucidum. The remaining powder on the Ganoderma lucidum fell to the ground, revealing the true face of the Ganoderma lucidum.

"This this……"

Chu Yihe was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

You must know that he wiped the black layer on top with a handkerchief, but... no matter how he wiped it, he couldn't wipe it off, but now...

The roots of this Ganoderma lucidum are thick and the color is purple-red. It looks like a Ganoderma lucidum that has been around for a long time!
"Hey, little brother, this is a Ganoderma lucidum, sell it to me!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile, regardless of the shock in his eyes.

"In that case, give it to my little sister!" Chu Yihe said.This Ganoderma lucidum...if this little naughty dumpling hadn't taken a fancy to it and accidentally ended up at the county government office, he would have turned around and thrown it away!
"No way~ I'm a polite kid, and robbing other people's things is immoral~" Xiao Naituanzi said in a sweet voice.

And it will also shorten her life span!
The little brother’s three courts and five eyes are all quite plump, but his parents’ palace has collapsed. At first glance, he looks like he is a pitiful little boy because his parents died early!

Although she is young, she does not cheat good people~
"Ran Ran is right. Since you found this Ganoderma lucidum, it is yours! If we just keep it like this, we will be afraid that people will say that our Xiao family bullied others and robbed it!"

"Since you are short of money, young master, and we, Ran Ran, also want that Ganoderma lucidum very much, how about we buy it at the market price?"

"This Ganoderma lucidum looks very old and is worth a lot of money. Why don't you give me a price, young master!?"

Jin Ling looked at Chu Yihe and said slowly.

"This..." Chu Yihe struggled for a while and said boldly: "In that case, let's just follow what the madam said, but the price... is it only 200 taels?"

In his mind, 200 taels is already a lot of silver. Now he only needs 20 taels as a betrothal gift, and he can spend the remaining silver for a long time!
Little milk dumpling: "..."

When she was given 1000 taels of silver before, she felt that she had taken advantage of it, and she thought she could bargain for it, but this little brother was too honest!

This fairy Ganoderma is a priceless treasure. If it is refined into a high-grade elixir, it will probably cause a sensation~
The rest of the Xiao family were speechless when they heard this. If they met other people, they would probably kill him severely!

Xiao Naituanzi took out two silver notes worth ten thousand taels directly from his pocket and stuffed them into Chu Yihe's hands!

"I'll give you the money, but the Ganoderma lucidum belongs to me! Let's settle the matter!" After Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, he secretly stuffed the Ganoderma lucidum into his pocket, for fear of being snatched away by others.

Chu Yihe looked at the 2 taels of silver notes in his hand and felt that his head went blank and his soul seemed to have been separated from his body. He was so shocked that he could not recover for a long time.

After a long time, he said with trembling hands: "This, this, this..."

"You deserve this, put it away properly!" Xiao Jingxuan said.

"Yes, the ordinary century-old Ganoderma lucidum costs 500 taels, the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum costs 5000 taels, and the good-colored Ganoderma lucidum costs tens of thousands taels! You can see that your Ganoderma lucidum is quite old at first glance, and the color is also good. I'll sell it to you. 2 taels is considered reasonable!”

Jin Ling doesn’t know much about fairy Ganoderma, but based on ordinary Ganoderma, these words are reasonable!
And since this can be used to refine elixirs to cleanse the essence and cut the marrow, no one will lose 2 taels!
"Yeah, mother is right, little brother, please keep the money~" Xiao Naituanzi said.

In fact, 2 taels is still a big deal~
But she has already added a lot to the price she quoted!

The little girl rolled her eyes, then tilted her head and reminded, "Master said that there are times in life that must come, but there are no times in life. Don't force it. My brother's marriage has not come yet, so don't force it~"

Hearing this, Chu Yihe's heart trembled, and he looked at the glutinous little breast dumpling in front of him in disbelief!
How did she know that he...

"My little brother has no father or mother and is miserable all his life. After passing the current difficulties, he will get better and better in the future~"

"Also... if little brother encounters any difficulties, you can come to my dad~ My dad is a good official! Hehe... we will meet again~"

Until Chu Yihe walked out of the county government gate, Xiao Naituanzi's words were still lingering in his mind!
For some reason he felt like she knew something!
Thinking about it, he shook his head with a wry smile. If he hadn't still held 2 taels of silver notes in his hand, he might have thought that what he experienced today was a dream!

After leaving the Yamen, he went to the bank, deposited most of the banknotes, and exchanged some small-denomination banknotes and broken silver before heading towards his home.

(End of this chapter)

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